Bro. Teoh’s Thursday class Dharma sharing

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below is the drop box link to our last night’s 30.3.2017 Dharma recording for sharing by all. Please do listen to the sharing which is very good. Especially so the part on:-

– Disney Land’s video  of the Adult and Baby birds (lessons learnt);

– Understanding Fear and how to root out Fear completely via meditation?

Notes that accompany the Disney video as attached below:   “Sadhu! – to all for trying. Relatively  Good answers  all round. 1st lesson learnt by the baby bird is fear of the unknown – surprised by the sudden attack by the wave. After that the fear n the phobia which is an evil root (delusion) prevents it from learning because it lack the spiritual faculty of  Saddha or faith. Even the mother bird tried to encourage her she still cant or still very reluctant. But when she attentively saw how the small ‘crabs’ got attacked by the wave and yet survive  like very normal via hiding in the hole they dug. This gives the baby bird the confidence n the understanding to try it in real life.  After that ….. – no more fear then life becomes beautiful n wonderful. Meditation n Dharma cultivation is the same. Attentive observation via mindfulness can bring about understanding.”

Bye! and with metta always,                                                             Teoh


From: Bro. Swee Aun

If you missed Bro Teoh’s Thurs class Mar30, you can download at   … Highly recommended 👍
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Download are now available – March 2017 recent Meditation Retreat at Cameron Highlands

To: All Kalyanamitttas,

We are please to inform that most of our audio files and Photos of our recently concluded Annual March 2017 meditation retreat at Cameron Highlands are available for viewing and downloading as from today. The link to download/viewing is:           


Bye! and with metta always,

Bro. Teoh

39th lesson of the sixth Patriarch’s dharma jewel platform sutra

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Pre-retreat Briefing for our next week (11.3.17-19.3.17) Cameron Highlands annual retreat

Dear All Kalyanamittas,

Below is the drop box link to our yesterday’s Pre-retreat briefing for sharing by all. Please do listen to the briefing and sharing which are very useful especially for those who couldn’t make it to the said briefing.

A copy of the retreat programme is enclosed Meditation Retreat 2017 at Mahayana Triple Gem Temple (Final)     for your easy reference.

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Bro. Swee Aun

if you missed Bro Teoh’s briefing for next week Cameron

retreat, please listen to

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday Diamond Sutra class recording


Dear All Kalyanamittas,

Below is the  drop box link to  our last  night’s Tuesday  Diamond Sutra class recording for sharing  by  all. For  those who are  going for our  coming 11th March till 19th March 2017 annual Cameron Highlands retreat to take or reaffirm their  Bodhisattva  vows,  please  do listen  to the  below sharing  because it includes the detail explanations of the following cultivation:

 i)  5 Stages of Bodhi Mind development to realize SammaSam Buddhahood;

 ii) Understanding the Diamond sutra’s cultivation of no mark.

iii) Importance of vows and affirmation of truth in cultivation.

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sister Hui Long
Brother Teoh Tuesday Class on 28/02/2017 record :
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