0251 Dont rationalise your thoughts to avoid getting trapped Develop the silent inner awareness https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0251-Dont-rationalise-your-thoughts-to-avoid-getting-trapped-Develop-the-silent-inner-awareness.mp3 “0251 Dont rationalise your thoughts to avoid getting trapped Develop the silent inner awareness”.
0250 When you have direct seeing and wisdom you will not be caught by your emotion https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0250-When-you-have-direct-seeing-and-wisdom-you-will-not-be-caught-by-your-emotion.mp3 “0250 When you have direct seeing and wisdom you will not be caught by your emotion”.
0249 You may be conscious of life but you are not aware https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0249-You-may-be-conscious-of-life-but-you-are-not-aware.mp3 “0249 You may be conscious of life but you are not aware”.
0248 Is the composed mind the same as sati (awareness_mindfulness) https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0248-Is-the-composed-mind-the-same-as-sati-awareness_mindfulness.mp3 “0248 Is the composed mind the same as sati (awareness_mindfulness)”.
0247 Truth is everywhere why cant u see If u cant then u still dont have True Dhamma understanding https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0247-Truth-is-everywhere-why-cant-u-see-If-u-cant-then-u-still-dont-have-True-Dhamma-understanding.mp3 “0247 Truth is everywhere why cant u see If u cant then u still dont have True Dhamma understanding”.
0246 The whole cultivation is not easy as it involve the conditioned unconditioned and the Form Mind https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0246-The-whole-cultivation-is-not-easy-as-it-involve-the-conditioned-unconditioned-and-the-Form-Mind.mp3 “0246 The whole cultivation is not easy as it involve the conditioned unconditioned and the Form Mind”.
0245 Faith is the first Spiritual Faculty Without Faith you cant start your spiritual cultivation https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0245-Faith-is-the-first-Spiritual-Faculty-Without-Faith-you-cant-start-your-spiritual-cultivation.mp3 “0245 Faith is the first Spiritual Faculty Without Faith you cant start your spiritual cultivation”.
0244 Just Do to experience by oneself https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0244-Just-Do-to-experience-by-oneself.mp3 “0244 Just Do to experience by oneself”.
0243 Change of lineage to an Ariya https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0243-Change-of-lineage-to-an-Ariya.mp3 “0243 Change of lineage to an Ariya”.
0242 The Source Oneness nature one with everything https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0242-The-Source-Oneness-nature-one-with-everything.mp3 “0242 The Source Oneness nature one with everything”.