Re: J Krishnamurti quote on: ‘Can the brain be quiet?

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Enclose below is a very profound J Krishnamurti online quote on
‘Can the brain be quiet?‘ for sharing by all.
With Metta always,
 Bro Teoh.
J. Krishnamurti Online: Can the brain be quiet?
“Meditation implies, not the orthodox meditation, not the Zen meditation, not the meditation through repetition, all that is stupefying, mechanical, has no meaning. The real meditation is to find out whether the brain with all its activities, with all its experiences, can be absolutely quiet, not force it, because the moment you force it there is again duality. The entity that says, ‘By Jove, I’d like to have a marvellous experience, therefore I must force my brain to be quiet, will it’ – you will never do it. But if you begin to enquire, watch, observe, listen to all the movements of thought, its conditioning, its pursuits, its fears, its pleasures, how the brain operates, then you will see the brain becomes extraordinarily quiet. And the quietness is not dormancy, sleep, but tremendously active and therefore quiet. You understand? A machine, a big dynamo that is working perfectly, ticking over, well-oiled, hardly makes any sound, it’s only when there is friction, there is noise. So the brain and therefore the body, must be completely quiet.”

– J. Krishnamurti
Public Talk 7
Saanen, Switzerland – 30 July 1970

J Krishnamurti daily quote on ‘You and nothingness are one’

25th Jan 2019
Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is a very beautiful and profound daily quote by J Krishnamurti on ‘You and nothingness are one’ for sharing by all.
‘You and nothingness are one’

You are nothing. You may have your name and   title,  your property and bank account, you may have power  and be famous; but in spite of all these safeguards, you are as nothing. You may be totally unaware of this  emptiness, this nothingness, or you may simply not want to be aware of it; but it is there, do what you will to avoid it. You may try to escape from it in   devious ways,  through personal or collective violence, through individual or collective worship,  through   knowledge or amusement; but whether you are asleep or awake, it is always there. You can come upon your relationship to this nothingness and its fear only by being choicelessly aware of the escapes. You are not related to it as a separate, individual entity; you are  not   the observer watching it; without youthe thinker, the observer, it is not. You and nothingness are one; you  and nothingness are a joint phenomenonnot two separate processes. If you, the thinker, are afraid of it and approach it as something contrary and   opposed   to you, then any action you may take towards it must inevitably lead to illusion and so to further conflict and   misery. When there is the discovery, the experiencing  of that nothingness as you, then fear—which exists only when the thinker is separate from his thoughts and so tries to establish a relationship with them—completely drops away.

Bye! and with metta always,

J Krishnamurti daily quote on ‘Is religion a matter of belief?’

Dear Kalyanamittas,
Below is a very beautiful J Krishnamurti quote on ‘Is religion a matter of belief?’ for sharing by all.
J. Krishnamurti quote
Is religion a matter of belief?

Religion as we generally know it or acknowledge it, is a series of beliefs, of dogmas, of rituals, of superstitions, of worship of idols, of charms and gurus that will lead you to what you want as an ultimate goal. The ultimate truth is your projection, that is what you want, which will make you happy, which will give a certainty  of the deathless state. So, the mind caught in all this   creates a religion, a religion of dogmas, of priest-craft, of superstitions and idol-worship—and in that, you are caught and the mind stagnates. Is that religion? Is religion a matter of belief, a matter of  knowledge of other people’s experiences and   assertions? Or is religion merely the following of morality? You know it is comparatively easy to be moral—to do this and not to do that. Because it is easy, you can imitate a moral systemBehind that morality,  lurks the self, growing, expanding, aggressive and dominating. But is that religion?

You have to find out what truth is because that is the only thing that matters, not whether you are rich or poor, not whether you are happily married and have children,  because they all come to an end, there is always death. So, without any form of belief, you must find out; you must have the vigor, the self-reliance, the initiative, so that for yourself you know what truth is, what God is. Belief will not give you anything; belief only corrupts, binds and darkens. The mind can only be free through vigor, through self-reliance.

Bye! and with metta always,