Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is the drop box to our yesterday 8.6.2017 Thursday class recording for sharing by all. This dharma sharing is highly recommended because it covers the following rather beautiful/important sharing:
i) Why is our untrained mind always heedless (thinks a lot) and not peaceful?
ii) Understanding the 5 mental Hindrances and the importance of cultivating the opposite 5 spiritual faculties to counter the 5 mental hindrances leading to the meditative mind which is always heedful;
iii) Understanding the meditation as taught by the Buddha;
iv) Understanding mental negativity and suffering especially depression;
V) How the Buddha’s teaching or dharma can help liberate the mind from suffering.
Vi) Benefits of training the mind in meditation.
Bye! and with metta always,
From: Bro. Swee Aun
Shared with Dropbox