0745 For anything to happen, many conditions must align. Embracing all that occurs reflects true wisdom https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0745-For-anything-to-happen-many-conditions-must-align.-Embracing-all-that-occurs-reflects-true-wisdom.mp3 “0745 For anything to happen, many conditions must align. Embracing all that occurs reflects true wisdom”.
0744 Your thoughts actitives and emotions are what obscure the true mind or nature from shinning forth https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0744-Your-thoughts-actitives-and-emotions-are-what-obscure-the-true-mind-or-nature-from-shinning-forth.mp3 “0744 Your thoughts actitives and emotions are what obscure the true mind or nature from shinning forth”.
0728 Training daily mindfulness by placing your awareness on bodily movements (Kayanupasana) https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0728-Training-daily-mindfulness-by-placing-your-awareness-on-bodily-movements-Kayanupasana.mp3 “0728 Training daily mindfulness by placing your awareness on bodily movements (Kayanupasana)”.
0738 Thought is only a response from memory https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0738-Thought-is-only-a-response-from-memory.mp3 “0738 Thought is only a response from memory”.
0737 Question your Wrong Thoughts https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0737-Question-your-Wrong-Thoughts.mp3 “0737 Question your Wrong Thoughts”.
0736 Don’t believe your thought https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0736-Dont-believe-your-thought.mp3 “0736 Don’t believe your thought”.
0740 The Buddha’s advice on reflecting on the loss of a loved one https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0740-The-Buddhas-advice-on-reflecting-on-the-loss-of-a-loved-one.mp3 “0740 The Buddha’s advice on reflecting on the loss of a loved one”.
0739 Have faith in the Dharma and your nature, be sincere and perservere. Don’t worry about your progress. https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0739-Have-faith-in-the-Dharma-and-your-nature-be-sincere-and-perservere.-Dont-worry-about-your-progress.mp3 “0739 Have faith in the Dharma and your nature, be sincere and perservere. Don’t worry about your progress.”.
0727 You must have an Open Mind to receive the Truth https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0727-You-must-have-an-Open-Mind-to-receive-the-Truth.mp3 “0727 You must have an Open Mind to receive the Truth”.
0726 Awareness can observe thought, but thought cannot observe awareness https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0726-Awareness-can-observe-thought-but-thought-cannot-observe-awareness.mp3 “0726 Awareness can observe thought, but thought cannot observe awareness”.