9th Oct 2018Tuesday class (The buddha and his teaching)

Bro Teoh’s 2nd Oct 2018 Tuesday class

Bro Teoh’s 25th Sept 2018 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our 25th Sept 2018 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all:

*If you missed Bro Teoh’s Tue Talk on 25 Sept, you can download at:*
https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Tue-180925.mp3  or at:


Outline short notes audio linkhttps://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Short-Notes-Teoh-Tues-180925.pdf

Website: broteoh.com 

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Teoh Kian Koon <teohkiankoon@hotmail.com></teohkiankoon@hotmail.com>
Sent: 28 September 2018 07:13
Subject: Re: 25 September 2018 Tuesday Class outline Short Notes

Dearest Soo Yee and all,

Below and attached are the edited outline short notes for sharing by all:

Brother Teoh’s 25 September 2018 Tuesday Class outline Short Notes 

Book Reference: The Buddha and His Teachings – The Working of Kamma (Chapter 20, Page 376) 

1.       10 meritorious deeds in everyday life (kusala kamma):

  • Generosity / Giving (dāna),
  • Morality / Keeping precepts/virtue (sīla),
  • Meditation / training the mind to be in full awareness (bhāvanā)
  • Reverential Salutation / Paying due respect to those who are worthy of it (apacāyana),
  • Service / Helping others perform good deeds (veyyāvacca).
  • Transference of merit (pattidāna),
  • Rejoicing in others’ good actions (anumodanā),
  • Hearing the doctrine (dhamma savana),
  • Expounding the doctrine/truth (dhammadesanā) and
  • Straightening one’s own views (ditthijjukamma).

2.       important factors wholesome to have while performing meritorious deeds:

  • Done with joy throughout or at all time – before, during and after (Somanassa-sahagatam)
  • done with wisdom (Naya-sampayuttam)
  • unprompted/spontaneous (Asankharikam)

3.       Briefly run through of 5 jhanic factors, 5 Rūpa­Jhānas and 4 Arūpa Jhānas from the text.
4.       [— Recording time 1:36:16 —]

Question: Sister Han asked about how can one navigate between wholesome and unwholesome karma (when one is still not skilful) in the context of counselling andhelping others?  

Answer: When one is not skilful (without clear understanding/wisdom), do not be too eager to help or share:

  • Beware of the over-eagerness to help
    – usually this desire/craving to help others comes from your ego
    – it is self-delusion that can condition this type of karma
  • Beware of giving due to pity: – usually end up being a good-hearted-fool. The wise one only helps when there is condition to help. Done with understanding following conditions, not forced or motivated by one’s emotion.
  • Be honest, sincere, and upright (to avoid unnecessary karma):
  • If you are not sure then just be sincere and say you do not know. But if you still want to advice then you can say, ‘basing on my understanding now, I belief the meaning of the teaching is ……’ or “This advice may not be suitable for all, but from my experience and current understanding, I feel for you what may help is……”
  • Don’t carelessly quote what others say; especially when you are unsure/without clear comprehension of the subject matter.

5.       In this condition world/existential world, one must accord and flow with wisdomthose conditions that arise :

  • When the supporting conditions are not present (e.g. timing is not right or there is no condition) then do not
    forcefully impose your views, advice, or help (especially when the party you want to help is not willing to listen).
  • The below rather important Diamond sutra’s 4 lines stanza should be clearly comprehended:









All are conditioned dharma (within the conditioned world)

They are like dreams, illusions, bubbles and shadows;

Like dew-drops and a lightning flash;

You should contemplate it thus.


(Above outline short notes draft was prepared by Sis. Soo Yee)

Bye! and with metta always,


Bro Teoh’s 18th Sept 2018 Tuesday class sharing

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links and outline short notes link to our 18th Sept Thursday class recording for sharing by all.

