Seeking Security
“So, there is one of the fragments – that is actually ‘what is’ – one of the fragments of this broken up energy, knowing, being aware – no, I won’t use the word aware or knowing – one of these fragments, restlessly seeking security – that is what we are all doing. And that restlessness and this constant search, constant enquiry, constant putting this away, taking that up, going joining this society, then taking that society, you know, the monkey goes on endlessly, all that indicates a mind that is pursuing a way of life in which it is only concerned with security.
Now when that is seen very clearly, then what is the mind – what has happened to the mind that is no longer concerned with security? I’m putting the question differently. What has happened to it? Obviously, it has no fear – that’s a very trivial matter. It becomes very trivial when you see how thought has fragmented the energy, or fragmented itself, and because of this fragmentation there is fear. And when you see the activity of thought in its fragmentation, then fear – you meet it, you act. So, we are asking, what has happened to the mind that has become extraordinarily attentive. Is there any movement of search at all. Please, find out.”
– J. Krishnamurti
Public Discussion 8
Saanen, Switzerland – 9 August 1970