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With metta always,
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With metta always,
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Cetasika chart:
A. Outline short notes for Bro Teoh’s Sunday class dated 10th March 2019
Brother Teoh’s transcript book: Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way, pages 55-62
1. Karmic fruitions can trigger karmic obstructions and they can be very powerful obstructions.
2. To clear karmic obstructions, one need to sincerely ask for forgiveness from the Triple Gem and all beings and vow not to repeat all these karmic negativities via following the advice of the Buddha to avoid all evil, cultivates wholesomeness and meditates to purify one’s mind. Then invoke power of merits for turn around and recovery.
3. The 10 Perfections cultivation are generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, spiritual zeal, patience endurance, truthfulness, determination/aspiration, loving kindness and equanimity.
4. Dharma is not just theory. It has to be cultivated while in the midst of life because it is a living dharma, not theory or knowledge which is not the true dharma. Investigate the Dharma in our daily life activities. When the Dharma stands up to investigation, there will be understanding and faith.
5. Only Bodhisattvas have precepts to break because Bodhisattvas have very extensive vows and work to do.
6. It is very important to understand what constitute evil so that they can be recognised and abandoned.
7. Strive on with heedfulness to connect to our true nature early in every life. Learn the Dharma fast so that the Bodhi mind or seed can be activated early to perfect our karmic nature until it cannot fall back any more.
8. Long or short period of cultivation time is of no significance for a Bodhisattva who had realized the Enlightenment.
9. Question from Sister Tammy: Is Adhitthana and Law of Attraction the same?
10. Brother Teoh explained that the Law of Attraction does not give the whole perspective of things as it does not take into account the law of karma. Even though the thoughts are positive and motivating but with evil roots, negative karma will arise. Then, those positive thoughts (with evil roots) may only work for a while in the beginning until the negative karmic fruition kicks in. (Do view and listen attentively to the video recording which is very clear and complete to understand this topic better. This video recording is available in our website under recording of classes.)
11. Question from Sister Soo: What is cetasika? How can cetasika help in our cultivation?
12. Brother Teoh explained that cetasikas are just mental concomitants/states/content of consciousness which we must be aware of while cultivating our daily mindfulness. (Do view and listen attentively to the video recording which is very clear and complete to understand this topic better. This video recording is available in our website under recording of classes.)
13. Brother Song shares his cultivation experience, where he experienced heightened awareness and understanding of the Dharma. His consciousness experience bright lights and was aware of even the birds flying high above his head but he was not distracted by such experiences. He continues to relax and maintain awareness until he can be aware of his very subtle greed, resentment and dislike including all the very fine mental movements and mind states within his mind.
14. Brother Teoh rejoiced with Brother Song’s rather good progress and understanding and cautioned others against attaching to the manifestation of bright light (consciousness very bright) which is one of the 10 defilements of insight because it is just a conditioned state. Clinging will block progress. Silent the mind until the mind enters sati. Stabilize the daily mindfulness until one can develop the direct seeing from their pure nature. (Must listen attentively to the audio recording from the 2hr 7 minutes onward to develop the clear and deep understanding of the actual cultivation.)
15. At the moment of sense experience and feeling, if there is the initial wisdom (yonisomanasikara) the mind will not stir and one will then have sense restraint and more moments of silent awareness.
16. Sister Soo asked why for a period she can have no feeling and thoughts during her recent spiritual trip to India. She also asked why at one stage she at the same time also has so much dislike or aversion towards those beggars that harass her and causing her to cringe. Later she can also see other people’s suffering, desire and greed for blessings and fame. She then decides to reverse the light and look within or inwards to see her own defilements.
17. Brother Teoh explained that her faith and conditioned mind brings about the initial calm state of mind that conditioned her to associate every encounter with equanimity. If she is mindful with a free mind it will not be
the same. If she had relaxed into it and maintain awareness, it will change into a free mind. Regarding the beggars, there must be understanding to overcome or root out the aversion. The last part she did – to reverse the light and see within was good. Actual cultivation is usually the opposite way. One must reverse the light and look within to see our own defilements and how these defilements condition us via our own self-delusion to stir and project our thoughts leading to all the fear, worry anxiety and suffering borne of wrong thoughts. Through understanding ourselves we will be able to understand others. (Must listen attentively to the audio recording from 2hr 26 minutes onward to develop the clear and deep understanding of this cultivation.)