Audio linkshttps://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Tue-180918.mp3

or at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/expoke0svauo4nn/Teoh%20Tue%20180918.MP3?dl=0

Outline short notes link:


Shared with Dropbox

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Teoh Kian Koon <teohkiankoon@hotmail.com></teohkiankoon@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: 18 September 2018 Tuesday Class outline short notes

Dearest Soo Yee and all,

Enclose below are the edited short notes for sharing by all:

Brother Teoh’s 18th September 2018 Tuesday Class outline Short Notes 

Book Reference: The Buddha and His Teachings – The Working of Karma (Chapter 20, Page 367) 

  1. Creation of negative Karma – the 10 evils often committed by a heedless person are : 

 [Via  Actions]

1.   killing (pānātipāta)



2.   stealing (adinnādāna)



3.   sexual misconduct (kāmesu  micchācāra)



[Via Speeches ]

4.   lying (musāvāda)

e.g. Deceitful, Dishonest, Two-faced


5.   slandering (pisunavācā)

e.g. Insult, Vilify, back biting


6.   harsh speech (pharusavāca)

e.g. Vindictive, Hurtful and strongly worded speeches, Threatening


7.   frivolous speech (samphappalāpa)

e.g. Irresponsible words, Instigative


[Via Thoughts ]


8.   covetous and selfish thoughts(abhijjhā)


e.g. Possessiveness, Desire, Lust


9.   ill-will or anger and hatred (vyāpāda)

e.g. Spite, Enmity, Malice, Cruel


10. false or deluded view (micchā ditthi)

e.g. Crooked, Misleading, Biased, Denial

  1.  Recording time 1:09:25 


On the topic of killing, Sis Chwee asked whether the definition of “a living being” is characterised by having a cognitive mind.



Plants also have consciousness (mono), exhibit sensitivity and responds to environment (e.g. experience suffering). However, in this context, “a living being” refers to beings that breathe, i.e. having a life force. Note: the word “pānā” from the word pānātipāta and Ānāpānā sati.

2 Recording time 1:17:38 


On the 5 conditions necessary to complete the evil act of killing, Bro Chin How asked regarding the scenario of “having only the intention to kill, but the actual action to kill was performed by someone else”.



The precept here is not ‘thou shall not kill’ but is ‘I undertake the training rule to abstain from killing.’ So a heedless person with the mental intention to kill, inadvertently develops the actions of killing (e.g. instigate or hiring someone else to kill) born of his negativity of mind state also commits the act of killing even though the killing was done by others. For mental intention (cetena) can leads to Karma.                     If you can kill, it means you don’t have love and compassion. Only an evil, deluded and selfish person kills.

 3. Recording time 1:29:15   


Sis Chwee shares her experience regarding how she finds it very difficult to deal with the tiny ants at her home, and she just had to apologetically get rid of them.   



  • Bro Teoh advises her to cultivate Mindfulness leading to wisdom, thereby enabling her to develop the sensitivity towards all life forms via consciously nurturing LOVE and COMPASSION borne of WISDOM (the understanding to choose kindness, wholesomeness and virtues over karmic negativity);
  • Our untrained mind is heedless due to our years of accumulatedgreed, hatred, fear and delusion; this heedlessness leads tokarmic negativity. In order to de-condition/de-program this heedless outflow of negative mental intentions via our habitual tendencies and heedless reactions to sense experiences we need to cultivate the four foundation of mindfulness leading to heedfulness to arise the wisdom (yoniso manasikara) needed for us to straighten our views.
    E.g. with kayanupassana, the moment a physical (or kaya) movement begins or arise (e.g. the intention leading to the action to kill), you will become aware and able to discern clearly to arise the choice not to kill; hence a wise and mindful person will not be able to violate the precept of killing.

 Short discussion regarding birth as a lady or a female by all; reason for such birth and its pros and cons. Also why some of our Kalyanamittas choose to remain as single ladies this life. For more detail please do listen to the full recording. The discussion was led by Bro Teoh after sister PG’s comment on her disagreeing with what the text said regarding female birth.

 4. Recording time 1:54:03 


Sis PG shares her observation of counter dependent karmic roles. That is since these victims have karmic conditioning or potential from their previous lives to be afflicted so why not just let it be?  


