Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 19th June 2018 recording

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last Tuesday class dated 19th June 2018’s recording for sharing by all. The outline short notes as prepared by Sister Yoon Chun are as below:

Outline short notes for our Tuesday class dated 19th June 2018

  1. discussion session on Law of kamma was held where the following topics were discussed :
  • Cause of Inequality in life resulting from the effects of kamma.
  • Even children or siblings or twins with similar DNA live different lifestyles and have different characters and personality.
  • Bro Fong asked: can kamma be created without intention? He sighted a Mahayana case of an incident that occured to Nagajuna as an example of indirect effect of kamma.
  • Sis Chwee commented on the wrongs committed by certain politicians who seems to have escaped the effect of Kamma vipaka.
  • Sis Alicia asked how can Buddhists avoid/overcome the kammic effect of killing ants and termites to prevent damage to property and for cleanliness. Bro Teoh gave 3 important and useful advices to overcome the above.
  • Direct and indirect kamma.

2. Bro Teoh explained the great complexities of Kamma and emphasized the importanceof acting with right and appropriate wholesome mental intention. The key to understanding the effect of kamma depends entirely on understanding one’s mental intention behind. Hence one’s mental intention is most important because according to the Buddha ‘it is mental volition or intention that he calls kamma’.

  • The following five conditions are necessary to complete the evil of killing :     i. there must be a living being, ii. knowledge that it is a living being, iii. intention of killing, iv. effort to kill, and v. consequent death.
Bye! and with metta always,

From: Sister Hui Rong
Brother Teoh Tuesday Class on 19/06/2018 record :
or at:
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Bro Teoh’s Sunday class dated 17th June 2018

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last Sunday 17th June 2018 recording for sharing by all. The outline short notes are as below:

Outline short notes for lesson 76 of the 6th Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra dated 17th June 2018 – Chapter X Final Instructions (Pages 383-385):

  1. Bro Teoh does a recap over the outline short notes dated 27th May 2018. Thisshort notes are very important because it summarizes to us all the understanding needed for cultivation.
  2. To understand meditation, one should start from the mind, i.e. investigate what this mind is. To understand the 2 aspects of mind, the silent/true mind and the mundane mind. The silent mind does not need sense data to function and isindependent of thoughts and conditions. The mundane mind is the opposite, it is dependent origination and it requires sense data and other related conditions to function.
  3. When the mundane mind is active, one cannot see the silent mind because one is lost in thoughts. When the mundane mind ceases, the silent mind will manifest.
  4. Mundane mind is the forerunner of all things. Through the mundane mind, wholesome and unwholesome thoughts arise, depending on one’s understanding and delusion.
  5. Consciousness and its content = Thoughts. Mental formation or activities (sankhara) that arise due to stirring of the mind clouds the silent mind.
  6. The N8FP cultivation is to develop right views (or wisdom) to remove all creationsof mind borne of wrong view to make the mind still so that one is always aware in the midst of life to arise the wisdom needed to realize the supra mundane mind (after the mundane mind ceases).
  7. Right view is very important because it leads to right understanding to enable one to cultivate correctly.
  8. Take care of Karma by avoiding all evils via keeping one’s precepts. Understand clearly what constitute evil then apply the 4 right efforts and cultivate mindfulness to constantly purify one’s mind.
  9. When the true mind arise, there is clarity and calmness. One is then able to see things as they are to awaken to the Truth without the interference of thoughts.
  10. When there is no duality, there is no creation of wholesome and unwholesome. Then there is no unwholesomeness to get rid of or any need to practice letting go or non-attachment.
  11. Duality: when this arise, that arise. When this ceases, that ceases.
  12. Observe to see clearly that everything within the condition world is dependent origination.
  13. When one attaches to words like non-duality, emptiness, practice letting go, non-attachment, etc. (which are viewed as wholesome), one will try to practice them to realize such states. This is wrong view borne of attachment to dharma and is not the way to cultivate. The proper way is to understand that duality is just a conceptcreated by the mundane mind and it exists within the mundane world. That is ‘duality is to be understood’ and only wisdom frees – nothing else.
  14. The ‘moment you understand you are free’ – no more need to practice non-attachment or letting go etc. The truth is there is no duality of wholesome and unwholesome when the mundane mind does not create. When this is understoodthen there is no need to try to get rid of unwholesomeness, no need to practice letting go etc. For understanding or wisdom cannot be practiced. It has to be awakened to.
  15. Understanding does not involve memory so don’t try to remember and retrieve Dharma from memory because ‘acting according to memory is not acting at all’. One should always act with wisdom and nothing else.
  16. Without wisdom, there is no real virtue.
  17. Do not refrain from thinking. The problem is not the thought. It is the user of thoughts which is more important. The user of thoughts must be wise to enable the arising of right thoughts. Thoughts are required in the conditioned world for one to live life.
  18. Use understanding to let the thinking or mundane mind settle down by itself. Do not force the mind to be still or quiet.
  19. Bro Song shares his recent experiences involving his cultivation. Bro Teoh rejoice with his good progress and advise him to remember to relax further into whatever mind states that arise, then maintain awareness or silence, leading to the 4thsupport of Trust throughout and always remember – ‘don’t try to know’ what is happening while meditating. The understanding will arise or unfold by itself.
  20. Sister Adeline’s question on whether contemplation and reflection are thought based cultivation. Bro Teoh’s reply it is ‘not’ because when the mind is heedful and peaceful with clarity within as a result of the stability of one’s daily mindfulness,one is calm and one can reflect, contemplate and inquire mindfully into all things clearly. Truth or dharma is everywhere – in the midst of life and nature so why can’t you see?
  21. Advise in a nutshell for true cultivators :

