Bro Teoh’s 10 September 2019 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed are the relevant links to our above 10 September Tuesday class for sharing by all.
Whiteboard link
With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s 27 August 2019 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the above audio and short notes links of our 27 August 2019 Tuesday class for sharing by all.
Video link No. 1:

Video link No. 2:

Short notes link

With metta always,
Bro Teoh
Dearest Soo Yee and all,
Thank u so much for the very good outline short notes. Sadhu!
Enclosed below is the above slightly edited outline short notes for sharing by all.

Brother Teoh’s 27 Aug 2019 Tuesday Class outline Short Notes

Book Reference: The Buddha and His Teachings by Narada (Chapter 39 – The State of an Arahant, Page 560; and Chapter 40 – The Bodhisattva Ideal, Page 565)

  1. This so called living being (5 aggregates of form and mind) is just a karmically conditioned ‘vehicle and tool’ for us to come to this existential world to live life, develop the cultivation and experience the beauty and wonders of life; to use it with wisdom to arise the right thoughts, right speeches, and right actions to be a blessing to all and not be deluded by it. For those without wisdom it is for them to come and pay back their karma.
  2. There 3 category of enlightenment:
    1. Sāvaka­Bodhi
      – sound hearer, sainthood way leading to the Arahant ideal.
    2. Pacceka­Bodhi

      – awaken to the 12-links / condition-arising Dharma on their own (without the help of sasana)

      – Difficult for other beings to understand as there’s no existing framework/structure/foundation to teach the dharma understood by them.  

    3. Sammā­Sambodhi

      –  Those cultivating the Bodhisattva way leading to the Bodhisattva ideal of realizing samma Sambuddhahood.


  3. 10 Dhamma realms:
    1. Realms 1-6 (covers the 31 planes of existence of the Theravada tradition)
    2. Realm 7 (realm of Sound Hearers)
    3. Realm 8 (realm of Pacceka Buddhas)
    4. Realm 9 (realm of Bodhisattvas)
    5. Realm 10 (realm of Samma Sambuddhas)


  4. There are 3 types of Bodhisattva ways of cultivation:
    1. Emphasised Panna/Wisdom perfection (perfected over 4 world cycles)
    2. Emphasised Viriya/Spiritual Zeal perfection (perfected over 8 world cycles)
    3. Emphasised Saddha/Faith perfection (perfected over 12 world cycles)
  5. All 5 spiritual faculties (Saddha, Viriya, Sati, Samadhi and Panna) are crucial mind states needed for cultivation (to enable us to understand spiritual teaching of the Buddha). Building on top of each one until they become Balas (or powers) to aid us in times of tribulations.


  6. Sis Tammy asks about the true meaning of defining “this ‘form and mind’ as non-self, yet not no-self and nothingness” as stated in our last Thursday class outline short notes.

  7. Bro Teoh clarifies further that, within the conditioned world/phenomena world of consciousness of ours, there is such a thing as life. There is such a thing as a human being within the conditioned world but this human being is nothing but just a fleeting or a momentary condition-arising causal phenomenon which is not so real (not a permanent unchanging entity) which is subject to karma. As real as it can be, it is only within the moment. Moment to moment, life passes by and that Present moment is the only reality because the past is already gone and future yet to come. Yet how stable is the present moment? As real as it can be, split second the moment is ‘dead’ and gone. This is the true meaning of empty nature of existence.


  8. Yet, if we have the wisdom to make use of our good and blessed life for the good of the many, to continue our cultivation and to fulfil our vows then this form and mind (of our this “segmented life”) can serve us well to enable us to live the beautiful 3rd phase of dharma – Pativedha, the noble life.

  9. Understanding the wisdom of both the conditioned and the unconditioned dharma, we will know how to truly live. Even though anatta/empty, but there is such a thing as “life” within the conditioned world. This is the reason why it is not no-self and nothingness. There are things but they are not so real. It is just a phenomena world of consciousness. Dependent originating.