Karmic potential need conditions for its fruition or arising. A victim being hurt by another, does not necessarily mean the victim has previously hurt that other person. In fact, it is often someone elsealtogether. Dependent on the different conditions that arise, everybody may encounters karma in varying manner. Likewise, when there is no condition, nothing happens to that person. This means if you have the dharma understanding to avoid the conditions for negative karma to arise then those karmic potential may not ripen.

 5. Recording time 2:11:10 


Sis Chwee shares her observation that 99.99% of sales people often talk rubbish and they lied.


If the salesperson had first verified that it is indeed a good andbeneficial product, then sales become a profession where there is no need to lie to do well. The usefulness of the product is most important and sincerity of approach during sale will bring in the sale. Not the commission. This is what right livelihood is all about.

 > If you are truthful and sincere, you will have less condition to commit negativity of karma. But more importantly, you need wisdom to balance truthfulness because even if you are truthful, but with a tainted/biased (selfish) mental intention, you are still prone/tempted to creating negative karma. 

 (Above outline short notes draft was prepared by Sis. Soo Yee)

Bye! and with metta always,


Bro Teoh’s 11th Sept Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the outline short notes and audio links to our 11th Sept 2018 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all:

Outline short notes link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Short-Notes-Teoh-Tue-180911.pdf

Bro Teoh’s Tues class Sep 11, you can download at below audio links:


or at:

Teoh Tue 180911.MP3


Shared with Dropbox

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Teoh Kian Koon <teohkiankoon@hotmail.com></teohkiankoon@hotmail.com>
Sent: 17 September 2018 03:41
Subject: Re: 11th September 2018 Tuesday Talk outline Short Notes

Dearest Soo Yee and  all,

Thank you for your below very good outline short notes and I am please to forward herewith the slightly edited outline short notes for sharing by all.

Brother Teoh’s  11th  September 2018 Tuesday Talk outline Short Notes

Book Reference: The Buddha and His Teachings – The Working of Kamma (Chapter 20, Page 360)

    1. Bhavanga – is a life continuum or mind stream. A type of consciousnessbelow the threshold of sense consciousness, that just flows like a continuous undercurrent when there is no intruding sense activity (i.e. impinging sense data like sound/vibration to trigger off the hearing consciousness).
      1. Unimpinged – Past Bhavanga (Atīta Bhavanga)
      2. Impinging – Vibrating Bhavanga (Bhavanga Calana)


  • When we rest/sleep the mind performs a clear-out leading to recuperation of mind:
  • Built-up (or accumulated) fear, phobias and scars of memory are released through our subconscious and unconscious states to bring about order to the mind;
    1. Dreams are an example of such releases.


  1. When the Bhavanga stream of consciousness is arrested/Impinged (Bhavanga Upaccheda):
    1. Sense-door consciousness (Āvajjana) steer towards the sense data/object
    2. Sense consciousness (Panca Viññāna) arises
      – e.g. visual consciousness (cakkhuviññāna) arises which sees the object
    3. followed by a moment of the sense object’s reception (sampaticchana)
    4. the investigating thought-moment (santīrana) examines the perceived object
      – the process of knowing the object; relating to memory / learning / past experiences
    5. followed by the determining thought-moment (votthapana) when discrimination is exercised and freewill may play its part:

      – with wise attention (yonisomanasikāra), it becomes moral,
      – with unwise attention (ayonisomanasikāra), it becomes immoral

    6. Javana/stages of the determining thought-moments decide the nature of Karma:
      – all these thought-moments are similar, but the potential force differs.
      – if it occur in the 1st thought moment then if there is no condition for its fruition in this present life then the karmic potential will cease to be after that life.
      – if it occur on the 7th thought moment then if there is no condition for its fruition in the present life and the next life then the karmic potential will cease to be after that.
      – if it occur between 2nd – 6th determining thought moments then its karmic potential is forever present.
    7. This entire thought-process, which takes place in an infinitesimal fraction of time, ends with the registering consciousness (tadālambana) lasting for 2 thought-moments.
      – a single thought-process is completed at the expiration of 17 thought moments.
      – this process is multi-dimensional (e.g. multiple thought-processes, all at different stages happening very fast and some may not even complete the 17 thought moments but continue to spawn off new thought-processes in between depending on condition.)
  2. Sis Alicia asked whether these 17 thought moments are similar to the 8 types of consciousness. Brother Teoh answered no but said that they are related. The 17 thought moments if fully completed will form a thought process and depending on the mental intention associated with that thought process the type of consciousness will be classified accordingly.
  3. Bro Teoh recommends to the class kalyanamittas to read ahead of the next class in order to have more active participation during the next Tuesday class discussion.
  4. Have gratitude for what you have (e.g. a healthy form and mind) and able to make use of what you have to the fullest, to cultivate wisdom, compassion and mindfulness is true blessing and understanding to live life.

