Bro Teoh’s dhamma talks on You-tube and new dhamma videos 

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Thanks to Bro Chin How and those kalyanamittas who had helped him (especially  Sister Christy) to do up the above videos. These videos are taken mainly during our recent Cameron Highlands 9 days meditation retreat. Some are taken during our Thursday and Tuesday classes. Maha Sadhu! to them all.
I am pleased to forward herewith the You-tube link to his dhamma videos as below for sharing by all:
From: Teoh Kian Koon <></>
Sent: 06 April 2019 03:29

Due to some unforeseen circumstance I am sorry to announce that * is temporary close for further maintenance* .  We hope we can reopen it in a week time.

Meanwhile Bro Teoh dharma talks on Youtube are not affected and new videos will publish to the group soon. Sadhu🙏. Below is the link to his Dhamma videos taken for sharing by all: