Cameron Highlands Retreats 2024

Website :     (pdf)

Retreat study notes  :

Cameron Meditation Retreat 2024 timetable

Heart Sutra 2020  pdf  epub  mobi

Retreat Chanting book    pdf

Taking of the Bodhisattva Vows    pdf epub mobi

Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way    pdf epub mobi

Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness    pdf

Path to Nibbana: Awakening via Cessation of Form and Mind    pdf

Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life   pdf epub mobi  video

Success in Life via Meditation (Seminar Paper)    pdf

The Essential Dhamma of Lord Buddha    pdf

Surangama Sutra Notes 12 Mar 2013 (Important Special Dhamma)    pdf

Thurs Class 4 Apr 2019 Short Notes    PaulFerrini_BookCover    pdf

Importance of Having Mindfulness and Heedfulness (A Method Of Stress Release Via Meditation)   pdf

Cameron Retreat 23 – 30 August 2024

Audio mp3 Date / Time Outlines / YouTube Photos
23 Aug
240823 Day 1 (1) 2pm – 5pm Retreat introduction – Main Purposes and intent

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:47:29 – Whiteboard: Dana Sila Bhavana
01:43:27 – Seminar Paper (Book)
02:26:33 – QnA (Sis Song)

35-41 : 3 things u don’t hv
48 : dana
1.19 : wake up

240823 Day 1 (2) 5pm – 5.30pm 5 Hindrance, 5 Spiritual Faculties

00:00:00 – After meditation session QnA
00:19:22 – Whiteboard: 5 Mental Hindrances , 5 Spiritual Faculties

6 : sensual mental hindrance

240823 Day 1 (3) 6.45pm – 9.30pm Puja Offering & Heart Sutra pg1 – 15

00:00:00 – Puja Offering
00:25:09 – Heart Sutra page 1 – 15
01:23:14 – 2 aspects of 5 Aggregates of Form and Mind
02:39:00 – Chanting [in Pali] Karaniya Metta Sutta (Discourse on Loving-Kindness)
02:44:48 – Sharing of Merits

36 : mindful of what
60: emptiness
1.20: 2 aspect of form n mind
2.15: tinned merits
2.30 walking meditation

24 Aug
240824 Day 2 (1) 615am- 7.30am 8 Precepts, Morning Exercise & Meditation

00:00:00 – Morning Chanting
00:16:55 – Requesting for Precepts
00:26:48 – Awareness Based Meditation


240824 Day 2 (2) 830am-11am Reflection on Sharing Blessings,5 Daily Recollection, Anattalakkhana Sutta, Heart Sutra pg 16 – 29

00:00:00 – Start of session
00:00:45 – Reflection On Sharing Blessings
00:04:12 – Reflection On 5 Daily Recollection
00:13:17 – Reflection On Anattalakkhana Sutta
00:26:43 – Heart Sutra page 16 – 18 (Poems from ShenXiu and HuiNeng)
01:09:48 – Heart Sutra page 19 – 29

30:神秀why not enlightened
60:6th patriach
1.10 : No foundation
1.30: No right or wrong. Thought
1.50: grasping soo yee

240824 Day 2 (3) 11am-1130am Question & Answer

00:00:00 – Meditation Reporting (Bro Beng Fwee)
00:27:08 – Meditation Reporting (Sis Zoey)

5:4 support to develop mindfulness meditation

240824 Day 2 (4) 1.30pm-3pm Heart Sutra pg 30 – 43

00:00:00 – Heart Sutra page 30 – 32
00:12:58 – Hsu Yun’s Enlightenment
00:40:55 – Heart Sutra page 32 – 34
00:45:43 – Shurangama Quote
00:51:22 – Heart Sutra page 34 – 36
01:02:48 – Don’t Try To Remember
01:06:13 – Heart Sutra page 36-42
01:23:15 – Angulimala
01:26:34 – Heart Sutra page 42-43

