0673 The power of chanting the Mangala Sutta and the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0673-The-power-of-chanting-the-Mangala-Sutta-and-the-Dhammacakkappavattana-Sutta.mp3 “0673 The power of chanting the Mangala Sutta and the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta”.
0672 How a true cultivator would react when their loved ones are in a critical stage https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0672-How-a-true-cultivator-would-react-when-their-loved-ones-are-in-a-critical-stage.mp3 “0672 How a true cultivator would react when their loved ones are in a critical stage”.
0671 The Art of Listening https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0671-The-Art-of-Listening.mp3 “0671 The Art of Listening”.
0670 The mundane mind, when it realizes itself, ceases to realize the true mind https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0670-The-mundane-mind-when-it-realizes-itself-ceases-to-realize-the-true-mind.mp3 “0670 The mundane mind, when it realizes itself, ceases to realize the true mind”.
0686 3 key things in cultivation_ Are you sincere_ Do you have the faith_ Are you willing to persevere_ https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0686-3-key-things-in-cultivation_-Are-you-sincere_-Do-you-have-the-faith_-Are-you-willing-to-persevere_.mp3 “0686 3 key things in cultivation_ Are you sincere_ Do you have the faith_ Are you willing to persevere_”.
0685 Understanding mind-to-mind seal and listening from the heart begins the highest cultivation https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0685-Understanding-mind-to-mind-seal-and-listening-from-the-heart-begins-the-highest-cultivation.mp3 “0685 Understanding mind-to-mind seal and listening from the heart begins the highest cultivation”.
0684 Why are making great vows so important in our cultivation_ https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0684-Why-are-making-great-vows-so-important-in-our-cultivation_.mp3 “0684 Why are making great vows so important in our cultivation_”.
0683 Mind without dwelling is spacious and pure. Only then can the true mind arise. 应无所住,而生其心 https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0683-Mind-without-dwelling-is-spacious-and-pure.-Only-then-can-the-true-mind-arise.-应无所住,而生其心.mp3 “0683 Mind without dwelling is spacious and pure. Only then can the true mind arise. 应无所住,而生其心”.
0682 Rooting out defilements through understanding of the Dharma https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0682-Rooting-out-defilements-through-understanding-of-the-Dharma.mp3 “0682 Rooting out defilements through understanding of the Dharma”.
0681 Requesting forgiveness to clear karmic obstructions https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0681-Requesting-forgiveness-to-clear-karmic-obstructions.mp3 “0681 Requesting forgiveness to clear karmic obstructions”.