Re: Master Hsu Yun (虚云) 老和尚禅修开示 – 回向 愿以此功德。庄严佛净土。 上报四重恩。下济三途苦。 若有见闻者。悉发菩提心。 尽此一报身。同生极乐国。

Dear Kalyanamittas,

The below video by Master Hsu Yun Lao He Shan is very good. Please do listen to it attentively to understand its deep meaning.

The following important pointers were given:

i) Understand the nature of the true mind

ii) To silent the mind to realize the true nature.

iii) Meditate like a ‘dead’ person.

iv) Importance of having the right view with regards to the Law of Karma.

v) Be at ease and relax during meditation.

vi) Do not fight, suppress or control the thoughts. Just let them be and the thinking will slow down on its own and finally cease.

There are a lot of similarity between what he teaches and what my nature shared.

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Teoh Kian Koon <></>

Sent: 01 March 2018 03:31
Subject: Re: 虚云老和尚禅修开示 – 回向 愿以此功德。庄严佛净土。 上报四重恩。下济三途苦。 若有见闻者。悉发菩提心。 尽此一报身。同生极乐国。

For sharing by all. Master Hsu Yun’s teaching.
回向 愿以此功德。庄严佛净土。 上报四重恩。下济三途苦。 若有见闻者。悉发菩提心。 尽此一报身。同生极乐国。

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