Bro Teoh’s 19 Feb 2019 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below are the audio and short notes links to our 19th Feb 2019 Tuesday class for sharing by all.

Brother Teoh’s February 19 2019 Tuesday Class Short Notes

Book Reference: The Buddha and His Teachings – PATICCA SAMUPPADA (Chapter 25, Page 419 – 427)

1.  Bro Teoh reviewed the 12 links or dependent origination teaching of the Buddha. Although the text book described it as occurring over 3 life timesbut Bro Teoh emphasised that this 12 links teaching are consistently occurring within every moment of our lives. Birth as described in this 12 links teaching is not physical but mental birth manifesting into speech and actions (transgression). Upon contact, feelings immediately arise. Withoutwisdom it will condition craving and grasping, then becoming, thereby being: “born” i.e. manifesting into transgression. These are all mind-made.

2.      For puthujjana, their thinking (sankhara) are based on ignorance (avijja) and they tend to act from memory of past experiences via their views, opinions and mental conditioning. Whereas the ariya (enlightened noble being)having realized wisdom, view the world from their true nature andunderstanding. Their volition, perception and thinking are with wisdom i.e. no evil roots and their 5 aggregates are non-grasping (pure aggregates).

3.      Ignorance is not understanding Non-self and the 4 Noble Truths. It is also latent in moral activities. 

4.      Human birth takes place when the following 3 supporting conditions are present: 
a) A physical body (after conception of ovum and sperm) b) a rebirth consciousness c) kammic force (which becomes the life force) that comes from our karmic nature to pump our heart. (Reason why our blood also has this life force energy)

5.      Thus with Sati, we can be aware of our whole body where there is blood. Our nerves is spread throughout our body to signal to us when any problem appears in our body. When we have our mindfulness (Sati) developed we can detect these signs quickly and take action to heal ourselves.

6.      When the 3 supporting conditions are in place, the being will arise. But at conception the cells only start to subdivide. The being is not formed at this time yet…because No heartbeat. Soon the heart is the first organ to be formed with the life force within. Heartbeat begins by the 3rd week of conception.

According to science the process of conception 
leading to fetus development are as follows:    
Month 1
  • The first month marks the conception with the implantation of the zygote on the uterine wall
  • Some of the multiplying cells develop into a baby while the rest form the placenta that nourishes the baby
  • The heartbeat begins by the 21st day and the spinal cord, nerves, and muscles start developing by the fourth week
Month 2
  • As you enter the second month, the tiny life is no more called a zygote but an embryo, which is just a fraction of an inch long
  • The heart and a basic blood circulatory system are in place
  • Pancreas, liver, and stomach are formed
  • The limb buds are distinct now
  • By the end of this month, all the facial features start developing

    Month 3

  • Starts developing muscles and bones, tooth buds, and fingers and toes. After ten weeks, the baby is called a fetus
  • By week 12, the fetus will measure around 3in and weigh an ounce
  • The skin is transparent
  • Eyelids are closed
  • Muscles and nerves are developing

    Month 4

  • Begins to suck with the mouth
  • The eyebrows, eyelashes, and fingernails have grown
  • Fingerprints are evident
  • The skin has a wrinkled appearance
  • The kidneys start functioning by producing urine
  • Sex determination is possible by this month through anultrasound scan
  • Bowel movements start and meconium is produced in the intestinal tract

    Month 5

  • Measures 6in and 9oz
  • The movements become more distinct and frequent
  • The skin develops fine hair called lanugo and a waxy coating called vernix for protecting and covering the thin skin
  • Can start hearing and swallowing

    Month 6

  • Measures around 12in and weighs about 2lb
  • The bone marrow begins formation of red blood cells
  • Taste buds are formed
  • Lungs develop but not completely
  • The eyes begin to open and the hair starts growing
  • Develops reflexes
  • Genitals are developing faster with boys having testicles descending into scrotum and girls having ovaries with eggs for the lifetime

7.      The Gateway to our nature and the Seat of Consciousness are within our heart area. The feeling or emotion body also resides within this heart.  

(Above draft is by Sister Hooi Yoon Chun)

With metta always,

2019 Tuesday classF1outline short notes

Bro Teoh’s 8th Jan 2019 Tuesday class

Dearest Kalyanamittas,
Below are the audio and short notes links to our 8th Jan 2019 recording for sharing by all.
Enclosed is the 8th Jan 2019 Tuesday class outline short notes for sharing by all.

Brother Teoh’s 08 January 2019 Tuesday Class outline Short Notes

Reference Book: The Buddha and His Teachings by Ven. Narada (Chapter 24 – Reasons to Believe in Rebirth, Page 412)