     Cultivate the Bodhi mind with strong faith and sincerity until it is very stable.
    – Develop daily mindfulness until it is very stable and ‘don’t try to know’
    – Stabilize one’s formal meditation via the 4 supports of Relax, Aware (or mindful), 24 hours and Trust    until one can locate one’s gateway to one’s nature clearly.
    – After that learn to listen from the heart (stay at the heart with inner awareness within and remain silence at all time).
    – Reflect and contemplate all dharma until very clear (after coming out of formal meditation).
    – Experience all transformation with awareness and understanding from within.
    – Do not listen to questions from the thoughts/duality.
    – Have faith, sincerity and perseverance.

(Draft outline short notes was done by Sister Mun Yuen)

Bye! and with metta always,


Bro Teoh’s Thursday class dated 14th June 2018

Dear all Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last Thursday class recording dated 14th June 2018 for sharing by all. The sharing is very good and *Highly recommended* 👍 by Bro Swee Aun, so please do listen to the recording attentively to develop the clear understanding of the cultivation. The outline short notes are as below:

Outline of Brother’s Teoh Thursday class dated 14/6/2018

A) There were a few new people joining the class that night and among them there was one aunty from Penang who doesn’t understand English so Bro Teoh need to initially shared the dharma in hokkien with her first.

B) Then later on Bro Teoh decides to share the ‘Gist of Buddha’s teaching’ as a general topic in English that night via explaining the following:

1) What is the significance of Buddhist Puja?

o Puja is the Pali word for devotion practice

o All the offerings on the altar to the Buddha has important Dharma significance

o The Buddha recommended these pre and post puja practices to his followers to help them develop wholesomeness and cultivate the 5 spiritual faculties (or 5 spiritual mental states) needed for them to understand his spiritual teaching. They are:-

* saddhā – faith or confidence in the Buddha and his teaching

* viriya – Spiritual zeal or tenacity to go this way

* sati – mindfulness or awareness before the knowing or arising of thoughts

* samādhi – collected and unwavering mind

* pañña – wisdom or understanding borne of direct seeing

2) The Law of Karma or moral causation is fundamental to Buddhism

· The whole of humanity revolves around this law of Karma

3) The 5 aggregates of form and mind (the 2 aspects):

* 1st aspect as a human mind we have the physical body (1st form aggregate) and a mind (4 other aggregates of mind which are feeling, perception, sankhara and consciousness)

* 2nd aspect as the 5 mental aggregates of form and mind where the external mental form enters the mind via the mental aggregate of perception or sanna

[Note: What does the physical body consist of? Just the 4 elements (earth, water, wind and heat element) hence no knowing and they are empty and they cannot be ‘you’]

4) The True Mind and the Mundane mind?

· Memory = accumulation of experiences of good and bad. Most of us accumulate a lot of negative psychological memories. Why bad memories? It is because we cling or hold on to them thinking that they are our problem – it generates fear, worry and anxiety, etc.

