Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday Diamond Sutra class recording


Dear All Kalyanamittas,

Below is the  drop box link to  our last  night’s Tuesday  Diamond Sutra class recording for sharing  by  all. For  those who are  going for our  coming 11th March till 19th March 2017 annual Cameron Highlands retreat to take or reaffirm their  Bodhisattva  vows,  please  do listen  to the  below sharing  because it includes the detail explanations of the following cultivation:

 i)  5 Stages of Bodhi Mind development to realize SammaSam Buddhahood;

 ii) Understanding the Diamond sutra’s cultivation of no mark.

iii) Importance of vows and affirmation of truth in cultivation.

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sister Hui Long
Brother Teoh Tuesday Class on 28/02/2017 record :
Shared with Dropbox

Bro. Teoh’s 24th Feb. 2017 TiRatana NBC Klang Dharma talk

Dear All Kalyanamittas,

Below/this is the drop box link Teoh Klang 170224 Understanding Satipatthana.MP3 to my last night’s (Feb24 2017) TiRatana NBC Klang talk  on”Understanding Satipatthana” for sharing by all. The following important Dhamma were also shared:

i) The 37 factors of Enlightenments;

ii) The 4 foundations of mindfulness (Kaya, vedana, citta and dhamma nupassana;

iii) Master Hui Neng (6th Patriarch) and Shen Shiu’s poems;

iv) Importance of cultivating the daily mindfulness leading to Heedfulness.

v) Introducing my following 2 new Transcript books for free distribution to all Kalyanamittas:

a) 36th Lesson of the 6th Patriarch’s Platform sutra;

b) Understanding the meditation as taught by the Buddha (Part 2)


Bye! and with metta always,


From: Bro. SweeAun:
If you missed Bro Teoh’s TiRatana NBC Klang talk  Feb24 2017 on “Understanding Satipatthana”, you can download at :  … HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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Bro. Teoh’s Thursday 23.2.2017 class recording

Dear All Kalyanamittas,

Below/this is the drop box link Teoh Thur Class 20170223.MP3 to our 23.2.2017 night’s Thursday class recording for sharing by all.

With metta always,


From: Bro. Tune                                                                                     Tonight’s Thursday Class sharing (23feb2017) by Bro. Teoh is now ready for download:

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday Dharma class 21.2.2017 recording.

Dear all Kalyanamittas,

Below is the drop box link to our last Tuesday Diamond sutra Dharma class (21.2.17) recording for sharing by all.  Please do listen to it attentively. The following dharma were also discussed:

  1. What is Vipassana Bhavana or meditation?
  2. Clear instructions and explanation on how to develop the meditation as taught by the Buddha.
  3. Understanding the  silent mind, Sati, piti, sukha and passaddhi.
  4. Introducing the following latest 2 new Transcript books which are now ready for collection by all Kalyanamittas:

i) 36th Lesson of the 6th Patriarch’s Platform sutra;       ii) Understanding the meditation as taught by the Buddha (Part 2)


Bye! and with metta always,


Last night’s Tues Class sharing (21feb2017) is ready for download:

Sunday Class Recording 19-Feb-2017

Dear All Kalyanamittas,

Here is the drop box link to our  Sunday class recording 2017-02-19 for sharing by all.    Please  do   listen     to   it  attentively and apart from our usual  41st lesson of the Sixth  Patriarch  platform   sutra   class      sharing    the  following were also discussed:

I) Meditation and Daily mindfulness experiences sharing by Kalyanamittas;

ii) Understanding the cultivation of No thought, No mark and No Dwelling as taught by the 6th Patriarch Hui Neng.

Bye! and with metta always,