20: can’t not look for
Avija heedless thinking
50: perception of form is conscious whereas it’s non perception is wisdom

240824 Day 2 (5) 3.50pm-6pm Meditation Reporting & Heart Sutra pg 44 – 63

00:00:00 – End of 3pm meditation session
00:01:18 – Meditation Reporting (Bro Beng Fwee)
00:15:45 – Heart Sutra page 44
00:16:59 – 5 Ways To Overcome Unwholesome Thoughts
00:47:14 – Heart Sutra page 44 – 63


240824 Day 2 (6) 6.45pm – 9.15pm Evening Chanting, Heart Sutra pg 64 – 65 & Chanting

00:00:00 – Evening Chanting
00:23:12 – Heart Sutra page 64 – 65
01:01:08 – Bullock Cart Analogy
01:22:40 – QnA (Sis Soo Yee)
01:29:48 – 3 Types/Levels Of Peace
01:38:03 – Heart Sutra page 65
01:53:39 – Chanting [in Mandarin] 大 悲 咒 Da Bei Zhou (Great Compassionate Mantra)
01:58:52 – Chanting [in Mandarin] 心 经 Xin Jing (Heart Sutra)
02:04:16 – Chanting [in Pali] Sumangala (Blessings, Share Merits, Seek Forgiveness & Make Aspiration)
02:06:12 – Sharing of Merits

10: truth nature

25 Aug  
240825 Day 3 (1) 615am-730am 8 Precepts, Morning Exercise & Meditation

00:00:00 – Renewing 8 Precepts
00:08:45 – Morning Chanting
00:25:33 – Awareness Based Meditation


240825 Day 3 (2) 830am-12.15pm Heart Sutra pg 65 -83

00:00:00 – Renew Precepts
00:25:57 – Heart Sutra page 65 – 75
01:20:44 – Whiteboard: Contentment
01:37:34 – Chanting Experience (Sis Adeline) Part 1
01:42:17 – Holding onto a Burning ‘Problem’
01:55:28 – Chanting Experience (Sis Adeline) Part 2
02:00:46 – Chanting Experience (Sis Alicia)
02:08:48 – Resentment / Gratitude (Sis Soo Yee)
02:09:43 – Chanting Experience (Sis Poh Cheng)
02:15:21 – Heart Sutra page 75 – 83
02:38:10 – Shift of Consciousness
02:44:27 – Right View Leading To Right Thought

16: spiritual wealth
26: karmic wisdom
60: attention merit
1.15: reverse
1.25: contentment /what is a problem
2.00: this should not have happen
2.01: Adeline awareness chanting
2.30: advice how to be parents
Last 15 mins This should not have happen

240825 Day 3 (3) 130pm-6pm Heart Sutra pg 84 – 112

00:00:00 – Heart Sutra page 84 – 92
01:27:45 – Medition Reporting (Sis Alicia)
01:38:47 – Heart Sutra page 93 – 100
02:38:34 – Aspirations (Sis Eng Bee)
02:46:43 – Joy Of Learning (Bro Beng Fwee)
02:51:12 – Joy Of Learning (Bro Michael Tay)
02:53:50 – ‘Sadhu’ Rejoicing (Sis Soo Yee)
03:00:44 – Heart Sutra page 100 – 112


240825 Day 3 (4) 645pm-915pm Heart Sutra pg 113 – 139

00:00:00 – Heart Sutra page 113 – 117
00:15:08 – Separation and Death
00:39:01 – Heart Sutra page 117 – 129
01:40:51 – 2 Wonders (Sis Cindy)
01:45:54 – Open Mind and Open Heart (Sis Zoey)
01:54:45 – Heart Sutra page 130 – 139
02:24:40 – Reflection on Tilakkhana (3 Universal Characteristics) Enlightenment
02:29:04 – Reflection on Piyehi Vippayogo (Loss of Loved Ones)
02:36:19 – Sharing of Merits