18. Bro Teoh introduced and shared the 3-Fold Lotus Sutra (Fa Hua San Bu Jing) with kalyanamittas.
B. Outline short notes for Bro Teoh’s Sunday class dated 7th April 2019
Brother Teoh’s transcript book: Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way, page 62 to 65
1. We are all connected in existence. Everything within the conditioned world is interdependent. All our natures contribute to what the universe is today. Reason why it is often said, ‘one is all and all is one’.
2. The egoic mind that separates us from the Whole causes us suffering. Enlightened Beings can see clearly this truth or reality of life, i.e. no mark of a self, living being and life and also all phenomena are conditions arising and dependent originating following nature’s laws.
3. Explanation by Bro Teoh on – the importance of the 5 Daily Contemplations as advised by the Buddha.
4. Accept the law of karma. Don’t react to karmic fruition with negativity. Develop the right view. Follow the Noble Eightfold Path to resolve all issues and so called problem amicably. When one can understands this, one’s mind can be liberated. If this is not understood, one will suffer and become miserable. With the Dharma, life is beautiful and wonderful.
5. We cannot just want to help everyone that is suffering because there are so many suffering beings in the world and it is beyond our means. When there is no condition, nothing will be done. When there is condition developed via wisdom, help can be offered. A true cultivator must learn to differentiate between the desire to help (which is a craving) and true wisdom.
6. Relationship is considered important only for the form and mind which is subject to the law of karma.
7. Buddha hood is realized upon the completion of the cultivation of the Bodhisattva way.
8. Cultivate and investigate the Dharma to have the understanding to live life. To cultivate repentance to break karmic obstructions.
9. Do no continue to gullibly play the game of suffering, i.e. to indulge and cocoon oneself in wrong thoughts via holding on to one’s negative thoughts of previous experiences like fear, worry, phobia, insecurity, anxiety, sorrow and lamentation, etc. which impacted so much suffering on them. Re-playing all these negative memories again and again through wrong thoughts can lead to depression. Need to be aware of all these and abandon all these wrong thoughts which has become so habitual and so harmful via applying the 4 right efforts.
10. Whenever we are not happy and not peaceful, the evil roots and wrong thoughts have arisen. There are defilements. When one is caught in a cocoon of wrong thoughts one will be severely afflicted.
11. Question from Sister PG: How to establish affinity with Great Beings besides invoking power of merits?
12. Brother Teoh explained that we can pay respect to them and chant names of the Great Beings with faith.
13. Brother Teoh went through the Q&A section of an ealier Klang talk on understanding meditation where Sister Jeanne’s son asked whether anapanasati as taught by the Buddha is a technique or a meditation.
14. Meditation is to train the mind to be heedful to cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path (N8FP).
15. Heedfulness is to be ever mindful and constantly meditative of the N8FP.
16. The cultivation of the 4 Foundation of Mindfulness (after overcoming covetousness and grief) is the only way for the purification of beings, for overcoming of sorrow and lamentation and to realise enlightenment:
(1) First foundation – Kayanupassana or mindfulness of the physical body:
· The Buddha recommends us to start with anapanasati which is just a method and technique that serve as an initial skilful means to train the mind to be mindful so that it does not wander off and be lost in thoughts.
· After anapanasati is developed, do not continue to do it without understanding. Use it to develop Passaddhi (the silent mind in stillness) until the mind enters sati.
· Then move on to cultivate the mindfulness of the 4 postures followed by mindfulness of all the movements between the 4 postures leading to the sati sampajanna practices. This daily mindfulness cultivation must reach the stability of mindfulness that can enable one to see one’s own mental intentions and mental defilements clearly (starting with the gross tending towards the subtle ones) to understand the spiritual teachings as taught by the Buddha clearly.
