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2024 Heart Sutra (2nd Edition)


Reading Material : What is the Difference Between Awareness and Consciousness? ( dated 18th June 2023 )  mp3  pdf   epub    mobi

Began Sharing 5 November 2023

Awareness and Consciousness (4)  YouTube

Page 38 – 50

Shared by Bro Song

Awareness and Consciousness (3)  YouTube

Page 36 – 38

Shared by Bro Chin How, Sis Chwee Hoon & Sis Alicia

Awareness and Consciousness (2)  YouTube

Page 18 – 36

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng & Sis Chwee Hoon

Awareness and Consciousness (1)  YouTube

Page 1 – 18

Shared by Sis Poh Lian & Sis Mun Yuen

Reading Material : Understanding the Heart and the Mind ( dated 27th September 2018 )  mp3  pdf   epub    mobi

Began Sharing 2 July 2023

Understanding the Heart and the Mind (7)  YouTube

Page 51 – 54

Shared by Sis Eng Bee & Bro Chin How

Understanding the Heart and the Mind (6)  YouTube

Page 40 – 51

Shared by Sis Mun Yuen

Understanding the Heart and the Mind (5)  YouTube

Page 39 – 40

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng and Sis Alicia

Understanding the Heart and the Mind (4) 230730  YouTube

Page 25 – 39

Shared by Sis Mun Yuen and Sis Alicia

Understanding the Heart and the Mind (3) 230725  YouTube

Whiteboard discussion (+ newcomer welcome)

Shared by Bro Song and Sis Alicia

Understanding the Heart and the Mind (2) 230723  YouTube

Page 15 – 25

Shared by Sis Mun Yuen

Understanding the Heart and the Mind (1) 230702  YouTube

Page 1 – 15

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng and Sis Alicia


Reading Material : Metta Bhavana ( dated 3rd September 2020 )  pdf   epub    mobi

Began Sharing 26 Mar 2023

Metta Bhavana (8) 230625  YouTube

Page 62 – 72 end

Shared by Sis Alicia

Metta Bhavana (7) 230611  YouTube

Page 52 – 62

Shared by Sis Alicia

Metta Bhavana (6) 230528  YouTube

Page 42 – 52

Shared by Bro Beng Lim

Metta Bhavana (5) 230521  YouTube

Page 32 – 42

Shared by Bro Beng Lim

Metta Bhavana (4) 230507  YouTube

Page 21 – 32

Shared by Sis Poh Lian, Sis Alicia and Sis Mun Yuen

Metta Bhavana (3) 230409  YouTube

Page 13 – 21

Reference book : Understanding of Meditation as taught by the Buddha

Shared by Bro Chin How

Metta Bhavana (2) 230402  YouTube

Page 6 – 12

Shared by Sis PG and Sis Poh Lian

Metta Bhavana (1) 230326  YouTube

Page 1 – 5

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng


Reading Material : 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra ( dated 13th August 2017 ) mp3   pdf   epub    mobi

Updated Sharing 4 Dec 2022

Revision to 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (8) 230319  YouTube

Page 63 – 75 (End)

Shared by Sis PG and Sis Poh Cheng

Revision to 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (7) 230305  YouTube

Page 52 – 62

Shared by Sis Alicia and Sis Poh Cheng

Revision to 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (6) 230226  YouTube

Page 41 – 52

Shared by Sis Poh Lian

Revision to 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (5) 230212  YouTube

Page 29 – 41

Shared by Sis Alicia

Revision to 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (4) 230205  YouTube

Page 23 – 29

Shared by Sis Gracelyn & Sis Poh Cheng

Revision to 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (3) 230108  YouTube

Page 12 – 23

Shared by Sis Zoey & Sis Poh Lian

Revision to 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (2) 221218  YouTube

Page 7 – 11

Shared by Sis Soo Yee & Sis Poh Lian

Revision to 84th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (1) 221204  YouTube

Page 1 – 7

Shared by Sis Eng Bee & Sis PG

Reading Material : 75th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra ( dated 13th August 2017 ) mp3   pdf   epub    mobi

