0631 What is Samadhi, and how can it lead to wisdom https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0631-What-is-Samadhi-and-how-can-it-lead-to-wisdom.mp3 “0631 What is Samadhi, and how can it lead to wisdom”.
0632 The deeper meaning of Panna (Wisdom) https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0632-The-deeper-meaning-of-Panna-Wisdom.mp3 “0632 The deeper meaning of Panna (Wisdom)”.
0628 The awareness nature is aware of chanting but no one is chanting https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0628-The-awareness-nature-is-aware-of-chanting-but-no-one-is-chanting.mp3 “0628 The awareness nature is aware of chanting but no one is chanting”.
0629 Affinity from past cultivation can lead to faith and understanding https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0629-Affinity-from-past-cultivation-can-lead-to-faith-and-understanding.mp3 “0629 Affinity from past cultivation can lead to faith and understanding”.
0630 Understanding the deeper meaning of Sila, or morality https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0630-Understanding-the-deeper-meaning-of-Sila-or-morality.mp3 “0630 Understanding the deeper meaning of Sila, or morality”.
0621 Oneness nature’s movements via trust https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0621-Oneness-natures-movements-via-trust.mp3 “0621 Oneness nature’s movements via trust”.
0622 Mindfulness of the body (kayanupassana – cultivation of the six categories) https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0622-Mindfulness-of-the-body-kayanupassana-cultivation-of-the-six-categories.mp3 “0622 Mindfulness of the body (kayanupassana – cultivation of the six categories)”.
0617 How to heal your body and mind, leading to improved health through meditation https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0617-How-to-heal-your-body-and-mind-leading-to-improved-health-through-meditation.mp3 “0617 How to heal your body and mind, leading to improved health through meditation”.
0616 How to develop tranquility of mind to realize the true mind, leading to heedful living https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0616-How-to-develop-tranquility-of-mind-to-realize-the-true-mind-leading-to-heedful-living.mp3 “0616 How to develop tranquility of mind to realize the true mind, leading to heedful living”.
0615 Is it possible not to think https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0615-Is-it-possible-not-to-think.mp3 “0615 Is it possible not to think”.