(2) Second foundation – vedananupassana or mindfulness of feelings
(3) Third foundation – cittanupassana or mindfulness of the content of consciousness
(4) Fourth foundation – dhammanupassana or mindfulness of the following essential dhamma:
(Above draft short notes were developed by sister Mun Yuen)
Dear Brother Teoh,
On 1 May 2019 16:51, “Teoh Kian Koon” <> wrote:
Hi! xxxxx,You still could not understand what the Buddha meant. It is not what u mentioned below. Because step 3 involves the whole 4 FOM (Step 3) cultivation. Before steps 7, 6, 5 and 4 are mastered u are not able to do the 4 FOM and that is the reason why the Buddha put in those words, ‘after overcoming covetousness and grief…’ then only can one cultivate the 4 FOM. Your interpretation below is not accurate.Step 7 is only the initial wisdom develop via 1st and 2nd turnings, especially the 2nd turning wisdom. This step can be done before cultivating step 6 (Mindfulness and clear comprehension or Sati Sampajanna).And step 6 is not equivalent to the 2nd-4th foundation of mindfulness as mentioned by u. It is mentioned in the 1st foundation of Mindfulness – 3rd category of practice and can only be done after step 7 is being developedotherwise without the initial wisdom, a stable daily mindfulness is impossible to develop because the mind will continue to stir and react to sense experiences. So don’t be too impatient or eager to go into the 4 FOM firstbefore doing steps 7, 6, 5 and 4. If u do that u are wasting your precious cultivation time.Hope this is clear to u by now.Bye! and with metta always,TeohFrom: xxxxxxxSent: 01 May 2019 07:43
To: Bro Teoh Kian KoonSubject: Re: Outline short notes for Sunday class dated 10th March and 7 April 2019
Dear Brother Teoh,
Thank you for the explanation. If I understand correctly, steps 4-6 are also inclusive in step 3 as follows (??):1. Step 4, ie three ways of good conduct are equivalent to right view, right speech, right action in step 3 (mindfulness of the N8FP).2. Step 6, ie mindfulness and clear comprehension is equivalent to the 2nd-4th foundation of mindfulness3. Step 7, ie wise attention requires right view in step 3 (mindfulness of the N8FP)What I am trying to understand is, steps 4-6 seems to be part of step 3, and not a strict sequence as in must complete steps 4-6 first then only can reach step 3. Since step 4-6 are already part of step 3, then one is already cultivating the 4FOM before reaching the full blown step 3 which is the 4FOM itself.Also, it says that the 4FOM is the only way out or sorrow and lamentation but it also says that we have to overcome covetousness and grief first before cultivating 4FOM. Isn’t sorrow and lamentation somewhat the same as covetousness and grief?Can Brother Teoh help please. TQ.
With Metta alwaysxxxOn Wed, 1 May 2019, 11:47 Teoh Kian Koon <teohkiankoon@hotmail.comwrote:Dear xxxx,Regarding your below question I had already answered them before. Please refer to the 10 steps as stated in the Avijja sutta on cultivation as reproduced below from our website.The second sequence of Avijja sutta is:
1. True Knowledge (Vijja) leading to enlightenment and the nutriment for this is
2. The Seven Enlightenment factors (Satta Bojjhanga) and the nutriment for this is
3. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthana) and the nutriment for this is
4. The three ways of good conduct (mind, body and speech) and thenutriment for this is
5. Restraint of the sense faculties and the nutriment for this is
6. Mindfulness and clear comprehension (Sati and Sampajanna) and nutriment for this is
7. Wise consideration (Yoniso Manasikara) and nutriment for this is
8. Confidence/Faith (Saddha) in Buddha, Dharma, and the Sangha andnutriment for this is
9. Listening to true Dharma and nutriment for this is
10. Association with good Dharma and spiritual friends (Kalyanamittas).
(Note: Again you can see association with good Dharma or spiritual friendsor Kalyanamittas is a pre-requisite needed to arrive at that path that ends in True Knowledge (or Vijja)/enlightenment. That is the reason why the Buddha clearly instructs us via saying to Venerable Ananda: ‘havingDharma/spiritual/noble friends (kalyanamittas) is 100% of the holy life.”Hence developing and promoting true kalyanamittaship among all Buddhist within the Buddhist communities is most important.
