You Tube

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Re: Bro Teoh’s Tuesday/Thursday classes dated 17 Feb and 22 Feb 2022 (Lesson 18 & 19 of the Wonderful dharma Lotus flower Sutra)

…19 ( 妙法蓮華經 19 ) Reference book :The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra commentary by Master Hsuan Hua《大乘妙法蓮華經淺釋 – 宣化老和尚講述》Comple… Audio link: With metta always, Bro Teoh…

Bro Teoh’s Tuesday classes dated 4 July 2023 (Lotus Sutra 91)

…recordings for sharing by all: 4 July 2023 (Lotus Sutra 91)Tuesday class: Video link 1: Audio link 1: Text sharing: Reference book: With Metta always, Bro Teoh…

Heart Sutra 2012

  Heart Sutra 2012 pdf epub mobi 1 Teoh HeartSutra 120212 13 Teoh HeartSutra 120520 2 Teoh HeartSutra 120219 14 Teoh HeartSutra 120527 3 Teoh HeartSutra 120226 15 Teoh HeartSutra…

The Essential Dhamma of Lord Buddha

Reading Material : The Essential Dhamma of Lord Buddha mp3 pdf epub mobi Updated Sharing 16 May 2021 – 30 May 2021 1 The Essential Dhamma of Lord Buddha 210516…

The Five Aggregates of Form and Mind

  Reading Material : The Five Aggregates of Form and Mind pdf epub mobi Updated Sharing 21 March 2021 – 4 April 2021 1 The Five Aggregates of Form and