Annual Meditation retreat at Sam Poh Temple at Brinchang, Cameron Highlands

Annual March 2017 Meditation retreat at Triple Gem Temple, Brinchang Cameron Highlands
Visit to Mangala Lodge Kampar. 19th March 2017
Committee Members for March 2017 Annual Meditation Retreat
March 2017 Annual Meditation Retreat
March 2017 Annual Retreat at Sam Poh (Triple Gem) Temple

Dear Kalyanamittas,

We are please to inform that our recently concluded March 11th – 19th 2017 annual  9 days Meditation Retreat at Triple Gem (Sam Poh Temple), Brinchang, Cameron Highland was a great success and because of the rather tranquil and beautiful setting, nature’s energy, weather and rather unique and good sharing all yogis who participated were full of joy, have developed much better understanding of the dharma and faith after that.

We were also invited by Bro. Koh Lai Huat and his wife (Mdm Beh) of Mangala Lodge to a very sumptuous lunch at Kampar town before proceeding to visit their Mangala Lodge center near UTAR campus, Kampar.     Later on Bro. Teoh was invited to give a dharma talk title : ‘Managing relationship with people‘ at their Mangala Lodge center.

The relevant photos and recorded talks will be download on this website soon.

With Metta always,

Bro. Teoh