Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below are the audio links to our 5th August 2018 Sunday class recording for sharing by all. Also attached are the outline short notes to assist you in the understanding.
Outline short notes for lesson 82 of the 6th Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra dated 5thAug 2018
Page 413 Chapter X Final Instructions
- Stages of mind’s creation: From the Source comes the Pure Awareness, then the Mundane Mind followed by the Phenomena world of consciousness.

- The Source is the Oneness nature or the Toa. It is the source or beginning of all the Myriads things.
- Pure awareness is the silent mind without any mind activity or movement as yet. It is only aware but it is capable of seeing things as they are (direct seeing).
- When one input the content of consciousness via wrong views into the pure consciousness, the mundane mind comes into being. This Mundane mind is manifestative and it can only arise when there are sense bases (the 6 sense bases), sense data and mind coming together to arise contact. Mundane mind lead to creation of Karma (moral causation).
- Whatever perceivable by the mind via the senses is a phenomenon. The existential world is a Phenomena world of consciousness. With delusion one will grasp (via giving meaning) at the phenomena world of consciousness.2. The way of Consciousness:
C (Pure Awaeness/Pure Consciousness)
W(Wisdom)S(Senses)-5 Aggregates of –>Enlightened living. Form and mind(the phenomena world)
- The Pure Awareness is the silent mind (without any content) that first arise from the Source.
- The pure awareness via its direct seeing develops wisdom.
- When wisdom is connected to the form and mind (living being), there is noble (enlighten) living.
- However, for unenlightened beings the pure awareness is over looked and they manifest via the mundane seeing; seeing the phenomena world via the mundane mind. That is upon contact with sense bases, the respective mundane consciousness comes into being. Via delusion one will inputs the wrong content of consciousness into the sense experience. This will cause the mundane mind to stir and react to sense experience hence the reason why one is not at peace at the moment of sense experience.
- Whatever created by the mundane mind is not real because they are dependent originating, condition arising hence impermanent (not a permanent unchanging entity) that we can cling on to or hold onto as the ‘I’ and the ‘Me”.
- If one focuses the mind to stop thinking (using energy field), it is a conditioned state hence not a free mindand this is not the true mind. It is still within the field of thought (one-pointedness focusing).
- Pure Awareness is a free mind. There is no concentration involved yet the silent mind which is free is collected and unwavering. This is real Samadhi.
- Most beings are trapped at the mundane mind stage. Why is it so difficult for beings to realize the silent or true mind? The reason being when one experience great peace and calmness of mind during meditation they tend to attach and cling onto such peace and calmness and they do not know how to just relax into itto allow it to return to its original state of stillness and tranquility. And most of the time, beings begin to feel fear as their breath become so subtle until it is like there is no breathing at all then the fear of death will arise to cause the mundane mind to stir up again.
- Apply the 4th support of ‘trust’ at the Pure Awareness stage to locate the ‘gateway’ to our nature and after that just let things be and silent everything for cessation to happen, i.e. to realize Nibbana. This is the way of the Bodhisattva.
- Bodhisattva takes birth not via ignorant like normal beings but via a pure mind with love and compassion borne of wisdom and their vows.
- Vinanam is the (=) empty consciousness or the receptacle (the 4th aggregate of mind).
- Citta = [consciousness + content of consciousness (feeling, perception and sankhara)] = the thought (5 mental aggregates of form and mind).
- Mano = mind (all of mind – true mind, mundane mind and the Supra mundane mind)
- It is impossible to ‘cut’ at the feeling link to prevent the craving link from arising because without wisdomor when there will be no yoniso manasikara (wise attention) at the moment of sense experience, feeling will be conditioned into craving straight away. For wisdom is to be awaken to because it is not a knowledge – so if you don’t have (the wisdom) it means you don’t have. You cannot learn to be wise because it is not a knowledge or something for you to commit to memory. Only with wisdom or the arising of yoniso manasikara at the moment of sense experience can the feeling link remain as pure feeling. Withoutwisdom feeling will immediately condition craving.
- Avijja → (paccaya) sankhara → vinanam → nama rupa → 6 sense bases … (following the 12 links or dependent origination movements).
- Due to ignorant or avijja (wanting to know) thinking (sankhara) arise. Thinking give rise to contact within the mind (which is also a mental ‘organ’), giving rise to mind (mental) consciousness (vinanam). Then when the content of consciousness is inputted it condition the arising of the 5 mental aggregates of form and mind (nama rupa).
- Sister Eng Bee asked whether there is avijja at the vinanam link because if there is, vinanam cannot be just pure consciousness. Brother explained that this vinanam link is just the sense door consciousness that arises upon contact before the input of the content of consciousness matching what the Buddha said in his teaching, “In the seeing there is only the seeing consciousness initially.” That is there is no one to see as yet because the content of consciousness that give rise to the egoic mind has not gone in yet.Dated: 6.8.2018 (The draft outline short notes was initially prepared by Sister Mun Yuen)
Bye! and with metta always,
From: Sister Lee Siew Gaik