· Accumulation via memories is clinging, grasping & attachment – they become wrong thoughts. They condition fear, worry, anxiety, phobia, lamentation and sufferings, etc.

· Thoughts are response to memories. So No memories = no thought.

· So to overcome these negative thoughts, the teaching teaches us to meditate to straighten our views to arise the right thoughts.

· The mundane mind is also called the thinking mind or condition arising mind.

· When mundane mind or thinking stopped the true mind will arise (can be realised).

5) Explanation of the four(4) Noble Truths:

* The Noble truth of suffering (Dukkha)

* The Noble truth of the origin or cause of suffering (Samudāya)

* The Noble truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha)

* The Noble truth of the path that leads to the cessation of suffering (Magga)

6) Explanation of the 8 Realities of life and existence (1st Noble Truth):

· Birth

· Old age/Ageing

· Sickness/Disease

· Death

· Separation from your love ones or from ones possessions/property, etc.

· When you are with people whom you do not like or association with difficult people

· Expectations in life are not met or not able to get what one desire or when things don’t go your way

· Final summary – Attachments via clinging and grasping to the five(5) aggregates of form and mind

7) The 4 supports for awareness based meditation:

· Relax

· Aware or mindful

· 24 hours

· Trust

8) Thinking does not resolve your problem completely or permanently. Only wisdom frees completely.

· Only Right views borne of wisdom (or the direct seeing) can help condition the right thoughts, right speech and right action leading to right living.

· To think the ‘right thought’ you need to have wisdom or right views.

· The “thought” is just a tool for us to use so the user of thought is most important. Use the “thought” wisely to arise only the right thoughts (borne of right views).

· To develop the wisdom we need to meditate to realise it via the direct seeing.

· What are “Right Thoughts?” – Kind, gentle, appropriate, good and virtuous Thoughts that bring about harmony, understanding, joy, peacefulness, happiness, love and compassion, respect, contentment, gratitude, etc. Basically it is to have virtue and goodness.

· What are virtues? Virtues are your goodness, kindness, gentleness, pleasantness, respect, contentment and other wholesome actions and speeches borne of wisdom.

· Learn to arise more and more of the virtuous thought such as love or metta, compassion, gratitude, respect, kindness, gentleness, goodness, sincerity, contentment, honesty, humility and all the other appropriate right thoughts while living life.

9) Buddha’s Teachings is simple when you understand. Basically they are just the advice of all Buddha:

· To avoid all evils

· Do good and

· To purify one’s mind via meditation to understand the two (2) aspect of minds to develop wisdom

(Note: This draft outline short notes are prepared by sister Keat Hoon)

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Bro Swee Aun. *Highly recommended* 👍

*If you missed Bro Teoh’s Thurs class Jun14, you can download at :*

Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class sharing dated 12th June 2018

Dear All kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last night’s Tuesday class recording for sharing by all. The topic discussed  is on Karma. 

12 Jun 2018 Tuesday  Class outline short notes:

Ref. Book: The Buddha and His Teachings (Chapter 18, Page 333) – “Kamma”

  1. Discussion led by Sister PG  with reflection on the phrase “We are born of our karma, heir to our karma, condition and supported by our karma; we are what we are because of our karma” (5th of the5 daily contemplations as advice by Lord Buddha).
  2. Core subjects  of Buddhism that interest discussion starts with:
  • karma
  • Question on heredity referencing a quote from Theophile Pascal’s book “Reincarnation – A Study in Human Evolution”
  • Discussion on the Cause of Inequality and ones outlook on life

3. Sis PG shared about acceptance regarding her friend, during her recent               trip back to Penang for the GE14 election.

4. Sis Alicia’s sharing about her growing-up years and then juggling family                life with work. Advise to earn money the righteous way.

5. Bro Tune’s comment on genes and heredity as part of the 5 great nature laws,connecting back to karma.

6. Sis Padmasuri shared her  great   determination   and struggles to attend school and university lead to her good life later on. Even through tough times, things fall into place and problems get resolved. 7.  Bro Teoh spoke about karmic past and links, then continued to share about his own life since young, till after schooling years. His advice: Be sincere, do yourduties well, have faith, persevere  and   things   will always go your way and youwill have the good life.

8. Sis Yoon Chun share about having alot of freedom and being blessed in life, also interesting affinities to learn Buddhism and meditation.

