0708 Your trapped consciousness can only be released when you are fully relaxed, and without any thought https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0708-Your-trapped-consciousness-can-only-be-released-when-you-are-fully-relaxed-and-without-any-thought.mp3 “0708 Your trapped consciousness can only be released when you are fully relaxed, and without any thought”.
0709 Is there a specific posture for lying down meditation https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0709-Is-there-a-specific-posture-for-lying-down-meditation.mp3 “0709 Is there a specific posture for lying down meditation”.
0711 When negative emotions arise, stay aware and be with the emotion to develop the understanding https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0711-When-negative-emotions-arise-stay-aware-and-be-with-the-emotion-to-develop-the-understanding.mp3 “0711 When negative emotions arise, stay aware and be with the emotion to develop the understanding”.
0710 Ways to overcome unwholesome thoughts https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0710-Ways-to-overcome-unwholesome-thoughts.mp3 “0710 Ways to overcome unwholesome thoughts”.
0701 Sudden Awakening vs. Gradual Awakening https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0701-Sudden-Awakening-vs.-Gradual-Awakening.mp3 “0701 Sudden Awakening vs. Gradual Awakening”.
0697 How to develop mindfulness in Meditation https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0697-How-to-develop-mindfulness-in-Meditation.mp3 “0697 How to develop mindfulness in Meditation”.
0698 Why couldn’t Shenxiu 神秀 attain True Enlightenment via realizing the Cessation of Form and Mind https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0698-Why-couldnt-Shenxiu-神秀-attain-True-Enlightenment-via-realizing-the-Cessation-of-Form-and-Mind.mp3 “0698 Why couldn’t Shenxiu 神秀 attain True Enlightenment via realizing the Cessation of Form and Mind”.
0699 What did Huineng 慧能 realize through his Awakening https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0699-What-did-Huineng-慧能-realize-through-his-Awakening.mp3 “0699 What did Huineng 慧能 realize through his Awakening”.
0700 To use the Mind and yet be free from any Attachment via not be deluded by it is True Wisdom 应无所住而生其心 https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0700-To-use-the-Mind-and-yet-be-free-from-any-Attachment-via-not-be-deluded-by-it-is-True-Wisdom-应无所住而生其心.mp3 “0700 To use the Mind and yet be free from any Attachment via not be deluded by it is True Wisdom 应无所住而生其心”.
0702 How to Relax and realize True Sati https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0702-How-to-Relax-and-realize-True-Sati.mp3 “0702 How to Relax and realize True Sati”.