Sister Alicia & Brother Freddy’s House Dana dated 28 July 2019

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the above audiovideo and short notes links of our 28 July 2019 Sunday house dana for sharing by all.

Short notes link:

With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s 18 August 2019 Thursday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the above video, audio and short notes links for sharing by all.
Complete audio of the talk can be downloaded : Short Notes pdf :…
With metta always,
Bro Teoh

SJBA Sunday 18 August 2019 Dhamma talk on the 3 turnings of the 4 Noble Truth by Bro Teoh Kian Koon

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Enclosed below are the video, audio and short note links to my above Sunday 18 August 2019 Dhamma talk on the 3 Turnings of the 4 Noble Truth at Subang Jaya Buddhist society (SJBA) for sharing by all.

Video link:  *Bro Teoh’s @ SJBA yesterday*🙏 

Audio link: 

Outline short notes linkOutline short notes for Bro Teoh’s 18 August 2019 Dharma talk at SJBA

For more information please access to:

With metta always,

Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s 11 July 2019 Thursday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the audiovideo, whiteboard and short notes links of our 11 July 2019 Thursday class for sharing by all.

Short notes link:

Whiteboard link: 

with metta always,
Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s 7 July 2019 Sunday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the audiovideo, whiteboard and short notes links of our 7 July 2019 Sunday class for sharing by all.

Short notes link:

With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s 2 July 2019 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the audiovideo, whiteboard and short notes links of our 2 July 2019 Tuesday class for sharing by all.

Whiteboard notes

With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s 27 June 2019 Thursday class

Dear Kalyanamitta,
Enclosed below are the audio, video and short notes links for our 27 June 2019 Thursday class for sharing by all.

Short notes link:

With metta always,

Bro Teoh’s 20 June 2019 Thursday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the audio, video and short notes links for our 20 June 2019 Thursday class for sharing by all.

Short notes link:

With metta always,

Bro Teoh’s 9 June 2019 Sunday class

Dear kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the audio, video and short notes links for our 9 June 2019 Sunday class for sharing by all.

Short notes link

With metta always,