0241 Dhamma is Truth Truth is everywhere in the midst of life and nature why cant you see https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0241-Dhamma-is-Truth-Truth-is-everywhere-in-the-midst-of-life-and-nature-why-cant-you-see.mp3 “0241 Dhamma is Truth Truth is everywhere in the midst of life and nature why cant you see”.
0240 Cultivate Extensively Complacency will only bring Downfall https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0240-Cultivate-Extensively-Complacency-will-only-bring-Downfall.mp3 “0240 Cultivate Extensively Complacency will only bring Downfall”.
0239 How do we train the mind to be Heedful And revert Anapanasati to daily mindfulness https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0239-How-do-we-train-the-mind-to-be-Heedful-And-revert-Anapanasati-to-daily-mindfulness.mp3 “0239 How do we train the mind to be Heedful And revert Anapanasati to daily mindfulness”.
0238 The main intent and purpose of setting up the Kalyanamittas fund https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0238-The-main-intent-and-purpose-of-setting-up-the-Kalyanamittas-fund.mp3 “0238 The main intent and purpose of setting up the Kalyanamittas fund”.
0237 The key to Meditation is Relax, Aware, Silent https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0237-The-key-to-Meditation-is-Relax-Aware-Silent-1.mp3 “0237 The key to Meditation is Relax, Aware, Silent”.
0236 The real cultivation at heart area is when form delusion no longer has any power over you https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0236-The-real-cultivation-at-heart-area-is-when-form-delusion-no-longer-has-any-power-over-you.mp3 “0236 The real cultivation at heart area is when form delusion no longer has any power over you”.
0234 Meditate with understanding Don’t do anything don’t try to know Just aware until mind enter sati https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0234-Meditate-with-understanding-Dont-do-anything-dont-try-to-know-Just-aware-until-mind-enter-sati.mp3 “0234 Meditate with understanding Don’t do anything don’t try to know Just aware until mind enter sati”.
0233 Only mundane mind creating the phenomena world via mental perception and consciousness not so real https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0233-Only-mundane-mind-creating-the-phenomena-world-via-mental-perception-and-consciousness-not-so-real.mp3 “0233 Only mundane mind creating the phenomena world via mental perception and consciousness not so real”.
0232 How you function as a human being who are you and what are you https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0232-How-you-function-as-a-human-being-who-are-you-and-what-are-you.mp3 “0232 How you function as a human being who are you and what are you”.