0405 To progress to change you can’t believe your thought and give justification https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0405-To-progress-to-change-you-cant-believe-your-thought-and-give-justification.mp3 “0405 To progress to change you can’t believe your thought and give justification”.
0404 Constant Rejoicing (Sadhu) is a virtuous action that can help you ‘open’ your heart https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0404-Constant-Rejoicing-Sadhu-is-a-virtuous-action-that-can-help-you-open-your-heart.mp3 “0404 Constant Rejoicing (Sadhu) is a virtuous action that can help you ‘open’ your heart”.
0403 Experiencing mindfulness for the first time https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0403-Experiencing-mindfulness-for-the-first-time.mp3 “0403 Experiencing mindfulness for the first time”.
0402 If you are too complicated you can’t learn the true Dharma https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0402-If-you-are-too-complicated-you-cant-learn-the-true-Dharma.mp3 “0402 If you are too complicated you can’t learn the true Dharma”.
0401 For those who haven’t stabilise their Sati Mindfulness, they need to https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0401-For-those-who-havent-stabilise-their-Sati-Mindfulness-they-need-to.mp3 “0401 For those who haven’t stabilise their Sati Mindfulness, they need to”.
0400 Acting according to memory is not acting at all https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0400-Acting-according-to-memory-is-not-acting-at-all.mp3 “0400 Acting according to memory is not acting at all”.
0399 What is meditation Who is doing the meditation What is the I and me https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0399-What-is-meditation-Who-is-doing-the-meditation-What-is-the-I-and-me.mp3 “0399 What is meditation Who is doing the meditation What is the I and me”.
0398 Thought is response to Memory https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0398-Thought-is-response-to-Memory.mp3 “0398 Thought is response to Memory”.
0397 Non-self and empty nature (or unreality) of existence and life https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0397-Non-self-and-empty-nature-or-unreality-of-existence-and-life.mp3 “0397 Non-self and empty nature (or unreality) of existence and life”.
0396 Thought-based meditation’s knowledge cannot solve real life problems https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/0396-Thought-based-meditations-knowledge-cannot-solve-real-life-problems.mp3 “0396 Thought-based meditation’s knowledge cannot solve real life problems”.