  10. Sis Tammy asks about her observation of the 6 senses and an inkling she has that it is distant or disassociated from the self.
  11. Bro Teoh implores us all to enquire deep into all our senses experiences (which forms our experiences of the world), and how the form and mind functions with the sense bases and the mundane mind.

  12. Inquire how do we know the world and how do we interact with the world? Through our senses right? And what is thought? Who thinks and what thinks? Is there a ‘thinker’ behind the thought? Silent your mind to find out. Find out what the “mind” is, and discern the true mind.

  13. Only after investigating deep into our nature to understand clearly who are you and what are you? E.g. how do we know the world, will we understand the external “world” as manifestations of mind. Mind make are they and mind is the forerunner of all things. When mind arise, all things within the phenomena world arise. Exist already and everything is like real.

  14. To be able to see “things as they are”/ “reality”/ “truth”, without the perception through our memory-lens is true wisdom which is truly beautiful.

    (Above outline short notes draft was prepared by Sis Soo Yee) – Sadhu! And very good!

With metta always,


Bro Teoh’s 20 August 2019 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the above audio and short notes links of our 20 August 2019 Tuesday class for sharing by all.
With metta always,
Bro Teoh
Dear Yoon Chun and all,
Enclose herewith is the above edited outline short notes for sharing by all.

Brother Teoh’s Aug 20th 2019 Tuesday Class Short Notes

Book Review: The BUDDHA & his TEACHINGS

Chapter 38/39: STATE OF ARAHANT Page 551

1.       An ARAHANT continues to live until his Kammic Force in that life is spent. He doesn’t create any fresh negative Kamma and is no longer deluded. He has rooted out ignorant. When he passes away, his life force and consciousness become extinguished, like the path of Birds in the air…cannot be traced. He is neither Reborn (as all Passions that condition Rebirth are eradicated) nor NOT Reborn because there is nobody inside there. It is just a phenomenon which is dependent originating, like a flame being extinguished when conditions cease to be.


2.      living Arahant is Non-grasping with Wisdom connected to his Form and Mind. He uses the Five Aggregates of form and mind to cultivate, to gain wisdom and to realise the truth. He exists in a perfectly peaceful and Happy State. He is calm in Mind and lives the noble life with appropriate right Speeches and Actions.

3.      Beyond the Arahant stage, the advance cultivators (especially Bodhisattvas) will cultivate until they realize their true nature and finally locate the gateway to their nature to continue their cultivation of the Bodhisattva way.  Their wisdom then transform until their wisdom consciousness’s vibration becomes very fine. This Fine vibrations he experiences will cause his mundane mind (which is too gross) to collapse. Without the mundane mind inside, he is not obscured by anything. His True mind from his true nature then shines forth to see things as they are clearly. Words cannot describe this state.   

(Above draft outline short notes was prepared by Sister Yoon Chun)

With metta always,

Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s 9 July 2019 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the audio and short notes links of our 9 July 2019 Tuesday class for sharing by all. The section A on Meditation instruction is very good.
Brother Teoh’s 9  July 2019 Tuesday Class Outline Short Notes.

A. Session 1: MEDITATION Instruction by Brother Teoh

Relax body and mind completely. Mundane thinking mind will slow downand settle down on its own. Then it will become very quiet and still. This is the meditative mind. For cultivators who have developed their Sati, if theycan just let things be, their minds will drop into this silence awareness state very quickly. Stay in that mode. Maintain awareness and relax. Continue to be aware of the breath until the mind’s awareness finally dropsto the heart area. Then if you can detect any bodily vibrations or heart beat around the heart area, stay with it. It will be very gross at first but if you can maintain the silence, it will slow down by itself and become very subtle and quiet until only awareness remains. Anchor the mind there. Maintainawareness until mind enters sati and realize passaddhi (the tranquility andstillness of mind). Then this silent mind in awareness will be able tomeditate on its own. It can be aware of all the senses door activities that arise upon contact of mind with their respective sense bases and sense datas. When this is stabilized, you will understand how your mind worksfollowing the 12 links (paticca sammupada). You can also understand how you function as a human being. There must be contact for consciousness to arise. Upon contact, how you input your content of consciousness following your memory, views & opinions, belief system and conditioning initially. We can then become aware of our aggregates of mind. It is very clear. This is Real sati You will eventually come to understand who you are & what you are? How your physical form and mind interact?  How your 6 sense bases give rise to consciousness.