(Above draft Outline – prepared by Sis Soo Yee)

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sister Hui Rung 
Brother teoh Tuesday Class on 12/06/2018 record :
or at:
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Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 5th June 2018

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last night’s Tuesday class recording for sharing by all.

Below is the edited short notes for sharing by all:

Jun 5 Tuesday  Class Outline short notes
  1. Bro Teoh review 6th Patriarch’s Platform Sutra short notes dated 27th May 2018…emphasis on the self nature or true nature, thru understanding, sati in daily living, tranquility of mind and cultivation of the Noble 8-fold path to realise Nibbana.
  2. Continued from pg 320 of the book Buddha’s Teaching by Narada.
  • The 4 Noble Truths..
  • All beings are subject to birth, decay, disease and death.
  • The composite body is a cause of suffering thru craving or attachment borne of self-delusion. They are eradicated by cultivating the middle way the Noble 8fold Path.

Bye! and with metta always,


Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 29th May 2018(Wesak Day)

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our Tuesday class dated 29th May 2018 recording for sharing by all.

The outline short notes is as below:

Outline notes for our 29th May 2018 Tuesday class sharing
  1. Wesak is a Thrice sacred Day to commemorate Buddha’s birth, enlightenment n parinibanna.
  2. Significance of Wesak. An auspicious day and an occasion for a lot of wholesomeness, generosity and joy by people all over the world.
  3. Chanted Dhammacakkappavattana sutta (1st Sermon of the Buddha).
  4. Significance of this sutta to set the Dhamma wheel in motion.
  5. Sharing by kalyanamittas on how they spend their Wesak Day.

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sister Hui Rung

Bro Teoh’s 31st May 2018 Thursday class sharing

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last night’s Thursday class dated 31.5.2018 recording for sharing by all. As per Bro Swee Aun’s message: the below sharing   is *Highly recommended, must listen*👍👍👍 for it summarises very clearly all the   important   and essential  understanding needed for cultivation of the Buddha dharma leading to awakening.