Base on the above you must have completed steps 4, 5, 6 & 7 before you can commence the cultivation of the Four foundation of mindfulness (step 3). Step 7 (Yoniso manasikara) will give rise to the initial wisdom required for sense restrain (step 5) leading to step 4 (the 3 ways of right or good conduct) to be possible. Having the 3 ways of good conduct means the cultivator already has the ability of overcome covetousness and grief. Step 7 leading to step 6 is also very important because without step 6 you lack a very stable daily mindfulness to see your defilements and to overcome them via the 4 right efforts.The other reason is, without steps 4, 5, 6 & 7 cultivated you will be wasting your time ‘cultivating’ step 3 which is the Four foundation of mindfulness because you are not ready and u don’t have the ability to do it because youcan’t understand the cultivation which is sati based and not thought based.Hope the above helps and is clear by now.Bye! and with metta always,TeohFrom: xxxxxx
Sent: 30 April 2019 14:44
To: Bro Teoh Kian Koon;
Subject: Outline short notes for Sunday class dated 10th March and 7 April 2019
Dear Brother Teoh,I have a question. Why is it that only after overcoming covetousness and grief, can one start to cultivate the 4 Foundation of Mindfulness? Is it not because we have covetousness and grief that we need to purify ourselves through the 4 Foundation of Mindfulness?Outline short notes for Sunday class dated 10th March 2019
Brother Teoh’s transcript book: Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way, pages 55-62
Karmic fruition triggers karmic obstruction and is very powerful.
To clear karmic obstruction, ask for forgiveness from the Triple Gem and invoke power of merits. The Triple Gem are ever ready to forgive through their vow and pure wish so that sentient beings are able to cultivate the Way/Path of Dharma without obstruction.
The 10 Perfections cultivation are generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, spiritual zeal, patience endurance, truthfulness, determination/aspiration, loving kindness and equanimity.
Dharma is not just theory. It has to be cultivated in the midst of life. Investigate the Dharma in our daily life activities. When the Dharma stands up to investigation, there will be understanding and faith.
Only Bodhisattvas have precepts to break because Bodhisattvas take precepts.
It is very important to understand what constitute evil so that they can be recognised and abandoned.
Strive to connect to our truth nature early in every life. Learn the Dharma fast so that the Bodhisattva seed is activated early and perfect our karmic nature until it cannot fall any more.
Long or short period of time is of no difference for a Bodhisattva once Enlightenment is attained.
Question from Sister Tammy: Is Adhitthana and Law of Attraction the same?
Brother Teoh explained that the Law of Attraction does not give the whole perspective of things as it does not take into account the law of karma. If the thoughts are positive but with evil roots, negative karma will arise. Then, those positive thoughts (with evil roots) will only work in the beginning until merits are depleted, then negative fruition will kick in.
Question from Sister Soo: What is cetasika? How can cetasika help in our cultivation?
Brother Teoh explained that cetasika is just mental concomitant/states/content of consciousness which we must be aware of.
Brother Song shares his cultivation experience where he has heightened awareness and understanding of the Dharma. He saw bright lights and was aware of birds flying above his head.
Brother Teoh rejoiced with Brother Song’s progress but cautioned him against attaching to the manifestation (the bright light) which is just a conditioned state. Clinging will block progress.
At feeling, understand the cause so that the mind does not stir and one will then have self restraint.
Sister Soo asked why she has no feeling and thoughts during her spiritual trip to India. She also asked why she has so much aversion to beggars.
Brother Teoh explained that her mind was suppressed through faith. If she has relaxed into it, it will change into a free mind. As for the beggars, there must be understanding to overcome the aversion.
Outline short notes for Sunday class dated 7th April 2019
Brother Teoh’s transcript book: Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way, pages 62-
We are all connected in existence. Everything is interdependent. Our nature contributes to what the universe is today.
The egoic mind that separates us from the Whole causes us suffering. Enlightened Beings can see clearly this reality of life, i.e. no mark and are conditions arising.
Law of independence = Karma – due to causes and conditions.
Explanation of 5 Daily Contemplation.
Accept karma. Don’t react to karma with negativity. Develop the right view. Follow the Noble Eightfold Path to resolve the problem. When one understands this, one is liberated. If this is not understood, one will suffer or be miserable. With the Dharma, life is beautiful.
We cannot help everyone all the time. When there is no condition, nothing can be done. When there is condition, help can be offered.
Relationship is important only for the form and mind.
