Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below are the audio links to our 12th July 2018 Thursday class recording for sharing by all. Also enclosed below are the outline short notes for sharing by all:
12 July 2018 Thursday class outline short notes
A. A. Meditation
- If 5 spiritual faculties are stable, the mundane mind will be in the meditative stateof inner peace and inner awareness within a short period of time. Otherwise, mental hindrances will be present then one will need to develop a skilful means to train the mind until a stable Sati arise.
- 4 supports for mindfulness or awareness base meditation are: Relax, Aware, 24 hours maintenance and Trust.
B. B. Additional pointers to the 21st June 2018 Thursday class outline short notes
- Due to lack understanding of the fundamental teaching, ‘meditator’ felt troubledby defilement, either before or after they arise for defilements are never real and they are never you. They are not inherent in one’s nature, they come after the stirring of the mind, through wrong view. If one attached, cling and grasp, one will suffer, because they are impermanent, not a permanent unchanging entity that one can hold on to and cling on to and say this is me, this is I, and therefore all these can be mine. One can’t own, can’t possess it, as it is not real and empty, for they come and they go dependent on causes and conditions. This are the 3 universal characteristics of nature (Suffering, Impermanence and Non-self).
- Bro Teoh gave a detailed review of the 21s June 2018 outline short notes. Please do listen to the recording attentively and then re-read through the 21st June 2018 outline short notes which are very important to develop the clear understanding of the rather profound dharma shared.
C. C. Tammy’s Report / question
- She reported that her mind is in craving mode and can’t settle down. So, she read a passage from a book of a Zen master with the title “why are you so busy”. The Zen master explained that if one understands that things outside are just the way they are, the mind will be tranquil because it can accept the reality of the outside phenomena as something occurring naturally following nature’s law of dependentorigination hence the mind can be at ease. After reading that short passage, she felt her hearing sense enhanced for a short moment. Bro Teoh agreed and added that the mind can be silent and still even while in the midst of activities when one understands. ‘If inside okay outside no problem.’ In Tammy’s case, the sentence “why are you so busy” helps her to be aware of her constant wanting and craving. She wants to meditate and sit but she cannot because her mind is restless. Similarly wanting to be peaceful, wanting to be enlighten, etc. makes her more restless. She then use her thoughts and dharma knowledge to rationalize not knowing that her craving mode which is a sensual desire creates the mental hindrance. When her view is straightening, the mental hindrance ceased. Besides that, to overcome the mental hindrance, Bro. Teoh added, one just need to relax, and let the craving arise and let the thought do whatever it wants, one just stays with it, maintain silence then one will come to realize that all the mental hindrances will cease on their own when the cultivator is not feeding it withanymore thought (or craving) energy, because they are dependent originating, condition arising, they come and they go. Mind can then return to its original state of stillness and silence before the stirring. This is the true mind that can be realized by the cultivator.
- Habitual tendencies of likes and dislikes (borne of heedless living) constantly arise during one’s daily life’s activities when one lacks the 5 spiritual faculties because the mental hindrances (that hinder one’s mind from entering the meditative state) will arise and made one heedless. But if you don’t react or get angry or unhappy over what happened, and instead just allow it to be, via accepting it with understanding (wisdom), then just be with the mental hindrances, especially sloth and torpor or pain (but without labelling it) then a shift in consciousness with occur. One doesn’t have to do anything for without the mental hindrance, Sati has taken over; then when the hindrance is gone mind returns to its original state and becomes bright and clear with a lot of viriya and sati. The moment one realized this, one will understand clearly that all these mind states (especially anger, fear, worry, anxiety, restlessness of mind, various emotions, etc.) are all not you. They are dependent originating, hence impermanent, leading to suffering when we want things our way which is not nature’s way, all are empty and non-self.
- Tammy also noticed that her mind love to tell stories, and projects into the future. Then she suddenly realizes that it is just a thought. Bro. Teoh explained: thoughts are response to memory due to one’s attachment. When we give meaning to something that happened, we accumulate them as memory and that is what attachment is all about. When one lack mindfulness, all these attachments are accumulated in the memory without one knowing it. If one is aware, one can then just perceive without proliferating it, one can then just move on, without conditioning habitual tendencies (via thought proliferation) to arise like normal heedless people. This is heedful living borne of wisdom. There is no need for accumulation of psychological memory. Mechanical memory is okay because there is no clinging involved. When there is a need or condition for it to arise again, it will arise like RAM (random access memory) as in the computer – for us to access them randomly when needed. One will no longer cling or give meaning to them, and thus not conditioning the cause of suffering to arise again. No more unresolved issues, no more perceiving a situation with negativity. One is then able to accept any situation as it is for it is just the way things are, and one is always at peace. Furthermore, if one is sensitive and mindful in the midst of life, one will feel for others and one is no longer selfish. One will act with wisdom following the noble eight fold path. The world is the world, people are just the way they are, understanding this deeply then there is no more delusion, no more craving or desire to do things following our way, as acceptance via wisdom frees the mind.
- The difference between objective seeing and subjective seeing. Objective means no subject involve, no person behind; subjective seeing means there is a subject,like I see. Objective seeing means the pure direct perception without the egoic mind, just like the Buddha’s saying, ‘in the seeing, it is just the seeing consciousness, just that consciousness’ and there is no one to see or involve in the seeing. Objective seeing is ‘seeing things as they are’, no word involved. However, when subject is present, it become I see, this is sakkaya ditthi, – it become a subjective seeing, one perceives through memory and recall through words. J. Krishnamurti said, ‘the word is not the thing’. The direct seeing or the pure perception is verypristine, no words involve, like everything is new, seeing the whole thing as it is – its pristine beauty, even a dead tree is beautiful. However, human being is so condition and hardly aware, always lost in thoughts. It is as if without thought they can’t live life. Most human being can’t understand a type of heedful living that doesn’t needmuch thought. Most of the time they are just aware, mindful, heedful, quiet andsilent. Their mind states are stillness, tranquility and the unconditioned mind (which is beyond thought) most of the time. When one is mindful, aware, observant, attentive, and able to accept the reality of the moment more and more, one will grow in wisdom and one’s meditation will progress.
D. D. Additional pointers to the 6th Patriarch’s 1 July 2018 class outline short notes
- Whatever arise there are causes and condition for its arising and when conditions are like that things will be like that, cannot be otherwise. So, one need to accept this fact with wisdom, then only act with wisdom accordingly, not the other way round which is reacting or stirring of the mundane deluded mind (before the arising of wisdom). As for the latter, one will get into trouble straight away.
- A glimpse of the unconditioned or cessation of the form and mind is enough, as understanding does not involve the memory. The form and mind will understand depending on which stage of enlightenment. For those that are on the path, they can’t teach as yet but for those that had taste the fruit and went through the fruition, they had stabilized the understanding and thus able to share and teach others the teaching up to that path.
(Above outline short notes draft were prepared by Sister Tammy)
Bye! and with metta always,
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