Without wisdom you can only act according to memory following your views, opinions and conditioning etc. One can only act according tounderstanding if one had developed the wisdom (especially the initial wisdom of yoniso manasikara) borne of the 1st and 2nd turnings wisdom. This initial wisdom or wisdom at the moment of sense experience can be develop through listening to the true dhamma followed by constant wise reflection and contemplation of the dhamma heard. One need this initial wisdom to straighten one’s views. However, this is not the penetrative wisdom as yet but it is very useful because this can prepare the base for usto receive the penetrative awakening later on. We then won’t react tosense experience like before because this wisdom will spontaneously ariseto prompt you with the right understanding. Our Mind becomes different with this understanding. We won’t act with memory, views, opinion & conditioning after that. We will act according to understanding and wisdomafter that.


  1. NIBBANA is the unconditioned, unborn, uncreated and unoriginated. Thus, it cannot be described or expressed in words. It is not a state of Nothingness or a special mind state that can be experienced. What it is, cannot be understood in conventional terms. It can only be realizedby the Wise’s form and mind each for themselves.
  2. Sopadisesa Nibbana Dhatu is realized by an Arahant with the 5 aggregates of form and mind still remaining in the world. It means not his time to parinibbana as yet.
  3. Anupadisesa Nibbana Dhatu occurs when an Arahant attains Pari-nibbana and cease.
  4. Those who can get a glimpse of Nibbana become either a Sotapanna or Sakhadagami whilst the Anagami and Arahant experience it for a much longer duration.
  5. Bro Teoh described his experience of such Cessation as follows:Everything ceases, there was no heartbeat, no mental activity and even the pure awareness also no more but one is not dead. The body is not cold. There is a pure energy preserving the body from being destroyed. When cessation ended, the consciousness comes back, and from the heart area it splits into 3 areas of main consciousness: one part goes to the Brain, one part goes to the Navel (Tan Tien) and the rest remain at the heart area. The moment the consciousness comes back it activates back the brain, navel and heart area toreanimate the human being. 
  6. Tammy asked: Is the Chinese saying on the ‘spirit’s Life Force being destroyed’ the same as experiencing the Nibbanic state? Brother Teoh replied: No! it was not. Nibbana is totally different. 
  7. WISDOM is an understanding which is not rigid. Wisdom is not aKnowledge which is Rigid.  Wisdom is having Right Understanding with regards to all the nature’s laws that govern all of life within this existential world of ours. They are the 5 Panca niyamas (universal orders of nature). They are Utu niyama, Bija niyama, Karma niyama, citta niyama and dhamma niyama. The first 2 are scientific laws and the last 3 are spiritual laws as stated in the 1st path factor of theNoble 8-Fold path of Right view or Right understanding. Havingwisdom is having Right View or right understanding to accept thereality of the present moment and not be attached to anything through an understanding.

       8. Wisdom can be developed in 3 ways, viz:

  • 1st turning wisdom (Suttamaya panna): through listening to or reading of the true Dhamma leading to.
  • 2nd turning wisdom (Cintamaya panna): through constant reflection, contemplation and inquiry into the dhamma learned to develop amore stable and clearer understanding of the dhamma.
  • 3rd turning wisdom (Bhavanamaya panna): Realization through the direct seeing via insight into the 3 universal Characteristics of nature.

(Above draft short notes was prepared by Sister Hooi Yoon Chun)

With metta always,


Bro Teoh’s 2 July 2019 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the audiovideo, whiteboard and short notes links of our 2 July 2019 Tuesday class for sharing by all.

Whiteboard notes

With metta always,
Bro Teoh