  1. Bro Teoh started the sharing by discussing the Sunday class short notes dated 27th May 2018. It contains the final instructions of the 6th It also summarizes all that we need to know about the cultivation. The ultimate cultivation takes us directly to the true mind or true nature.
  2. Three Kalyanamittas asked very good questions which helped to complement the whole understanding of the cultivation. The self-nature or oneness nature as expounded by Master Hui Neng is the Source of all thing which is also the unborn, the unconditioned where everything arises from.
  3. Master Shen Xiu has yet to realize his true mind when he wrote his poem for the 5th Bro Teoh explained that Master Shen Xiu had mistaken his mundane mind to be his true mind hence his mistaken focus on cultivating with his mundane mind. This was the reason for his failure to penetrate the true dharma.
  4. According to Master Hui Neng, if we do not create through the mundane mind, there is no duality. Bro Teoh continued to explain that when we use words created by concepts and ideas, there is division (such as race, religion etc). There will also be concepts of right and wrong, good and bad etc. These are relative truth, not ultimate truth.
  5. It is impossible to use the mundane mind to do away with duality. Hence, the practice of meditation should be understood. It should not be done to just overcome defilements and cling on to good mind states. Reason why the Buddha said ‘Imasmim sati idam hoti, Imasmim asati idam na hoti’ – ‘With the arising of this that arises; with the cessation of this that ceases.
  6. If one does not create, things are just the way they are, no right, no wrong, no good no bad. This is a very important understanding. This is wisdom. When we can accept things as they are, there is no more duality. So, we will always be at peace and there would be no more problems.
  7. Through delusion, the mundane mind creates duality. It is therefore important for cultivators to straighten their views. When there is right view, the mind will not stir and react to sense experiences because one can accept the reality of the moment. There is no more thought proliferation. The true mind will be able to see things as they are.
  8. Within the stillness and awareness, there is direct seeing which is unaffected by memory, views, opinions and conditioning. One can then understand the true suchness nature of all conditioned things.
  9. The form and mind is just a vehicle and tool for us to come to this existential world so use it appropriately with wisdom to live the noble life. With the wisdom of the unconditioned borne of the direct seeing, this form and mind will not be deluded by the phenomenal world anymore. Hence the reason why we should learn how to use the conditioned arising mundane mind yet not be deceived by it.
  10. Bro Teoh advised fellow Kalyanamittas not to waste time on tinted merits. Many Buddhists like to do dana. Merits alone cannot free our mind; without wisdom, there is still the concept of self that wants to do merits. Hence the action that follows comes from greed (subtle craving or desire) for those merits. Relying on tinted merits is not a safe refuge and it will not bring about wisdom to free the form and mind.
  11. Awakening to the truth and reality is not about sitting without understanding. We have to cultivate until we can reach the silent mind stage and then proceed from there to realize the true mind via the direct seeing. Otherwise, it is very difficult for one to awaken.
  12. Bodhidharma was the first Patriarch in China, the 28th after Sakyamuni Buddha. When Bodhidharma first arrived in a monastery in China, the monks didn’t respect him. Bodhidharma knew the monks were practicing meditation wrongly. Eventually, Bodhidharma was able to guide them back to the correct cultivation after making them realize that they did not have the basic understanding of the two aspects of mind as yet.
  13. From the self-nature, everything arises. It is complete by itself and how amazing it is that all dharmas arise from this self-nature. From the self-nature (the source) arises pure awareness. We can use this to cultivate even though the Self-nature cannot come out and live life. Bro Teoh reminded us of Dhammapada Verses 1 and 2.
  14. Mind is the forerunner of all thing, when mind arises, the entire phenomenal world arises. The mundane mind which is thought based cannot meditate because it is egoic hence deluded, thinking the phenomenal world is real. The ego which is the `atta’ or the personality craves to own and possess things. This leads to clinging and When it cannot get what it desires, the egoic mind become unhappy and stirred leading to more karmic negativity. Hence, one should not meditate using the mundane mind which is still within the field of thoughts. Thought based meditation cannot free the mind because the dharma is ‘akaliko’ – beyond thought (the timeless).
  15. But if we learn to silent the mundane mind to mindfully observe then wisdom can arise to retrospectively reverse everything; this cultivation can enable the form and mind to realize the true mind via wisdom.
  16. All koans are inquiries leading to the silent mind. Hence, the mundane mind must cease to realize ones true nature otherwise we are wasting our time following blind instructions to meditate without understanding.
  17. The Buddha’s teaching on right view with regards to the Law of Karma will enable us to understand how Dhammapada Verses 1, 2 & 183 (the advice of all Buddha – to avoid all evil, do good and purify mind) come about.
  18. The cultivation will enable us to realize impermanence and the unreality of form and mind via comprehending that everything within the conditioned world is dependent-originating and not real.
  19. Ignorance leads to unending births and deaths and without wisdom, living beings will be trapped in samsara.
  20. All methods and techniques are a waste of time if we do not know how to silent the mind (the analogy of allowing the pool of water to settle down after the bullock cart has passed over it during the Buddha’s time).
  21. The thought wants to practice but when we understand only wisdom frees, then our focus in cultivation is different. We can then accord and flow within the conditioned world following the famous Zen sayings on the 3 types of seeing: `Seeing Mountain as mountain (conventional or mundane seeing); seeing mountains as not mountains (direct seeing); and finally seeing mountains as mountains again (seeing things as they are or wise/suchness seeing)’. These are different stages of seeing depending on the level of one’s cultivation. Duality will always exist within the existential world.
  22. The best way to deal with sense experiences that impinge the mind is, to silent the mind to see things as they are. Using knowledge from memory is not wisdom. It is better to approach mind states like anger etc. using the 3rd way as taught by the Buddha via just being silent, aware and be with the anger (or any other emotion) then eventually anger which is condition arising ceases on its own when one does not react to stir the mundane anymore. But we cannot use it always because we have to live life. So, the best way is to reflect and contemplate via the 4th way to trace its origination factors until the understanding becomes very clear.
  23. The Buddha advised us to retrospectively reverse the stirring process via wisdom to see things as they are. `Why did I react? What is the cause?’ It is due to our wrong views. Learn how to straighten our views via understanding that if we have duality and concepts, suffering will arise. We have been conditioned to behave this way through the layers of conditioning since time immemorial. It’s the form and mind that needs to awaken to the 3 universal characteristics of anicca, dukkha and anatta. Without the awakening, it is very hard to break free from delusion.
  24. We are lucky because there are teachers who have discovered the ‘prototype wisdom’ for us to follow in cultivation. There is no need to search or find out via trial and error our self. Bro Teoh has the understanding and therefore his sharing can make our cultivation easier via acceptance of the reality.
  25. Always bear in mind that whatever that arises, there are causes and conditions behind. Human beings are the way they are due to karmic conditioning. This is what dharma is all about. By cultivating the Noble Eightfold Path together with the Four Right Efforts, wisdom will keep on arising. We should continue to contemplate until the understanding becomes so stable that in the midst of life, at every moment of sense perception, the mind does not stir and react anymore. If there is yoniso manasikara (wise attention) at the moment of sense experience the mind will be quiet and at ease. So overcoming duality is not about using knowledge. What we need is wisdom at the moment of sense consciousness. Otherwise, it is very difficult to overcome the habitual tendencies.
  26. Once wisdom arises, everything falls into place. There is that nature within which is independent of thinking. This awareness within can be aware of silence and stillness in nature even though there is no vibration or sense data.
  27. All beings are connected to the self-nature (the eternal nature) which is never born.
  28. When one understands this, meditation becomes easy. Meditation is not about right or wrong, not about what one must do. We need to understand what we are doing in the name of meditation. The mundane mind needs to be trained for it to realize the true mind. Not until there is mindfulness, there is no meditation leading to wisdom.
  29. In the midst of life, we should cultivate the daily mindfulness. Learn to see the physical, mental and nature’s flows within the phenomenal world. This is what daily mindfulness is all about and when our kayanupassana is stable, then only can we have the ability to see mind to cultivate cittanupassana. Many people think that they can see mind. In actual fact, most of them are only using thought to observe.
  30. Only when the daily mindfulness is very stable and one is aware most of the time with the silent mind, is there  sati sampajanna. This sati is either specific phenomena awareness (awareness and phenomena move as one, or spacious awareness without a center.
  31. Human beings are mostly too busy thinking, planning and worrying about life. Cultivation is to reverse all these negative tendencies so that one becomes heedful and aware most of the time.
  32. Learn to live life instead of thinking, planning and worrying about life. If we cannot do this, we cannot cultivate. Most heedless people are doing the reverse because their thought is always active. They are hardly aware. It is important to do our daily religious routine and bowing mindfully to decondition the heedless thinking mind.
  33. Try not to accumulate through memory so that there is space in the brain. We are just form and mind. So, as real as it can be, it is only within the moment. Split second it is gone. There is no reality in life, `Hence Hey no you! Hey no me!’ Be wary of accumulating scars of memory or toxic memory that makes one heedless.
  34. Whenever there is avijja we cannot deal with sense experience. So, we should contemplate the dharma until very clearly. Don’t worry about what people tell you just investigate and continuously straighten your views.
  35. Reading from short notes dated 27th May: When there is awakening, wisdom that arise will be connected to the form and mind. The form and mind (or human being) is no longer deluded, one can say it has become enlightened. However, this form and mind is not you and it is still subjected to the Law of Karma. This must be understood so that one can cultivate correctly.

