Bro. Teoh Kian Koon graduated from the University of Malaya in Civil Engineering in 1979. He has been a spiritual practitioner cum ‘Meditator’ since 1971. Since his retirement in 2001 from his Engineering career he had been sharing his spiritual understanding and experiences with all those who are keen in their search for true happiness, peace, liberation from birth and death and all mental suffering to become a more virtuous, noble and wiser human being. It is Bro. Teoh’s hope that Dharma friends, spiritual practitioners, seekers of Truth and cultivators will be able to make use of his sharing of the truth to develop a better understanding of life to help others and be of great blessings to all of humanity.
He had also counselled and helped many people with severe depression, Karmic condition, career, health, marriage, financial, separation and relationship problems, to recover beautifully via his sharing of the rather penetrative Dharma/Truth (as taught by the Buddha) with them.
He gives dharma talks, conducts dharma cum meditation classes and meditation retreats at various meditation centers and places that invited him. He also conducts weekly meditation cum dharma classes at Wu Ping Chin Seah, a Mahayana vihara (every Sunday) and at Subang Jaya (every Thursday). He also conducts a weekly Dharma sharing/discussion class with a group of very serious spiritual friends every Tuesday night at his Petaling Jaya, SS2 residence. He also organizes and led many spiritual cum tour trips to various spiritual places of importance for his Kalyanamittas.
Bro. Teoh was invited to present an international seminar paper on ‘Life Management with Meditation: Experience and Success’ at the International Seminar dated 10th to 12th August 2013 held in Bangkok, Thailand. The Seminar was co-organized by the World Buddhist University (WBU), the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB) and the Pipphalivanaram Mindfulness Center (PMC). His seminar paper can be down loaded from the below drop box link: Success in Life via Meditation First Edition 2015.pdf
Below is the drop box link to our last Sunday’s 43th lesson 6th Patriarch Platform sutra recording for sharing by all. Please do listen to the very good sharing on:-
Below is the drop box link to our last night’s 30.3.2017 Dharma recording for sharing by all. Please do listen to the sharing which is very good. Especially so the part on:-
– Disney Land’s video of the Adult and Baby birds (lessons learnt);
– Understanding Fear and how to root outFear completely via meditation?
Notes that accompany the Disney video as attached below: “Sadhu! – to all for trying. Relatively Good answers all round. 1st lesson learnt by the baby bird is fear of the unknown – surprised by the sudden attack by the wave. After that the fear n the phobia which is an evil root (delusion) prevents it from learning because it lack the spiritual faculty of Saddha or faith. Even the mother bird tried to encourage her she still cant or still very reluctant. But when she attentivelysaw how the small ‘crabs’ got attacked by the wave and yet survive like very normal via hiding in the hole they dug. This gives the baby bird the confidence n the understanding to try it in real life. After that ….. – no more fear then life becomes beautiful n wonderful. Meditation n Dharma cultivation is the same. Attentive observation via mindfulness can bring about understanding.”
Below is our drop box link to our last night’s Thursday class 23.3.2017 recording for sharing by all. It was a very good sharing on understanding the Meditation as taught by the Buddha basing on a video sent to Bro. Teoh.
We are please to inform that most of our audio files and Photos of our recently concluded Annual March 2017 meditation retreat at Cameron Highlands are available for viewing and downloading as from today. The link to download/viewing is: ““
Annual March 2017 Meditation retreat at Triple Gem Temple, Brinchang Cameron HighlandsVisit to Mangala Lodge Kampar. 19th March 2017Committee Members for March 2017 Annual Meditation RetreatMarch 2017 Annual Meditation RetreatMarch 2017 Annual Retreat at Sam Poh (Triple Gem) Temple
Dear Kalyanamittas,
We are please to inform that our recently concluded March 11th – 19th 2017 annual 9 daysMeditation Retreat at Triple Gem (Sam Poh Temple), Brinchang, Cameron Highland was a great success and because of the rather tranquil and beautiful setting, nature’s energy, weather and rather unique and good sharing all yogis who participated were full of joy, have developed much better understanding of the dharma and faith after that.
We were also invited by Bro. Koh Lai Huat and his wife (Mdm Beh) of Mangala Lodge to a very sumptuous lunch at Kampar town before proceeding to visit their Mangala Lodge center near UTAR campus, Kampar. Later on Bro. Teoh was invited to give a dharma talk title : ‘Managing relationship with people‘ at their Mangala Lodge center.
The relevant photos and recorded talks will be download on this website soon.
Below is the drop box link to our last Sunday’s (42nd lesson of the 6th Patriarch Platform sutra) recording for sharing by all. Please do listen to the sharing by Sis. Lee and Mindy which are very good especially the latter’s sharing.
Question from Sis. Chin/Mindy is:
Bro Teoh, just now I felt the energy was very strong during the sitting meditation. The energy was like bubbles and hot, it melt into my bubbles (the form). One or two weeks before, I had an experience in my sitting meditation. I felt something soft touched me and I thought it was my daughter. When I opened my eyes, there’s nothing. Then I continued the meditation, my body was repeatedly wrapped with energy and it melt in my body and became clear. During meditation, the mind and body is separate. The mind is calm, but the body is a bit stiff. Sometime I felt the mindfulness is too strong and my heart base is squeezed and not comfortable. Can Brother explain?
The following were discussed: “Self-Delusion & Ego prevent comprehension. You have to start with the right instrument, no thought, I.e. the Silent Mind”…………
Below is the drop box link to our yesterday’s Pre-retreat briefing for sharing by all. Please do listen to the briefing and sharing which are very useful especially for those who couldn’t make it to the said briefing.
Good news and Maha Sadhu! to all those who had made this possible. We are please to inform that because of special conditions our Bro. Teoh’s Kalyanamittas website ‘‘ has been launched as planned on the 1st March 2017.
To gain access to view the invaluable teaching and sharing of this website u can just CLICK on the above ‘’ link or Google ‘’ and click on the link ‘’. Please do read through the Home, About us, Repository, Contact, Activities and Gallerypages to access the great wealth of Dharma materials and other site information available for all Kalyanamittas to truly understand our objectives,attributes and concept of Dharma friends (or Kalyanamittaship) as introduced by Lord Buddha.
The main objectives of having this website is to have a place to store, locate and makeavailable all these wealth or Repository of Dharma materials (publications, notes, video and audio files of all the talks and other sharing) and other site information, etc to all Kalyanamittas for their easy access.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Dharma friends who had help made this site possible especially the following website group committee members:
1. Bro. Lau Kean Lee (the key person);
2. Bro Tune Hee Hian;
3. Bro. Chin How and his Sister Siok Cheng;
4. Bro. Ng Swee Aun;
5. Sister Lim Eng Bee;
6. Sister Teoh Soo Yee.
for their great contribution.
All Kalyanamittas can also rejoiced with the above wholesomeness because the whole of the website setting up and hosting costs is sponsored by our Kalyanamitta fund.
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