Enclose below are the 13 April and 15 April 2021 Thursday/Tuesday classes (38 lesson and 39 Lesson of ‘The sutra of infinite meanings’) recordings for sharing by all:
- 13 April 2021 Thursday class:
38th Lesson. Sutra of Infinite / Innumerable MeaningsPage 194 – 203Reference YouTube :當妳的業障在減輕!有五種表現,看看妳身上有幾種!Manifestation of Bad Karma Reduction.https://yo…
15 April 2021 Thursday class:
39th Lesson. Sutra of Infinite / Innumerable MeaningsPage 203 – 211Reference YouTube :當妳的業障在減輕!有五種表現,看看妳身上有幾種!Manifestation of Bad Karma Reduction.https://yo…
Video link 2: https://youtu.be/TnriLSzj-5U
請點贊,訂閱,不要忘記點擊旁邊的小鈴鐺,謝謝!各位同修,如果有故事分享,或者有问题想问的,请发email: jingwelker@gmail.com一个21歲男孩預知時至,念佛往生西方極樂世界,往生前說出前幾世輪回的故事第一集的链接: https://youtu.be/ob0o1VbTl-k 第二集的链接:ht…
With metta always,