(Draft prepared by Puan Chee)

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Bro Swee Aun

*If you missed Bro Teoh’s Thurs class May31, you can download at:*
or at:
Shared with Dropbox

*Highly recommended, must listen*👍👍👍

Bro Teoh’s 27th May 2018 Sunday class sharing

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our Sunday  class dated 27th May 2018 recording for sharing by all. The outline short notes is as below:

Outline short notes for lesson 75 of the 6th Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra dated 27.5.2018

Continue from Page 382 Chapter X – Final Instructions:

1.       The Self Nature is the Oneness, source of everything. Originally, there is nothing, where can the dust alight?

2.       “Dust” here means defilement or unwholesome mind states. It arises because of duality created by the mundane mind via words, concept and idea. The mundane mind creates the “duality” of good and bad, wholesome and unwholesome, right and wrong, etc. It is impossible to then use the mundane mind to do away with such dualities because the mundane mind is fighting its own creation which always comes together as a pair; meaning if one does not create then things are just the way they are – no right, no wrong and no good and no bad.

3.       If the mundane mind does not create duality via delusion, then the true mind can see things as they are.

4.       We must learn to use the mundane mind and yet not deceived by it.

5.       Do not waste time on tainted merit. Instead, work towards awakening via the silent mind.

6.       Story of Bodhi dharma transmitting the dharma from India to China.

7.       Enlightenment is to awaken to the self-nature or true-nature. It is not about just sitting without understanding.

8.       Start from basic, i.e. understand that everything arises from the self-natureincluding the mundane mind. ForMind is the forerunner of all things, when mind arises, everything arises. Whether something is wholesome or unwholesome (duality), they all arise from the mundane mind.

