0775 A problem is never solved on its own level; being complex it must be understood in its total process https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0775-A-problem-is-never-solved-on-its-own-level-being-complex-it-must-be-understood-in-its-total-process.mp3 “0775 A problem is never solved on its own level; being complex it must be understood in its total process”.
0774 How the Mystery of Life Unfolds https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0774-How-the-Mystery-of-Life-Unfolds.mp3 “0774 How the Mystery of Life Unfolds”.
0773 Space between Thoughts https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0773-Space-between-Thoughts.mp3 “0773 Space between Thoughts”.
0764 When you are aware that you are heedless, that very movement of attention is awareness https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0764-When-you-are-aware-that-you-are-heedless-that-very-movement-of-attention-is-awareness.mp3 “0764 When you are aware that you are heedless, that very movement of attention is awareness”.
0763 Why does an enlightened being seldom think Because they have transcended avijjā (ignorance). https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0763-Why-does-an-enlightened-being-seldom-think-Because-they-have-transcended-avijja-ignorance.mp3 “0763 Why does an enlightened being seldom think Because they have transcended avijjā (ignorance).”.
0761 The most Lucid explanation of the 12 Links of Dependent Origination (Paṭicca Samuppāda) https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0761-The-most-Lucid-explanation-of-the-12-Links-of-Dependent-Origination-Paṭicca-Samuppada.mp3 “0761 The most Lucid explanation of the 12 Links of Dependent Origination (Paṭicca Samuppāda)”.
0760 The vows of Guan Yin Bodhisattva 观音菩萨 are very powerful and have helped me before https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0760-The-vows-of-Guan-Yin-Bodhisattva-观音菩萨-are-very-powerful-and-have-helped-me-before.mp3 “0760 The vows of Guan Yin Bodhisattva 观音菩萨 are very powerful and have helped me before”.
0768 Silence is the essence of our Nature or True Mind’ https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0768-Silence-is-the-essence-of-our-Nature-or-True-Mind.mp3 “0768 Silence is the essence of our Nature or True Mind’”.
0767 If you don’t know who you are, then who is living your life Deluded thoughts are living your life https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0767-If-you-dont-know-who-you-are-then-who-is-living-your-life-Deluded-thoughts-are-living-your-life.mp3 “0767 If you don’t know who you are, then who is living your life Deluded thoughts are living your life”.
0766 With Awareness, you have space between thoughts https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0766-With-Awareness-you-have-space-between-thoughts.mp3 “0766 With Awareness, you have space between thoughts”.