0729 Thoughts are respond to memories Then how should we use thoughts https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0729-Thoughts-are-respond-to-memories-Then-how-should-we-use-thoughts.mp3 “0729 Thoughts are respond to memories Then how should we use thoughts”.
0743 Sati can lead one back to the source from which all creation arise. https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0743-Sati-can-lead-one-back-to-the-source-from-which-all-creation-arise.mp3 “0743 Sati can lead one back to the source from which all creation arise.”.
0742 True Suchness 如如不动 https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0742-True-Suchness-如如不动.mp3 “0742 True Suchness 如如不动”.
0741 Important Notes on Lying Down Meditation https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0741-Important-Notes-on-Lying-Down-Meditation.mp3 “0741 Important Notes on Lying Down Meditation”.
0749 Understanding Why Knowledge Bind (所知障) and Worry Bind (烦恼障) Arise https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0749-Understanding-Why-Knowledge-Bind-所知障-and-Worry-Bind-烦恼障-Arise.mp3 “0749 Understanding Why Knowledge Bind (所知障) and Worry Bind (烦恼障) Arise”.
0748 The Law of Dependent Origination is multidimensional https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0748-The-Law-of-Dependent-Origination-is-multidimensional.mp3 “0748 The Law of Dependent Origination is multidimensional”.
0747 How to Cultivate the Second Turning Wisdom of Contemplation and Reflection https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0747-How-to-Cultivate-the-Second-Turning-Wisdom-of-Contemplation-and-Reflection.mp3 “0747 How to Cultivate the Second Turning Wisdom of Contemplation and Reflection”.
0746 Where got mind https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0746-Where-got-mind.mp3 “0746 Where got mind”.
0745 For anything to happen, many conditions must align. Embracing all that occurs reflects true wisdom https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0745-For-anything-to-happen-many-conditions-must-align.-Embracing-all-that-occurs-reflects-true-wisdom.mp3 “0745 For anything to happen, many conditions must align. Embracing all that occurs reflects true wisdom”.
0744 Your thoughts actitives and emotions are what obscure the true mind or nature from shinning forth https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0744-Your-thoughts-actitives-and-emotions-are-what-obscure-the-true-mind-or-nature-from-shinning-forth.mp3 “0744 Your thoughts actitives and emotions are what obscure the true mind or nature from shinning forth”.