9.       There is a nature that is independent of thinking. All beings are connected to the self-nature which is never born, hence it doesn’t get sick, get old or die for this is the eternal nature.

10.   When one understands this, one will be able to cultivate and meditate accordingly. If one does not understand, then one is just following instructions blindly. Meditation is not about whether one is doing it right or wrong but one must understand what one is doing in the name of cultivation and meditation.

11.   The mundane mind needs to be trained via mindfulness to realize the true/silent mind.

12.   Not until there is mindfulness, there is no real meditation leading to wisdom.

13.   Just relax and be silent. Develop the 5 spiritual faculties to overcome the 5 mental hindrances first. If there is still thinking, it’s because sati is lacking and the untrained mind is heedless. Accept it and just be aware.

14.   Use the heart (awareness within) to be aware of external things (observe without views, opinions and thought)Learn to see things as they are. Be with the moment in silent awareness.

15.   Don’t be too eager to know about ones progress because that is a form of craving. If you have cultivated correctly then conditions will unfold by themselves naturally.

16.   In the midst of life, cultivate the daily mindfulness, i.e. learn to see the physical, mental and nature’s flow within nature. If there is mindfulness thoughts will not arise but when thoughts do arise just be aware and do not allow it to continue or proliferate into a chain of heedless thinking.

17.   Thinking ahead while doing our intended bodily actions or movements is not being mindful at allTry doing one thing at a time with full awarenessBe with the moment in silent awareness more and more so that thisheedless thinking will be reduced. Learn to live life instead of always thinking, planning and worrying about life.

18.   Try not to accumulate via memorize so that the brain has space. Especially those psychological memories like your fear, worry, anxiety, phobias, scars of memories, insecurities, etcInstead, jot them down so as to be free from the need to use memory. No thoughts mean no worries, fear, worry, anxiety etc.

19.   Tranquility, silence and clarity of mind leads us to see things as they are leading to wisdom.

20.   When there is awakening, wisdom that arise will be connected to the form and mind. The form and mind (or human being) is no longer deluded, one can say it has become enlightened. However, this form and mind is not you and it is still subject to the law of Karma. This must be understood so that one can cultivate correctly.

21.   Enlightenment has nothing to do with whether one has completely exhausted ones bad Karma or not?

22.   2 aspects of the Middle Path: i) To avoid the 2 extremes of self-mortification and sensual indulgence; and ii) totranscend duality via wisdom.  Duality is to be understood. Duality pertains to the conditioned world.

23.   Ignorance leads to heedless thinking (Avijja paccaya sankhara). Be aware of these mental activities via mindfulness to develop wisdom to straighten ones views so that one can weaken such heedless thinking.

24.   The real meditation will always bring one back to the cultivation of the Noble Eightfold Path which is the meditation as taught by the Buddha. Always reflect and contemplate until the dharma is very clear.

25.   The 1st and 2nd Noble Truths are the mundane aspect of life.

26.   1st Noble Truth explains the reality of life and existence, i.e. the 8 realities leading to dukkha if one lack wisdom. The prevalence of suffering if one confronts them without proper understanding.

27.   2nd Noble Truth – the cause of suffering is craving borne of delusion.

28.   3rd noble truth – Suffering need not be. Nibbana can be realized in the here and the now.

29.   4th noble truth – cultivates the N8FP (mundane cultivation) leading to the realization of the supra mundane.

30.   Question by Sister Adeline: Can Bro Teoh explain how we can one overcome or transcend duality in cultivation?

31.   Question by Sister Eng Bee: According to Bro Teoh N8FP still have duality right? Reason why Bro Teoh said in the last Tuesday and Thursday classes that the 4th Noble Truth is about cultivating the N8FP (mundane cultivation) leading to the supra mundane which is the realization of Nibbana.  Can Bro Teoh explain this further?

