Bro. Teoh’s Sunday class (15.10.2017) recording

Bro. Teoh Thursday class (12.10.2017) recording

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday class (10.10.2017) recording

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio link to our yesterday’s Tuesday class (10.10.2017) recording for sharing by all. The following important dharma topics were shared:

1. Significance of our coming annual (13th anniversary)  Gathering of Kalyanamittas cum Bro. Teoh’s Birthday celebration dated 22.10.2017.

2. The 3 important milestones achieved for the year 2017:

I) Establishment and launching of our official website

‘broteoh.com’ (https://broteoh.com);

ii) Printing of our transcript book ‘Cultivating the Bodhisattva way’;

iii) The Bodhisattva way’s teaching has been firmly established.

3.  The Buddha and his teaching (page 109 till 118).

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sis. Hui Long
Brother Teoh Tuesday Class on 10/10/2017 record :
or at:

Posted by: Teoh Kian Koon <teohkiankoon@hotmail.com></teohkiankoon@hotmail.com>

Bro. Teoh’s Sunday class (8.10.2017) recording

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last Sunday (8.10.2017) class recording for sharing by all. Please do listen to the below rather profound sharing:

The Sixth Patriarch Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra with  Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Pg 284 – 289:

1. The 3 bodies (functional, spiritual & dharma bodies) of a cultivator.

Only those highly evolved beings can have the dharmakaya body transformation.

2. the 4 types of wisdom & 8 types of consciousness ( – First 5 are the Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Bodily tactile consciousness;  then the 6th consciousness is Sanna or perception followed by the 7th consciouness which is Sankhara & the 8th consciousness, Vinanam)

3. between 6th n 7th consciousness  (sankhara/sanna) –  discrimination can arise if one lacks wisdom. Without wisdom and the direct seeing, you will stir and create dualities when any one of the 5 basic  sense door consciousness arises upon contact.

4. Self-delusion is the most difficult to break free from unless you have the silent mind to awaken.

5. Sister Mindy’s question on Heart Sutra’s expression of ‘Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form’ (色即是空,空即是色)

Please also refer to the Heart Sutra short notes book and the Klang talk’s transcript book on  “Emptiness” in  pdf or mp3 format for full details.

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sis. Lee Siew Gaik



Posted by: Teoh Kian Koon <teohkiankoon@hotmail.com></teohkiankoon@hotmail.com>

Bro. Teoh’s Tuesday class (3.10.2017) recording

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio links to our last Tuesday class (3.10.2017) recording for sharing by all. The following dharma were shared:

  1. The Buddha & his teachings Chapter 7 page  103 – 109
  2.  The 4 Noble Truths:  1st Noble Truth of Dukkha is not about  life is suffering. It explains the prevalence of suffering when one confronts the 8 realities of life and existence without proper understanding.
  3.  Have to reflect on the 5 daily contemplations every day. If you don’t react and stir your mind when faced with a situation or when problem arise,  you will be at peace.
  4. The cause of suffering is craving born of self-delusion leading to clinging and attachment to the 5 grasping aggregates of Form and Mind.

Bye! and with metta always,


From: Sis. Hui Long

15th Sept to 23rd September Spiritual Trip to Quangzhou/Quilin China

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below is the audio link to our recent 15th Sept -23rd Sept 2017 spiritual trip to Guangzhou/Quilin recordings for sharing by all:

15-Sep (Day 1) 170915 11.23pm 广州 (Guǎng Zhōu) Arrival on the GuangZhou airport.  Short breifing on what sort of mindset you need to have in order to benefit this spiritual trip. 16-Sep (Day 2)    1…

Bye! and with metta always,


Posted by: Teoh Kian Koon <teohkiankoon@hotmail.com></teohkiankoon@hotmail.com>