Bro Teoh’s 4th Sept 2018 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our 4th Sept 2018 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all. Also enclose below is the outline short notes link for sharing by all:


Brother Teoh Tuesday Class dated 04/09/2018 recording :


or at:


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Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 28th August 2018

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our 28th August 2018 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all. Also attached are the outline short notes.

Brother Teoh’s 29 August 2018 Tuesday Talk outline Short Notes

  1. Review of 9 Aug outline short notes prepared by Sister Phey Yuen.
  2. Sister Padmasuri was full of joy after hearing the Yunnan spiritual trip’s reports from Kalyanamittas in previous classes on how it had benefitted them and also how it had turned out so beautifully. She recollects the occasions when her thoughts projection lead to proliferation of her fears (during landslides, bad weather, etc) and anxieties (when encountering unfamiliar rites and rituals). She then shares her realisation that without those wrong thoughts, those negativities are immediately unfounded and she was able to return to experiencing the beautiful Yunnan nature within its vicinity.
  3. Discussion on importance and significance of straightening our views to inculcate wholesome right thoughts, to challenge our rigid belief systems, formed through society’s conditioning via investigating within to develop the understanding.
  4. Bro Teoh expanded on the topic regarding rites and rituals, with examples of differing views and opinions (all seemingly logical debates from each person’s standpoint). Then he recaps the following reminders to kalyanamittas:

a.  Faith not born of understanding is blind faith.

b.  Faith born of understanding is unshakable.

c. Without understanding one is force to just belief or accept what is being told.

5. Expression of gratitude to Mr. Er for his good itinerary suggestions leading to the wonderful and unhindered visits to so many rather meaningful and beautiful temples with good energy, especially those in Dali region, which still preserves the Buddha teachings.

6. Sharing of real life experiences that reveal to the true cultivators, the profound workings of nature and karmic forces. How with understanding leading to the right cultivation that resulted in nature’s rather favourable conditions unfolding all the way leading to such beautiful and wonderful spiritual trip that was like meant to be.

7. Sister Padmasuri wraps up by remarking that the planning for every of our spiritual trips (5 thus far) are all very unique experiences because they are all very different. It is not applicable to leverage considerations / decisions from past trips. Each and every decision needed was made in accordance to conditions that arise during the progression of the trip via understanding, leading to each and every unpredictable journey also unfolding beautifully; like everything just falling into places. Have faith and just trust your beautiful nature developed via right (true) understanding.

(Above outline short notes draft was prepared by Sis. Soo Yee)

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sis Hui Rong

Brother Teoh Tuesday class on 28/08/2018 record :


or at:




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Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 21st August 2018

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our 21st August 2018 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all. The outline short notes link is as below:


Brother Teoh’s 21st August 2018 Tuesday Class outline Short Notes

  1. Bro. Song’s recent spiritual trip sharing on his special encounter while visiting the temple at Shui Mu Shan. Brother Teoh rejoice with his good new understanding now. That is after understanding that whatever happened in meditation (no matter how wonderful and beautiful or unique those experiences may be) they are just conditioned states of mind and if it does not brings about wisdom and understanding or awakening then it is of not much use. So don’t cling otherwise ‘mana’ or minor conceit will arise.