32.   Question by Sister Lee: What does one need to do once the silent mind cultivation has been developed?

Bye! and with metta always,


Bro Teoh’s 24th May 2018 Thursday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last Thursday night’s 24th May 2018 recording for sharing by all. Also enclose below is the outline short notes:

Outline notes for 24th May 2018 Thursday class sharing

1.  Recap of 1st May 2018 Tuesday class short notes.

2.  Recap of 17th May 2018 Thursday class short notes on GE14 and Karma.

3. The analogy of a cluttered table top, used to describe the untrained/heedless thinking mind:

  • Without right views one will deludedly accumulate a lot of  “rubbish” (views and opinions, conditioning, belief systems, rites and rituals, superstitions, psychological memories of fear, worry, anxiety, insecurity, etc) within our brain/memories.
  • Hence brain is cluttered with no Space to allow one to move around or act freely. Due to self-delusion one is full of sankhara (wrong thoughts)living a life of disorder.
  • Space (between thought) is freedom. Without thought there is no fear, no worry, no anxiety, etc. hence one can be with the moment to experience the pristine beauty and wonders of  nature and life.
  • Thoughts are response to memories so spaciousness or not accumulation of memories means no thought.
  • No thought implies silence, tranquility, stillness, peace and clarity of mind.

4.  Choose to contemplate dhamma until it is very very very clear to stabilize ones 2nd turning wisdom to prepare the stable base for one to receive/awaken to truth. 5.  Do not neglect your physical form and mind. It is karmically conditioned for us to come to this condition/existential world hence learn to use it and do not be deluded by it.

6.  Sis Eng Bee’s question:

  • what Bro Teoh meant by “the Consciousness had started to move since the year 2008”;
  • about the speculated prophecies of the words “RAHMAN” and “MAHATHIR”.

(Note: Outline prepared by Sis Soo Yee)

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Bro Swee Aun

*if you missed Bro Teoh’s Thurs class May24, you can download at*
or at:

Bro Teoh’s 22nd May 2018 recording

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our 22nd May 2018 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all. Also attached is outline short notes as blow for your further reference:

22nd May 2018 Tuesday Class outline short notes 

  1. Recap of 1st May 2018 Tuesday class short notes.
  2.  5 great universal laws of nature (2  scientific + 3  spiritual)
  • Physical order [Utu niyama]
  • Biological order [Bija niyama]
  • Law of karma [Karma niyama] (Do good begets good and do evil begets evil & you reap what you sow) 
  • Law of the mind [Citta niyama] (12 links / paticca samupada)
  • Law of truth / Dharma [Dhamma niyama] (4 noble truths, etc.)

3  Buddhism (Teaching of the Buddha) = Dhamma = Truth. The essence of the Buddha’s teaching is the Four Noble Truths. Noble Truths are truths that can make you noble ones or enlightened ones when you had understood (awakened to) them.

4 Bro Teoh’s sharing from the Book, “The Buddha and His Teachings” – Chapter 17 – The 4 Noble Truths, until page 321 ‘….Insatiate are all desires.’

4(a) The 3 Lokas (31 planes of existence) 

  • kama Loka (sensual world) – 6 realms of Devas, 1 human realm and 4 woeful states/realms.
  • rupa Loka (form world) – 16 Brahma realms.
  • arupa Loka (formless world) – 4 formless realms.

4(b) Why is your form and mind (the human being) so important?

  • It allows us to live and experience life to the fullest and we can also use it to cultivate the 4 foundations of mindfulness (kaya-, vedana-, citta- and dhammanupassana) to realize the enlightenment.
  • Everything you cling and grasp onto (including all sense pleasure) is a prelude to dukkha (suffering), as they are impermanent – arising and passing away following nature’s conditions. Hence not a permanent unchanging entity where you can cling onto and grasp onto.

4(c) The MISCONCEPTION of defining the 1st Noble Truth of dukkha as – “life is suffering”

  • The Buddha never say that. The Buddha proclaimed that there is a noble truth that explain to you clearly the prevalence of suffering when one confronts the 8 realities of life without the requisite wisdom.
  • The Buddha teaches instead the prevalence of suffering, how suffering comes to be due to delusion, the secret of life and suffering need not be if we understand his teaching.  The liberated mind can live life without being affected / afflicted.

4(d) 3 types of craving/tanha

  • Kama tanha (sensual craving)
  • Bhava tanha (craving to ‘be’ – becoming)
  • Vibhava tanha ( craving ‘not to be’)

4(e) Ambition is not a craving

  1. As Buddhist we can have ambition to realize our good and noble wishes via cultivating the Noble 8-Fold Path following the Dhamma way of no delusion.

(Outline prepared by Teoh Soo Yee)

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sis Hui Rung 
Brother Teoh Tuesday Class on 22/05/2018 record :
or at:
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