11th Oct 2018 Thursday class

Dear Kalyanamittas, Below are the audio links to our 11th Oct 2018 Thursday class recording for sharing by all: http://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Thu-181011.mp3 or at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ol91ogzsxcpzr2/Teoh%20class%20181011.MP3?dl=0 The outline short notes link: http://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Short-Notes-Teoh-Thu-181011.pdf Outline…

9th Oct 2018Tuesday class (The buddha and his teaching)

…all. Brother Teoh Tuesday Class on 09/10/2018 record : http://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Tue-181009.mp3 or at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i69duvvlnhmpd5p/2018-10-09.MP3?dl=0 Also enclosed is the link to its outline short notes: http://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Short-Notes-Teoh-Tue-181009.pdf Bye! and with metta always, Teoh…

Bro. Teoh’s Thursday class (15.6.2017) recording

…Tune: Tonite’s Thursday Class Sharing by Bro. Teoh can be downloaded here: http://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Thu-170615.mp3 or at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rbg7qr20dmtht3x/Teoh%20Thur%20Class%2020170615.MP3?dl=0 The Sutra of the Bodhisattvas’ Eight realization in pdf file by Chin How: http://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Eight-Great-Awakenings-Sutra-%E4%BD%9B%E8%AA%AA%E5%85%AB%E5%A4%A7%E4%BA%BA%E8%A6%BA%E7%B6%93.pdf…

Re: Bro Teoh’s Tuesday/Thursday classes dated 26 July and 11 Aug 2022 (Lesson 52 of the Wonderful dharma Lotus flower Sutra)

…2022 Tuesday class: Video link 1: https://youtu.be/lO66eRlYKXI Audio link 1: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Lotus-Sutra-53-220726.mp3 Sutra text link: http://www.cttbusa.org/dfs1/dfs1_17.asp.html 11 Aug 2022 Thursday class: Video link 2: https://youtu.be/Vpm40YsGuvA Audio link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Thu-220811.mp3 https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Appendix-6-Training-the-Mind.pdf With metta…

Re: Bro Teoh’s Tuesday class dated 9 Aug 2022 (Lesson 54 of the Wonderful dharma Lotus flower Sutra) and Thursday class dated 11 Aug

…Video link 1: https://youtu.be/ultHReM2Xoo Audio link 1: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Lotus-Sutra-54-220809.mp3 Sutra text link: http://www.cttbusa.org/dfs1/dfs1_18.asp.html 11 Aug 2022 Thursday class: Video link 2: https://youtu.be/Vpm40YsGuvA Audio link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Thu-220811.mp3 https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Appendix-6-Training-the-Mind.pdf With metta always, Bro Teoh…

Bro Teoh’s Tuesday/Thursday classes dated 23 Aug and 25 Aug 2022 (Appendix 6 – Training the mind Part 3)

…the world youtu.be Audio link 1: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Lotus-Sutra-56-220823.mp3 Text sharing: http://www.cttbusa.org/dfs1/dfs1_19.asp.html 25 Aug 2022 Thursday class: Video link 2: https://youtu.be/-BTrVOauFlI Audio link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Thu-220825.mp3 Appendix 6: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Appendix-6-Training-the-Mind.pdf With Metta always, Bro Teoh…

Bro Teoh’s 11Β AprilΒ Β 2019 Thursday class

Dear Kalyanamittas, Enclosed below are the audio and short notes links to our 11 April 2019 Thursday class for sharing by all. Audio link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Thu-190411.mp3 Short notes link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Short-Notes-Teoh-Thu-190411.pdf Whiteboard…

Bro Teoh’s 9 AprilΒ Β 2019 Tuesday class

Dear Kalyanamittas, Enclosed below are the audio and short notes links to our 9 April 2019 Tuesday class for sharing by all. Audio link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Tue-190409.mp3 Short note link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Short-Notes-Teoh-Tue-190409.pdf Whiteboard…

Bro Teoh’s 24th Jan 2019 Thursday class

and short notes links to our 24th Jan 2019 Thursday class recording for sharing by all. Audio link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Thu-190124.mp3 Short notes link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Short-Notes-Teoh-Thu-190124.pdf Whiteboard notes: https://i1.wp.com/broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Thu-190124.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 With metta always, Teoh…

Bro Teoh’s 22nd Jan 2019 Tuesday class

and short notes links to our 22nd Jan 2019 Tuesday class recording for sharing by all. Audio link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Tue-190122.mp3 Short notes link: https://broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Short-Notes-Teoh-Tue-190122.pdf Whiteboard notes: https://i0.wp.com/broteoh.com/wp-content/uploads/Teoh-Tue-190122.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 With metta always, Teoh…