Buddhahood is the completion of the cultivation of the Bodhisattva Path.
Cultivate and investigate the Dharma to have the understanding life after life to break karmic obstruction.
Do no play the game of suffering, i.e. cocoon oneself in wrong thoughts or holding to thoughts of previous negative experiences like phobia, sorrow which impacted on them – re-playing these negative memories again and again through thoughts or speech. Need to be aware of this and abandon this habit.
Whenever we are not happy, there are defilements. One is caught in cocoon of wrong thoughts and is miserable.
Question from Sister PG: How to establish affinity with Great Beings besides invoking power of merits?
Brother Teoh explained that we can also pay respect with faith or call/chant name of the Great Beings.
Brother Teoh went through the Q&A section of the Klang talk on understanding meditation where Sister Jeanne’s son asked whether anapanasati as taught by the Buddha is a technique or a meditation.
Meditation is to train the mind to be heedful to cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path (N8FP).
Heedfulness is to be ever mindful and constantly meditative of the N8FP.
The cultivation of the 4 Foundation of Mindfulness (after overcoming covetousness and grief) is the only way for the purification of beings, for overcoming of sorrow and lamentation and to realise enlightenment:
(1) First foundation – Kayanupassana or mindfulness of the physical body
To train the mind to be mindful, the Buddha recommends us to start with anapanasati which is just a method and technique that serve as an initial skillful means to train the mind to be mindful so that it does not wander off and be lost in thoughts.
After anapanasati is developed, do not continue it any more. Move to daily mindfulness (sati sampajanna) of the 4 postures.
Then later move to mindfulness of all movements in between the 4 postures to reach stability of mindfulness, to see our mental intentions and to understand the spiritual teachings.
(2) Second foundation – vedananupassana or mindfulness of feelings
(3) Third foundation – cittanupassana or mindfulness of the content of consciousness
(4) Fourth foundation – dhammanupassana or mindfulness of the essential dhamma
Mindfulness of 5 mental hindrances and spiritual faculties
Mindfulness of 5 aggregates of form and mind
Mindfulness of 6 internal sense bases and 6 external sense bases
Mindfulness of of the 4 Noble Truths (N8FP is the last Noble Truth)
Thank you.
With metta always,
Short Notes for Brother Teoh’s April 11 2019 Thursday class
Bye! and with metta always,
Book Reference: The Buddha and His Teachings –WHAT IS IT THAT IS REBORN?Chapter 29, Page 453 – 454)
Bye! with metta always,
Outline Short Notes for Brother Teoh’s April 4th Thursday class
1. Meditation is to train the mind to be heedful. When the 5 spiritual faculties are developed, you can just straight away meditate. Relax and be aware to realizethe silent mind (which is the meditative mind).
2. First step towards wisdom is to be aware. The moment you are without thought you are already aware. When you are aware that you are heedless (no longer aware), at that moment, there is mindfulness and awareness. This is what sati is. Or in the words of J Krishnamurti, ‘the awareness of inattention is attention’.
3. With this awareness, you can understand how you function as a human being and how you get lost in thought. It is through all this understanding that you can get to know what you are (the 5 aggregates of form and mind) and who you are. See that clearly: ‘When you are without wisdom, the 3 evil roots of greed hatred and delusion are actively conditioning the wrong thoughts to cause you problems in life’. Without the 5 spiritual faculties of saddha, viriya, sati, samadhi and panna, the opposite 5 mental hindrances will arise to hinder your mind from enter the meditative state of inner peace and inner awareness.
4. Mind that is collected and unwavering has samadhi and samadhi can prevents the mind from stirring. With sati and samadhi, you can see things as they areand awaken to the reality of the moment, before the conditioning, views and opinions from memory come in to intervene/interfere with our seeing. Wisdom arises. Without the spiritual faculties and the understanding of the dhamma, mental hindrances will arise causing the mind to react and stir. Pleasant and unpleasant sense experiences (which are the first 2 mental hindrances) will then arise within your mental states. Without viriya, you will feel lethargic to meditate. Without sati, Samadhi and wisdom, you will have restlessness of mind, hence your lack of peace.
