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(Topic : ‘Importance of mindfulness/heedfulness to cope with Life’s problems/suffering’
As this topic is very relevant to life it is hope that u all can find the time to attend this rather important talk. Human sufferings are very real and so many people are afflicted by it almost every now and then. Some of them can be very truamatic with suicidal tendencies. Grief, sorrow, lamentation, fear, worries and anxieties leading to severe depression and sadness, etc are very common nowadays.
Some consult doctors, Psychiatrist, mediums, feng shui masters, etc. Some seek GOD, religions and friends for help but are they really effective? Maybe some are but most of them are only temporary solutions which may not be really effective at all. Can meditation together with medication help?
Our Speaker, Bro. Teoh Kian Koon, graduated from University of Malaya in Civil Engineering in 1979. He had been a spiritual practitioner cum meditator since 1971. Since 2001, he has been sharing his understanding and experiences with serious and keen spiritual practitioners and others who are keen in their search for true happiness, peace and liberation from birth, aging, sickness and death and all mental suffering so that they can be a blessing to all via becoming a more virtuous, nobler and wiser human being. He also gives dharma talks and conducts meditation classes and retreats and Dharma classes at various meditation centers and places that invite him.
If you are interested in such topics then do come for the talk. You can also bring your friends if u like. So hope to see u all.)
This talk took place at the Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (SJBA) on the 23rd June 2013
Sukihotu Here’s a good dhamma talk by Bro Teoh Kian Koon. Pls click here to listen “Importance of mindfulness/heedfulness to cope…