26 Aug  
240826 Day 4 (1) 615am – 730am Morning Chanting, Exercise & Meditation

00:00:00 – Renewing 8 Precepts
00:07:15 – Awareness Based Meditation
00:09:25 – Developing Sati

5:Sati meditation

240826 Day 4 (2) 830am-11am Heart Sutra pg 140 – 165

00:00:00 – Reflection: Essential Dhamma of Lord Buddha (Book)
00:13:25 – Overcoming Tribulations (Sis PG)
00:38:01 – Heart Sutra page 140 – 149
01:17:59 – Important Special Dhamma
01:33:55 – Heart Sutra page 149 – 165
02:19:38 – It Is Only A Thought


240826 Day 4 (3) 12pm-1210pm Heart Sutra pg 166 – 167

00:00:00 – End of 11am meditation session
00:04:01 – Heart Sutra page 166 – 167
00:09:22 – Knife Analogy

Spark of fire

240826 Day 4 (4) 130pm-3pm Heart Sutra pg 167-185

00:00:00 – Heart Sutra page 167 – 181
00:40:41 – Heart Sutra page 182 – What Is Meditation As Taught By The Buddha?
00:43:32 – Mind Sweeping Method
01:00:51 – Heart Sutra page 183 – 184
01:20:15 – Seeing Mountain (Bro Kong Chai)
01:23:33 – Heart Sutra page 185 – Flag Move Or Wind Move

45: feel n relax

240826 Day 4 (5) 340pm-615pm Heart Sutra pg 185 – 206 & 4 Apr 2019 Notes

00:00:00 – Heart Sutra page 185 – 199
00:43:08 – Heart Sutra page 200 – Dependent Origination (12 Links)
01:09:44 – Heart Sutra page 201-206
01:43:49 – Chanting Experience (Sis Cindy)
01:48:30 – Chanting [in Pali] PAṬICCA SAMUPPĀDA (Dependent Origination)
01:58:02 – Outline Short Notes of 4-Apr-2019 class

30: the law of mind
60: 12 link
1.15: don’t label
2.00:pure feeling /cessation circle

240826 Day 4 (6) 7pm-930pm Heart Sutra pg 207 – 244, Trinity to understand Cultivation, Mind Training & Chanting

00:00:00 – Start of evening session
00:08:50 – Heart Sutra page 207 – 218
00:15:17 – Heart Sutra page 219 (JKQuote on Awareness)
00:23:50 – Heart Sutra page 219 – 237
01:12:12 – Heart Sutra page 243 (Trinity To Understand Cultivation)
01:22:07 – Heart Sutra page 243 – 244 (Trained Mind vs Untrained Mind)
01:40:52 – Chanting [in Mandarin] 大 悲 咒 Da Bei Zhou (Great Compassionate Mantra)
01:45:49 – Chanting [in Mandarin] 心 经 Xin Jing (Heart Sutra)
01:50:22 – Chanting [in Pali] Maha Mangala Sutta (Discourse on the Highest Blessings)
02:02:34 – Sharing of Merits

J Krishnamurti Appendix 3
Yoniso manaska

27 Aug  
240827 Day 5 (1) 615am – 730am Morning Chanting, Exercise & Meditation

00:00:00 – Renewing 8 Precepts
00:05:46 – Awareness Based Meditation
00:07:11 – Aware of movements no matter how small (e.g. blinking of eye)


240827 Day 5 (2) 8am-11am Bodhisattva Way of Cultivation pg 1-20,88 – 89,96-98, 98-99 & Taking of the Bodhisattva Vows

00:00:00 – Morning Chanting
00:16:52 – Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way page 1 – 7
00:26:11 – Puja Offerings and Aspirations
00:42:17 – Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way page 9 – 20
01:28:47 – Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way page 88 – 89
01:49:50 – Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way page 96 – 98
02:00:13 – Liao Liao Jian Xing Chang Zhu (了了见性长住)
02:07:09 – Karmic Nature and Spiritual Nature
02:10:25 – Search For Teacher (Sis Padmasuri)
02:12:51 – Karmic Nature and Spiritual Nature (continued)
02:21:12 – Cultivating the Bodhisattva Way page 98 – 99
02:28:04 – Vows Become Part Of You