5. Real meditation can only starts when ones daily mindfulness is very stable. You need to be heedful and use the ever mindful state to cultivate the noble eightfold path. To progress you need to constantly meditate via having a good religious routine and a very stable daily mindfulness. At the same time constantly reflect and contemplate to straighten your view. Your life is your greatest teacher. The truth is within yourself. You will then understand who you are, what you are and how you function as a human being via the wisdom developed. This is what meditation is all about.
6. With awareness, you have space between thoughts i.e. clarity, silence and hence peaceful of mind. The moment you are aware of your negative thoughts and heedless thinking, the momentum of these negative thoughts to continue the habitual thinking breaks. When there is space between thoughts the conditioned mind can break free. Thus when you are constantly aware, the heedless thinking mind fails to have power over you.
7. Because of heedlessness, human beings tend to react to situations due to their habitual tendencies borne of wrong views. The conditioned mundane mind pulls you into negativity and it is this deluded mundane mind that lives your life. As you realize the unreality of form and mind, you can then straighten your view to break free.
8. Meditation as taught by the Buddha: is to develop a stable sati to see things as they are to insight into the 3 universal characteristics of anicca, dukkha and anatta to develop the wisdom to free our mind. No more delusion or suffering. Relax into whatever mind states (whether pleasant or unpleasant) that arise. Know that this like and dislikes are due to your mundane mind’s conditioning and habitual tendencies. After having awaken to this understanding and wisdom, you can transform your life for the better. You will have morewholesome mind states that arise via your new heedful way of living which are so different from those of your past rather unwholesome mind states borne of heedless living.
9. The true mind is the tranquil and still mind in pure awareness without thought and such a mind – can awaken to the 3 universal characteristics of impermanence, suffering state and non-self or empty nature of existence.
10. Without wisdom, maras may come and attack you, making you miserable. Most human beings merely existed through life because they are only conscious of life and they are hardly mindful and aware within. But when you are constantly aware, you truly live life.
11. If you do not know who you are, what you are, then who is living your life? Thedeluded thought is living your life. Beforethoughts arise, our nature is just pure awareness, the true mind (or spacious awareness without a center). When you perceive something, a thought arise. From spacious awareness, you zoom into a limited space to perceive something to arise the thought. After you perceive, you input the content of consciousness following your views and opinions. Thought is pure awareness with its content of consciousness. That is how the 5 mental aggregates of form and mind arise.
12. This thought is limited because after you focus, thought arise within this small limited space. This limited and egoic thought cannot see the whole and is incapable of awareness. This thought is not you but merely a dependent originating (or condition arising) thought entity.
13. Upon contact of mind with the sense bases, you can become conscious of what you see, smell, taste, tactile feeling and think. With proper meditativeunderstanding you will understanding that this thought is not you. But when you think they are you, self-delusion sets in. Wrong thoughts cause your lack of peace. The 3 evil roots of greed, hatred, delusion, which comes from your accumulated memories of good and bad experiences are all embedded deep in your subconscious and unconscious. Most deluded people tend to hold onto their negative emotions thus creating more wrong thoughts and suffering. The main cause of suffering is attachment, clinging and craving borne of self-delusion. Thus if you do not know who you are, you can be deluded by these thoughts. These wrong thoughts then live your life.
14. The 5 mental aggregates of body and mind (feeling, perception, mental states, mental form and consciousness) arise and pass away but you did not die. Hence they are not you. You are the pure awareness which is beyond the form and mind.
15. Brother Danny, after our recent retreat at Cameron Highlands shared a book by Paul Ferrini. From John Bradshaw’s commentary on Paul Ferrini’s Heal Your Life books – it is mentioned that Paul Ferrini’s work is a must read for all people who are ready to take responsibility for their own healing. From Larry Dossey’s commentary on his work – Paul Ferrini is a modern day Kahlil Gibran, a poet, mystic, visionary, teller of truth.
16. Excerpt from Paul Ferrini’s book: “Silence is the essence of the heart. You cannot be in the heart unless you are in forgiveness of yourself and others. You cannot be in the heart if you are worried or angry. You cannot be in the heart if your breathing is shallow or labored. When the breath is labored, thinking is driven by fear and anxiety. Your mind-states are rooted in the past or future. Unless you return to the heart, you cannot see with compassion. And one who does not see with compassion does not see accurately. All that is perceived is a fabrication, a hyperbole. It simply feeds your boredom or anxiety.”
