Bro. Teoh’s 8.6.2017 Thursday class recording
Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is the drop box to our yesterday 8.6.2017 Thursday class recording for sharing by all. This dharma sharing is highly recommended because it covers the following rather beautiful/important sharing:
i) Why is our untrained mind always heedless (thinks a lot) and not peaceful?
ii) Understanding the 5 mental Hindrances and the importance of cultivating the opposite 5 spiritual faculties to counter the 5 mental hindrances leading to the meditative mind which is always heedful;
iii) Understanding the meditation as taught by the Buddha;
iv) Understanding mental negativity and suffering especially depression;
V) How the Buddha’s teaching or dharma can help liberate the mind from suffering.
Vi) Benefits of training the mind in meditation.
Bye! and with metta always,
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Bro. Teoh’s 4.6.2017 Sunday class recording for sharing
Bro. Teoh’s Thursday class 1.6.2017 recording
Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is the link to our last Thursday’s dharma recording for sharing by all. The sharing on J Krishnamurti’s quote on understanding thought and Meditation is very good. Please listen to it attentively to develop the clear understanding.
Bye! and with metta always,
From: Bro. Swee Aun
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Brother Teoh’s Tuesday class on 30/05/2017 recording
Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is our last Tuesday class on 30/05/2017 recording for sharing by all. Please do listen attentively to the following dharma which were shared:
i) J Krishnamurti quote on Meditation;
ii) Dharma discussion following the book ‘Life of the Buddha and his teaching’.
Bye! and with metta always,
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Bro Chai & Sis. Elsie and family’s house dana (28th May 2017)
Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below are the drop box links to our 28th May 2017, last Sunday’s dharma sharing at Bro Chai & Sis. Elsie’s house dana for sharing by all. Please do listen to the rather good sharing on that day.
Bye! and with metta always,
From: Bro. Swee Aun
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Bro. Teoh’s Thursday meditation class recording
Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is the audio link to our last Thursday meditation class 25th May 2017 recording for sharing by all. The sharing and questions were very good and they are all related to true cultivation for sincere cultivators of the way. Please do listen to it attentively.
Bye! and with metta always,
From: Bro. Swee Aun
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J Krishnamurti quote on Meditation
Dear All Kalyanamittas,
Below is a very profound and meaningful quote on Meditation by J Krishnamurti for sharing by all. Please do read through it attentively to develop the true understanding of this rather beautiful quote. We shall discuss this quote at our next Tuesday and Thursday classes.
Bye! and with metta always,
When thought has understood its own beginning –JKOnline Daily Quotes
Meditation is to be aware of every thought and of every feeling, never to say it is right or wrong but just to watch it and move with it. In that watching you begin to understand the whole movement of thought and feeling. And out of this awareness comes silence. Silence put together by thought is stagnation, is dead, but the silence that comes when thought has understood its own beginning, the nature of itself, understood how all thought is never free but always old – this silence is meditation in which the meditator is entirely absent, for the mind has emptied itself of the past. – Krishnamurti, Freedom from the Known,115
Bro. Teoh’s Thursday class 18.5.2017 recording
Bro. Teoh’s Sunday class 14.5.2017 recording
Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is the drop box link to our 14.5.2017 Sunday class recording of bro. Teoh for sharing by all.
Bye! and with metta always,