Re: Bro Teoh’s 10 October 2019 Thursday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclose below are the above 10 October Thursday class’s video, audio and other links for sharing by all.
White board link: 
With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Re: Bro Teoh’s 3 October 2019 Sunday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclose are the various video, audio and short notes links for the above Thursday class for sharing by all.
With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Re: Bro Teoh’s 29 September 2019 Sunday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the various  audio and other links to our above 29 September 2019 Sunday class for sharing by all.
White board link
With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Re: Sis Tracy Teoh Soo Yee (Bro Teoh’s daughter)* sharing about her cultivation journey during Bro Teoh’s birthday cum gathering of Kalyanamittas dated 6 October 2019

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Please to enclose the above mentioned video link for sharing by all. It is a very good sharing by Sister Tracy Teoh Soo Yee. Please do listen to it.
Video link:  *Sis Tracy Teoh Soo Yee (Bro Teoh’s daughter)* sharing about her cultivation journey during Bro Teoh’s birthday gathering.
With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Re: Bro Song’s sharing at Bro Teoh’s Birthday cum Gathering of Kalyanamittas dated 5 October 2019

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Please to enclose the video link and appendix 3 of our Heart Sutra  book for sharing by all. It is a very good sharing. Please do listen to it.
Bro Song’s video sharing is *with English subtitles*. Special *deep gratitude to Sis Soo Yee* who is *solely responsible for the translation*. Although Mandarins is not her mother tongue. Sadhu 😄👍🙏🙏🙏
With metta always
Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s Thursday class dated 26 September 2019

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the audio, video and short notes links to our above 26 September 2019 Thursday class for sharing by all:

With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 24 September 2019

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclosed below are the various video, audio and short notes links of our 24 September 2019 Tuesday class for sharing by all:
With metta always,
Bro Teoh

Bro Teoh’s Dharma video dated 10 October 2019 (Thursday class)

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is our 10 Oct 2019 Thursday class dharma video and audio links for sharing by all.