17. Brother Teoh further explained that when you forgive others you free yourselfbecause when you forgive others your hatred, envy and jealousy (evil roots)are gone (or rooted out) hence your heart is free. Brother Teoh also did not quite agree with Paul Ferrini’s statement on ‘silence is the essence of theheart’. To be more precise, it should be ‘silence is the essence of our nature or true mind’ – it has nothing to do with the heart. Instead the heart is where theconscience resides. There is also a gateway to our nature within our heart. The conscience comes from our nature. It can only arise when we are withoutthought. You need to be mindful enough to know it. When you are silent in your heart, you can be mindful and aware.
18. Excerpt from Paul Ferrini’s book: “When you return to the heart, you abide in the silence from which all sound comes. Like a boat on the ocean you feel the waves swell beneath you. You move with the waves, but you know you are not the waves. Thoughts come and go, yet you know you are not the thoughts. You abide with the ebb and flow of the ride, moving in and out, feeling the contraction and expansion of thought. Beneath the thinking mind is a pure, non-judgmental awareness. When you discover the awareness, you fall into the heart. Then giving and receiving are effortless.” Meditation is effortless because the last support is truth and all true meditation is by the true mind which is without thought.
19. As you understand who and what you are, it is essential to do the 5 daily contemplations (I am subject to aging; I am subject to illness; I am subject to death; I will separate from all that is dear and appealing to me; I am the owner of my actions. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir) as taught by the Buddha.
20. You make use of this body and mind (as a vehicle and tool) for you to live life. Even when you know this is not you, you need to do your duty in life because this form and mind is subject to karma.
21. The pure nature cannot come out and live life, but everything arises from there. Thus you can only truly live life when you are with the awareness and not when you are constantly lost in thought.
(Above draft short notes is by Sister Angie Chong)
Date: 4 April 2019
Meanwhile Bro Teoh dharma talks on Youtube are not affected and new videos will publish to the group soon. Sadhu🙏. Below is the link to his Dhamma videos taken for sharing by all:
Bro. Teoh graduated from the University of Malaya in Civil Engineering in 1979. He has been a spiritual practitioner cum ‘Meditator’ since 1971. Since his re…
Brother Teoh’s April 2 2019 Tuesday Class Short Notes
Book Reference: The Buddha and His Teachings – HOW REBIRTH TAKES PLACE Chapter 28, Page 446 – 451)
1. At the point of death, the good and bad deeds or thoughts that occurred during a person’s life time or immediately before his death (habitual actions) determines where he will be reborn. This is usually the case unless he has committed one of the 5 heavy kamma or the 5 heinous actions (Garuka Kamma) which are killing one’s parents, hurting a Buddha, causing schism in the sangha community. The very strong good action is being in Jhana. These 5 heavy kamma and such strong mind states override all other actions to determine rebirth destination.
2. Signs/vision of habitual tools used like knife of surgeons or butchers or food for dana may appear to the dying person. These are Kamma Nimitta. He may also see symbols of destiny (Gati Nimitta) like fire, forest, mountains, mother’s womb or celestial mansions, etc.
3. Towards the end, his Bhavanga & mind door consciousness are interrupted & pass away, leaving 5 very weak thought moments to condition & regulate rebirth. After this last thought or death consciousness (Cuti Citta) death occurs. The Wind element of the Body dissipates first, then heat, water and lastly earth. The body finally turns into Dust. The remnant of consciousness then leaves the physical body immediately after the craving force that held it to the bodydissipates.
4. The gender of the new being is determined by kamma.
5. Bro Teoh mused that women with higher average mortality age tend to live longer than men and asked for the possible reasons. The responses are women tend to have higher pain threshold and they experience less stress as they are usually housewife or simple career ladies. They also like to express their displeasure more easily (to reduce their discomfort) because they are more emotional and they also takes less risks thus have fewer worries. They have more love because they can sacrifice for their loved ones.
(Above short notes draft prepared by Sister Yoon Chun)
Short Notes for Brother Teoh 28 March 2019 Thursday class Talk
(Above short notes is by Sister Angie Chong)
With metta always,