0675 Don’t be too eager to know whether you have progressed. Just stabilize your daily mindfulness https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0675-Dont-be-too-eager-to-know-whether-you-have-progressed.-Just-stabilize-your-daily-mindfulness.mp3 “0675 Don’t be too eager to know whether you have progressed. Just stabilize your daily mindfulness”.
0674 Two ways of cultivation_ the Path of Faith and Affinity, or the Path of Wisdom https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0674-Two-ways-of-cultivation_-the-Path-of-Faith-and-Affinity-or-the-Path-of-Wisdom.mp3 “0674 Two ways of cultivation_ the Path of Faith and Affinity, or the Path of Wisdom”.
0660 Upekkha, supported by Wisdom, is the 7th factor of Enlightenment https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0660-Upekkha-supported-by-Wisdom-is-the-7th-factor-of-Enlightenment.mp3 “0660 Upekkha, supported by Wisdom, is the 7th factor of Enlightenment”.
0661 Right duty in the midst of life is right Dhamma_ the conditioned Dhamma and the unconditioned Dhamma https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0661-Right-duty-in-the-midst-of-life-is-right-Dhamma_-the-conditioned-Dhamma-and-the-unconditioned-Dhamma.mp3 “0661 Right duty in the midst of life is right Dhamma_ the conditioned Dhamma and the unconditioned Dhamma”.
0662 How can one train the mind to develop awareness-based meditation_ https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0662-How-can-one-train-the-mind-to-develop-awareness-based-meditation_.mp3 “0662 How can one train the mind to develop awareness-based meditation_”.
0663 What is this space between thoughts_ https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0663-What-is-this-space-between-thoughts_.mp3 “0663 What is this space between thoughts_”.
0665 The space between thoughts is wisdom energy https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0665-The-space-between-thoughts-is-wisdom-energy.mp3 “0665 The space between thoughts is wisdom energy”.
0666 True Dhamma is never separate from the true nature, the essence of the mind https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0666-True-Dhamma-is-never-separate-from-the-true-nature-the-essence-of-the-mind.mp3 “0666 True Dhamma is never separate from the true nature, the essence of the mind”.
0667 Mindfulness training to recognize one’s wrong thoughts and habitual tendencies is very important https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0667-Mindfulness-training-to-recognize-ones-wrong-thoughts-and-habitual-tendencies-is-very-important.mp3 “0667 Mindfulness training to recognize one’s wrong thoughts and habitual tendencies is very important”.
0668 With stable inner awareness, the Dhamma will naturally unfold https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0668-With-stable-inner-awareness-the-Dhamma-will-naturally-unfold.mp3 “0668 With stable inner awareness, the Dhamma will naturally unfold”.