J. Krishnamurti’s quote on What is Truth?

Bro. Teoh’s 14.12.2017 Thursday class recording

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 12.12.2017 recording

Bro. Teoh’s 23rd June 2013 Dharma talk at the Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (SJBA) on the topic ‘Importance of mindfulness/heedfulness to cope with Life’s problems and suffering’ (A Method of Stress release via Meditation)

Bro. Teoh’s (7.12.2017) Thursday class recording

63rd lesson of the 6th Patriarch Platform sutra class dated 3.12.2017

Bro. Teoh’s 30.11.2017 Thursday class recording

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 28.11.2017

Bro. Teoh’s lesson 62, 6th Patriarch Platform sutra