  1. Brother Teoh shares a few stories about encounters with mediums (people getting into trance with body possessed by non-humans). 
  2. Multiple questions regarding the formless state of non-humans were clarified and discussed.
  3. Sister PG shares her experience of sensing non-humans (feeling sudden chill).
  4. Bro Teoh shares that there is no need to fear non-humans as they do not have a physical body to harm you. Non-humans usually only have negative energy field, which may be used by them to amplify your fears. They can sense your fear. With mindfulness and no movement of thought, there will be no fear in you. Virtue, precepts and loving kindness (metta) protects.
  5. Sis Stephanie shares an occasion about difficulty sleeping in an accommodation that used to be a church.
  6. Sis PG asks regarding eerie places of redevelopment, e.g. the redevelopment of Pudu Jail.
  7. Communication with non-humans and remnant of consciousness that came out of the body after death is possible, as they exist even if you don’t see them. They can see and hear you very clearly and they have emotions too. Because of their delusion, sometimes they do get angry. Be sensitive and considerate in seeking their kind understanding and cooperation.
  • E.g. you can talk to them explaining: “In our society, after we have bought the place, we own the building, and we have the right to do renovation, etc. I understand you were here before me and that this has been your dwelling. Please understand that we don’t mean any harm. I seek your forgiveness if I have offended you. You are welcome to stay and I hope you can help protect and keep this place safe.”
    • Bro Teoh shared a few more examples from his life’s experience with the class.(Above outline short notes draft was prepared by Sis Soo Yee)

Bye! and with metta always,


Brother Teoh’s 11th Dec 2018 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below are the audio and outline short notes links for our Tuesday class dated 11th Dec 2018 recording for sharing by all.

Brother Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 11th December 2018 Outline Short Notes

Reference Book: The Buddha and His Teachings – REASONS TO BELIEVE IN REBIRTH (Chapter 24, Page 412)

1.        The text highlighted cases that indicated the existence of past lives through:

  1. special children with some memory of their previous births;  
  2. people with multiple personalities, spirit communication & possession
  3. past life regression via hypnosis;
  4. Special people & prodigies like the Buddha, Confucius, Mozart, etc.

2.       To contemplate. Who is reborn? To find out for ourselves whether there is really rebirth base on what we can see and observe in life and not depend on the Buddha’s teaching.

3.       Sis Han asked how Anita Moorjani’s consciousness left her body. Was it with mindfulness? Bro Teoh replied that it was through her past cultivation and affinity with her dead father’s nature that enable her to have that type of experience of her true nature manifesting. She actually died but because of her special condition she was able to develop the understanding before returning to her body to become alive again. 

4.       Sis PG mentioned about the dark side of certain illusionists.

5.       Bro Vincent asked about good and bad luck (‘Yi wan tai’ in Cantonese) that we face. According to Bro Teoh, it is all our good and bad karma ripening, nothing to do with “Feng Shui” and our luck or predestined horoscope or fate. It is only our virtues that will protect us.

(Above draft outline short notes are by Sister Yoon Chun)

Bye! and with metta always,


Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below are the audio and outline short notes link to our 4th Dec 2018 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all.

Brother Teoh’s 4 December 2018 Tuesday Class Short Notes

Ref book: The Buddha and His Teachings BY NARADA – REASON FOR BELIEVE IN REBIRTH (Chapter 24, Page 408)

1.   Buddha taught Rebirth based on his own experience, especially on the night of his Enlightenment. During the first watch, he perceived many of his own past lives up to more than a hundred thousand. In the next hour, he perceived how lives in one plane disappeared but reappeared in another existence and how they passed on according to their deeds of their previous lives. This is a verifiable Truth.

2.       It is craving that conditioned rebirth. Ignorance (Avijja) conditions cravings – the 3 types of cravings.

       The 5 Mental Hindrances arise due to Ignorance. The nutriments for avijja are the 5 mental hindrances.

3.      PG and Han confirmed their belief in rebirth via their own “Deja vu” experience. Bro Teoh too shared his similar personal experience when he was at Han Shan Shi (temple) in China in the year 2000.

4.      Padmasuri shared her experience of her recent 7 days retreat at Dharma Drum Mountain Monastery in Taiwan. She was very happy and relaxed because she was able to rejoice in many of the very beautiful dhamma teachings and experiences learned while there even though she had to squeeze into a very narrow space to sleep and having close proximity plus having to face the snoring and noises of other yogis. She learnt how to apply dhamma in daily life by not reacting to and complaining about uncomfortable situations. 

5.      Bro Teoh also related a similar meditative training event where he and all other yogis had to go through an “eyeballs to eyeballs” experience with unknown people.

6.      J. Krishnamurthi said, ‘it is only via relationships that we can learn about our self’. While in relationship with nature, society, humanity (like our friends, colleagues, loved ones, neighbours, etc.), we learn to see our reactions to sense experiences, our emotions, suffering, sorrow and lamentation, our desires, our fear, anxiety, selfishness, cunningness, greed, phobia, insecurity, violence etc. basing on our wrong views, opinions, conditionings etc. This is self-knowledge. 

7.      We should have gratitude towards all things especially the following:

  • Nature’s great loving kindness. Nature just give and give; the air we breathe and the water we get to drink to sustain our life all come from nature and it is given free to us.
  • The government and Society. They provide us with the health services, transportation, infrastructures, education system, food chain, law and order and other important services, etc. We should have gratitude, contentment and joy when partaking and using such facilities and services provided by the government and society.
  • Our parents who had given us life, care for us, provide and sacrifice for us.
  • Those who have been kind, generous and caring to us.

(Above draft outline short notes was done by Sister Hooi Yoon Chun)

Bye! and with metta always,


Bro Teoh’s 30th October 2018 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas,

Below are the audio link and Avijja sutta link to our 30th October 2018 Tuesday class for sharing by all.

Audio link:

Avijja sutta:

Bye! and with metta always,