240827 Day 5 (3) 130pm-240pm Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 1 – 6

00:00:00 – Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 1 – 6
00:20:18 – Recent Books
00:33:32 – Ren Sheng Nan De (人生难得)
00:35:50 – Dhamma In Daily Life (True Life Experiences)
01:01:24 – Walking Meditation


240827 Day 5 (4) 4pm-6pm Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 6 -15

00:00:00 – A Glimpse of the Dhamma
00:02:57 – Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 6
00:18:54 – Attempt To Answer (Bro Michael Tay)
00:46:21 – Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 6 – 15
01:25:27 – Sankhara – Sanna
01:39:50 – Brain Like A Computer (Mrs Teoh)
01:55:24 – Bitterguord Face (Sis Alicia)
02:00:39 – Time (Sis Poh Cheng)


240827 Day 5 (5) 645pm-915pm Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 15 – 41

00:00:00 – Evening Chanting
00:15:02 – Meditation Reporting (Sis Soo Yee)
00:17:08 – Meditation Reporting (Sis Poh Cheng)
00:22:40 – Mind-To-Mind Seal
00:52:27 – Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 15 – 41


28 Aug  
240828 Day 6 (1) 615am-730am Morning Chanting, Exercise & Meditation

00:00:00 – Renew Precepts
00:05:38 – Awareness Based Meditation
00:11:38 – Be Natural


240828 Day 6 (2) 830am-10am Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 42-50
00:00:00 – Morning Chanting
00:15:15 – Accord & Flow
00:16:37 – Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness pg 42 – 50
00:32:59 – Trinity To Understand Cultivation
00:52:53 – 3 Very Important Basics for Progress in Cultivation
00:58:21 – 4 Bases of Success in Mundane Living
01:03:15 – Path To Nibbana page 3 – 5
01:26:41 – Smarts And Control (Sis Poh Cheng)
01:34:06 – Path To Nibbana page 5 – 11 
240828 Day 6 (3) 1130am-12pm Path to Nibbana pg 11-21
240828 Day 6 (4) 130pm – 3pm Path to Nibbana pg 22-47
240828 Day 6 (5) 410pm-6pm Path to Nibbana pg 48-60

00:00:00 – Path To Nibbana page 48 – 53
00:16:16 – 4 Circle Formation
00:41:54 – Path To Nibbana page 53 – 60
01:05:13 – Sunnata (Sis Nancy)
01:16:18 – Yellow Card Vows Section 3-C (Bro Beng Fwee)
01:20:28 – Time to cover most recent book
01:26:51 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 2 – 5


240828 Day 6 (6) 7pm-950pm Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life pg 6-47 & Pei Ni Dao Tian Ya

00:00:00 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 6 – 11
00:11:28 – Awareness Based Meditation
00:17:42 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 11 – 43
01:16:25 – Right Speech, Right Thought and Wrong Thought
01:32:43 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 43 – 47
01:44:51 – Pei Ni Dao Tian Ya (陪你到天涯)
02:16:00 – Taking Vows Tradition


29 Aug  
240829 Day 7 (1) 615am-730am Renew Precepts & Exercise

00:00:00 – Renew Precepts
00:11:20 – Morning Exercises (Mindfulness and Weights)
00:26:08 – Awareness Based Meditation