Updated Sharing 11 Nov 2022

Revision to 75th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (4) 221127  YouTube

Page 65 – End

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng & Ms Eng Bee

Revision to 75th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (3) 221113  YouTube

Page 43 – 65

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng & Ms Lee

Revision to 75th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (2) 221016  YouTube

Page 24 – 53

Shared by Ms Lee & Sis Mun Yuen

Revision to 75th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (1) 221009  YouTube

Page 1 – 23

Shared by Sis Tammy & Sis Alicia

Reading Material : 54th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra ( dated 13th August 2017 )   mp3   pdf   epub   mobi

Updated Sharing 9 June 2022

Revision to 54th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (4) 221002  YouTube

Page 59 – 78

Shared by Bro Chin How

Revision to 54th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (3) 220925  YouTube

Page 39 – 59

Shared by Sis Alicia & Ms Lee

Revision to 54th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (2) 220918  YouTube

Page 26 – 39

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng

Revision to 54th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (1) 220911  YouTube

Page 1 – 26

Shared by Sis Alicia & Ms Lee

Reading Material : Lesson 71 Sutra of InfiniteMeanings (无量义经 Wu Liang Yi Jing) dated 24th August 2021 )   mp3   pdf   epub   mobi

Updated Sharing 26 June 2022

Revision to Lesson 71 Sutra of Infinite Meanings 无量义经 Wu Liang Yi Jing (5) 220814  YouTube

Page 40 – 46

Reference : Absolute silence of the mind – Jiddu Krishamurti    YouTube

Shared by Sis Eng Bee, Sis Poh Cheng & Ms Lee

Revision to Lesson 71 Sutra of Infinite Meanings 无量义经 Wu Liang Yi Jing (4) 220724  YouTube

Page 27 – 40

Shared by Sis Padmasuri

Revision to Lesson 71 Sutra of Infinite Meanings 无量义经 Wu Liang Yi Jing (3) 220717  YouTube

Page 23 – 27

Shared by Sis Padmasuri

Revision to Lesson 71 Sutra of InfiniteMeanings 无量义经 Wu Liang Yi Jing (2) 220710  YouTube

Page 17 – 23

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng & Sis Eng Bee

Revision to Lesson 71 Sutra of InfiniteMeanings 无量义经 Wu Liang Yi Jing (1) 220626  YouTube

Page 1 – 17

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng


Reading Material : 46th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra ( dated 14th May 2017 )   mp3   pdf   epub   mobi

Updated Sharing 8 May 2022

46th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (5) 220619  YouTube

Page 55 – 71

Shared by Ms Lee

46th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (4) 220612  YouTube

Page 46 – 55

Shared by Sis Poh Cheng & Bro Chin How

46th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (3) 220529  YouTube

Page 35 – 46

Shared by Bro Song & Sis Eng Bee

46th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (2) 220522  YouTube

Page 14 – 35

Shared by Sis Alicia, Ms Lee & Sis Poh Lian

46th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra (1) 220508  YouTube

Page 1 – 14

Shared by Ms Lee & Sis Poh Lian

36th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra

9th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra

4th Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra

Lesson 55 The Essence of Infinite Meanings

3rd Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra

 2nd Lesson of the Sixth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra

10th Lesson on cultivating the Bodhisattva Way

Success in Life via Meditation Following The Dhamma Way

The Essential Dhamma of Lord Buddha

Meditation As Taught by Buddha (Part 1 & 2)

The Five Aggregates of Form and Mind

Who are you & What are you?

The Path to Truth — For the Modern-day Bodhisattva Practitioner

Sutra of Infinite / Innumerable Meanings

Heart Sutra (2nd Edition) MCO

Unique Dhamma Quotes by Bro Teoh

Cultivating The Bodhisattva Way   7 Oct 2018 – 14 Jul 2019

6th Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra  14 Jun 2015 – 9 Sep 2018

WPCS Recordings 2015

Satipatthana Sutra Recordings  12 Jan 2014 – 19 Apr 2015

Heart Sutra 2012 Recordings   12 Feb 2012 – 19 May 2013