2.   Bro. Teoh summarised what Kalyanamittas were able to learn from their recent spiritual trip to China:   

  • How to break free from the 2nd fetter (attachment to rites and rituals) that binds living beings to samsara
  • How to breaking free of the 9th fetter (minor conceit or mana) that binds beings to samsara.
  • How the 7 factors of enlightenment is to be developed and cultivatedvia following the following sequence of cultivation:

Sati > Dhamma Vicaya > Viriya > Piti > Passadhi > Samadhi > Upekkha. That is with a stable daily Mindfulness (sati) established leading to > Dhamma Investigation. When the dhamma stands up to investigation > faith and Spiritual Zeal (viriya) arise leading to > Spiritual Joy (piti) > Stillness and tranquillity of mind (passadhi) leading to > Collected & unwavering mind(Samadhi) leading to > wisdom (borne of the direct seeing) thereby arising the last factor of enlightenment of Equanimity of mental formations borne of wisdom.

3.       3. There are 2 types of mind:

a. Mundane or Thinking mind is impermanent because it is dependent originating and condition arising. It is basically thoughts triggered by Ignorance or Avijja. They are thoughts that containing the 3 evil roots of Greed, Hatred and Delusion and the 5 mental hindrances and they arise following the law of dependent origination or the 12 links as shown below:

Avijja paccaya-> Sankhara -> Vinnanam -> Name Rupa -> Salayatana -> Phassa -> Vedana -> Tanha -> Upadana -> Bhava -> Jati -> Jaramarana …… [That is dependent on Ignorance arises -> Mental Activities -> mental Consciousness -> 5 mental aggregates of Form and Mind -> 6 Sense Bases -> Contact -> Feeling -> Craving -> Grasping -> Becoming -> Birth -> whole mass of suffering.]

b. True mind is the Silent mind, the Meditative mind that is just aware and without thought.  When the mundane mind does not arise (or when the thinking mind slows down and cease) the True mind (which is always there) will surface. Within the true mind there is only peace, clarity, awareness, stillness and tranquillity or Passadhi which is the 5th enlightenment factor. When Passadhi is stabilised it leads to > Samadhi.

  • The True mind in passadhi and Samadhi can lead to Direct seeing and awakening > giving rise to the initial wisdom needed for the upekkha enlightenment factors to arise.


       4. Sis. Alicia’s shared her progress on cultivation of awareness and mindfulness. Her initial wisdom came mainly from the 2nd turning of the Four Noble Truths which she developed via constant contemplation, reflection and inquiry on the essential dhamma as taught by the Buddha. Brother Teoh advise her to continue to develop the daily mindfulness until it is very stable to realise the 3rd turning wisdom which is more stable. 


    5. Bro. Teoh emphasises the importance of cultivating Kayanupassana daily mindfulness until it is very stable before moving on to Vedananupassana and Cittanupassana, otherwise it is just thought based meditation i.e. thought trying to watch another thought. 

6. The sentence on “After overcoming covetousness and grief...” – as stated in the Satipatthana sutta clearly indicate to us the prerequisite of cultivating the initial wisdom borne of Kayanupassama (of the 4 foundations of mindfulness) to overcome covetousness and grief  in this world before going into  vedananuppasana, cittanupasanna and dhammanupassana. 


       7. The 6 categories of Kayanupassana practices are as follows:


    1. Mindfulness of the in and out breath (Anapanasati) – to establish mindfulness or sati (1st factor of enlightenment;


    2. Mindfulness of 4 postures – to establish daily mindfulness on the 4 postures first;


    3. Clear comprehension and mindfulness (Sati Sampajanna) of all actions and movements in the present moment – to establish a very stable daily mindfulness leading to the initial wisdom;


    4. Mindfulness of the 4 elements – to overcome form delusion;


    5. Mindfulness of the 32 parts of the human body – to overcome sakkayaditthi (self-delusion);


    6. Mindfulness of the 9 stages of cemetery decomposition – to overcome lust for pretty form via understanding that when the form is devoid of consciousness it goes the way of nature.

(Above outline short notes draft was prepared by Sis. Soo Yee)

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sister Hui Rong
Brother Teoh Tuesday Class on 21/08/2018 record :
or at:
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