240829 Day 7 (2) 830am-12pm Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life pg 47-60

00:00:00 – Morning Chanting
00:13:54 – Awareness Based Meditation
00:16:50 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 47 – 48
00:17:15 – Physical Time and Psychological Time
00:26:04 – 3 Poisons / Evil Roots (Lobha, Dosa, Moha)
00:38:30 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 47 – 48
00:40:35 – Reflection on Lobha and Dosa (Sis Soo Yee)
00:45:57 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 48
00:56:47 – Mindfulness and Recovery (Dr Jay)
01:09:57 – Unshakeable Faith (Sis Zoey)
01:14:35 – Awareness at the Heart Area (Sis Yoon Chun)
01:18:15 – Rejoice with Sharing, Transformation to Truly Live Life
01:25:59 – Meditation with Guidance (Sis Adeline)
01:47:25 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 48 – 60


240829 Day 7 (3) 2pm-3pm Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life pg 61 – 62, Closing Ceremony & Group Photo

00:00:00 – Brief on Retreat Drawing to a Close
00:16:50 – Ultimate Realization to Transcend Life page 61 – 62
00:25:12 – Closing Ceremony (Expression of Thanks and Gratitude)
00:39:59 – Closing Ceremony (Asking For Forgiveness)
00:41:38 – Closing Ceremony (Dhamma Advice From Fa Chan Sifu)
00:45:26 – Intro of Retreat Helpers and Book on Depression / Overcoming Stress
00:48:07 – Closing Ceremony (Appreciation For Retreat Helpers)
00:53:49 – Group Photos


240829 Day 7 (4) 4pm-6pm Importance of Having Mindfulness pg 1-50 & Kalyanamittas Sharing

00:00:00 – Start of 4pm Session
00:00:26 – Importance of Having Mindfulness page 1 – 50
01:16:45 – Sharing by Bro Song
01:43:10 – Sharing by Sis Padmasuri


240829 Day 7 (5) 645pm-915pm Kalyanamittas Sharing & Chanting

00:00:00 – Simplified Puja
00:05:59 – Sharing by Sis Padmasuri (continued)
00:24:55 – Sharing by Mrs Teoh
00:46:59 – Sharing by Sis Zoey
01:13:18 – Sharing by Sis Cindy
01:22:26 – Sharing by Sis Nancy
01:28:50 – Sharing by Sis Song
01:43:33 – Sharing by Sis Poh Lian
01:44:32 – Sharing by SisPG
01:57:07 – Chanting [in Sanskrit] Om mani padme hum (Mantra of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva)
02:01:06 – Sharing of Merits
02:04:10 – Faith and Cultivate Strong Affinity with Kuan Yin Pu Sa


30 Aug  
240830 Day 8 (1) 615am – 730am Morning Chanting & Kalyanamittas Sharing

00:00:00 – Simplified Puja
00:07:38 – Sharing by Sis Mun Yuen
00:43:46 – Sharing by Sis Han
00:46:27 – Sharing by Bro Kong Chai


240830 Day 8 (2) 83am – 10am Kalyanamittas Sharing

00:00:00 – Start of Retreat’s Last Day’s Final Session
00:01:08 – Sharing by Bro Michael Tay
00:11:30 – Sharing by Bro Beng Fwee
00:46:19 – Sharing by Bro KC
00:57:24 – Sharing by Sis Tracy
00:59:35 – Sharing by Sis Seng Wah
01:05:25 – Sharing by Sis Lay Hong
01:07:44 – Sharing by Sis Alicia
01:16:45 – Sharing by Sis Poh Cheng
01:25:00 – Asking For Forgiveness
01:27:43 – Thank You!
01:29:21 – Help Needed for Mini Video Suggestions (Bro Chin How)


Group Photo

End of Cameron Retreat

Past Cameron Highlands Retreats

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2023 (18 – 26 October)

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2022 (27 August – 4 September)

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2020 (14 – 21 March) Retreat Cancel due to MCO

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2019 (15 – 23 March)

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2018 (16 – 24 March)

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2017 (11 – 19 March)

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2016 ( 3 – 20 March)

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2015 ( 14 – 22 March) 

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2014 ( 22 – 30 March) 

Cameron Highlands Retreats 2013 (1 – 4 March)