Bro Teoh’s 15th May 2018 Tuesday class sharing

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last night 15th May 2018 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all. The out line short notes are as below:

Outline notes of Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class dated May 15, 2018 

1)      Short talk by Bro Teoh on the recently concluded GE14 (9th May 2018):                                                                  Bro Teoh expressed his great respect for Tun Mahathir’s extraordinary feat and ability to pull off the greatest upset win despite his age of 92+. His great will-power, foresight and strategy had enabled him to lead the opposition front to break the incumbent government of 61 years to give new hope to the people of Malaysia – a new Malaysia is born. The fall of BN (Najib’s National Front) was expected because all the signs, causes and conditions were there. We can learn from this great event of true change for our beloved nation and we are all indeed very blessed and proud to be part of the change.  Kamma has taken place following dhammapada verses 119 and 120:                                                                                                                                verse 119: Even an evil person may still find happiness so long as his evil deed does not bear fruit; but when his evil deed does bear fruit he will meet with evil consequences.                                                                 Verse 120: Even a good person may still meet with suffering as long as his good deed does not bear fruit; but when it does bear fruit he will enjoy the benefits of his good deed.                                                                              2)      The Buddha and his Teachings (Chapter 16 page 306 – 318):                                                                      –        Buddhism is nothing mysterious nor is it mystical                                                                                             –        It is a religion of great wisdom for it gives love, wisdom and understanding to all beings struggling in the ocean of birth and death (samsara)                                      –        It reveals to living beings the secret of life so that they truly understand life                                                 –        The precepts are to be observed and they are not commandments but modes of discipline to be followed based on one’s understanding                                                         3)        Buddhism and Caste system                                                                                                                                 The Buddha do away with the caste system by saying:                                                                                           –          –            By birth is no one an outcaste; By birth is no one a Brahmin;                                                                                         –          By deeds is one an outcast; By deeds is one a Brahmin                                                                                                  In conclusion the Buddha commented – birth makes no Brahmin, nor non-Brahmin; it is life doing that makes a true Brahmin and their life moulds farmers, tradesmen, merchants and serfs or moulds robbers, soldiers, chaplains, kings, etc.

(Note: Above draft outline was prepared by Sister Quinni)

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sis Hui Rung

Brother Teoh Tuesday Class on 15/05/2018 record :

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