Bro. Teoh’s special puja – Tuesday class (Taking and renewal of the Bodhisattva vows ceremony)

Bro. Teoh’s (24.10.2017) Tuesday class recording

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday class (3.10.2017) recording

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last Tuesday class (3.10.2017) recording for sharing by all. The following dharma were shared:

  1. The Buddha & his teachings Chapter 7 page  103 – 109
  2.  The 4 Noble Truths:  1st Noble Truth of Dukkha is not about  life is suffering. It explains the prevalence of suffering when one confronts the 8 realities of life and existence without proper understanding.
  3.  Have to reflect on the 5 daily contemplations every day. If you don’t react and stir your mind when faced with a situation or when problem arise,  you will be at peace.
  4. The cause of suffering is craving born of self-delusion leading to clinging and attachment to the 5 grasping aggregates of Form and Mind.

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sis. Hui Long

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 22.8.2017 sharing

Bro. Teoh’s 17.8.2017 Thursday class sharing

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday Class sharing (15th August 2017)